
It's numb, Boss Dong discussed Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time to rush to the hot search, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot!

author:Always moving forward


Today, let's talk about consumers' attention to the reputation and cost performance of household appliance brands, recently, Lei Jun's Xiaomi was once praised by netizens, and they expressed their optimism about Xiaomi brand home appliances, saying that Xiaomi air conditioners are power-saving and affordable. As an industry giant, Gree is facing competitive pressure from emerging brands. Among them, Dong Mingzhu's remarks that Xiaomi's sales exceeded Gree's have also aroused heated discussions among netizens, what is the truth?

It's numb, Boss Dong discussed Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time to rush to the hot search, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot!

Netizen interaction

It's numb, Boss Dong discussed Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time to rush to the hot search, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot!

Consumer word-of-mouth has always been the focus of business's attention, after all, social media is spreading fast, and some bad news will have a bad impact on the company's reputation.

It's numb, Boss Dong discussed Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time to rush to the hot search, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot!

Some netizens said that they had used Gree air conditioners. However, it was found that the power consumption of air conditioners of this brand is relatively large. Later, they turned to buy Xiaomi air conditioners, and they felt that Xiaomi's was not bad

Others said that the Xiaomi air conditioners and refrigerators and other household appliances they bought were very energy-efficient, and the prices of Xiaomi air conditioners and refrigerators were relatively affordable.

There are also many other netizens who said that they are also old users of Gree, and now they have turned to Xiaomi brand home appliances.

It's numb, Boss Dong discussed Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time to rush to the hot search, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot!

Some netizens said that they had bought a Gree air conditioner before, but because of insufficient refrigeration, they changed to a Daikin air conditioner, and then bought two Xiaomi air conditioners.

Two years have passed, and these air conditioners have been used, and Xiaomi air conditioners are much stronger than other brands in terms of cooling effect and power consumption.

It can be seen from the comments of these netizens that consumers pay more attention to the cost performance of products when buying products.

These netizens are all old users of Gree before, and for various reasons began to look for a new air conditioning brand, and finally chose Xiaomi.

And the reason why Xiaomi can become one of the brands that everyone finally chooses is because of its consistent "cost-effective" strategy.

Although it has been defined as a cost-effective mobile phone brand since the day it was born, Xiaomi has not rested on its laurels.

On the contrary, Xiaomi has always maintained a good state in the mobile phone business, and has gradually set its sights on the home appliance business.

Although the current sales of Xiaomi air conditioners are not as good as Gliduo, Xiaomi's home appliance business has gradually opened up and is constantly moving forward.

Recently, Gree Electric also held the 2023 annual general meeting of shareholders, which was held at the company's headquarters in Zhuhai.

As one of the founders of Gree Electric Appliances, Dong Mingzhu, the chairman and president of the company, also attended the shareholders' meeting and made relevant speeches at the meeting.

However, Dong Mingzhu's remarks at the meeting attracted the attention of many netizens.

It's numb, Boss Dong discussed Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time to rush to the hot search, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot!

Dong Mingzhu refutes the rumors

Boss Dong claimed at the antique conference that all of Xiaomi's accessories were processed by others, and they themselves had no core technology at all. So how can the things they make compare to Gree? He never thought that the quality of Xiaomi would be better than that of Gree

It's numb, Boss Dong discussed Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time to rush to the hot search, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot!


As a giant in the industry, Gree Electric has always attracted much attention. But as consumers pay more attention to cost-effectiveness, emerging brands such as Xiaomi are also gradually emerging. Dong Mingzhu's remarks sparked conjecture and discussion among netizens, and it is interesting to see how Gree will deal with such competitive pressure in the future. What do you think of Gree and Xiaomi home appliances? Come and leave a message to share!

The material of the article is quoted from: Chao News

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