
Is this all right? Luo Jin's "Executive Judge" had a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

author:Ten percent of the story

The summer season is coming, and various David TV and video platforms have launched new dramas. CCTV is not far behind, and launched the political and legal drama "Executive Judge" focusing on the work of judges. This TV series starring Luo Jin and Yang Zishan broke through 1.6 in ratings at the beginning of the broadcast, approaching the first place in the country. However, clicking on the comment section is a bad review. What went wrong? Let's take a look at what the controversy is about this show.

Qinggang City People's Court, Criminal Division Judge Qi Lin is in his office to check the case file. Suddenly, my colleague Wei Gang pushed the door in: "Lao Qi, let's have dinner together tonight?" "

Is this all right? Luo Jin's "Executive Judge" had a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

Qi Lin replied without raising his head: "It's really not good today, there are too many cases at hand." "

Wei Gang didn't give up: "You have to come when the sky falls!" That's it, I'll pick you up after work. After speaking, he left in a hurry without waiting for Qi Lin to respond.

At night, as soon as Qi Lin walked out of the gate of the court, he was pulled into the car by Wei Gang.

"Where are you taking me?" Qi Lin was a little displeased.

Is this all right? Luo Jin's "Executive Judge" had a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

Wei Gang said mysteriously: "Take you to meet someone." "

The car was parked in front of a fancy restaurant. As soon as Qi Lin stepped into the private room, he saw a familiar face - the family of the defendant in a case he was trying.

Qi Lin's face suddenly turned pale: "Wei Gang, what do you mean by this?" "

Only then did Wei Gang realize that he had made a big mistake, and said hesitantly: "I... I didn't know they would come too..."

Qi Lin turned around and left without saying a word, leaving Wei Gang at a loss in place.

Is this all right? Luo Jin's "Executive Judge" had a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

The next day, Qi Lin was worrying about this matter in the office, and the dean suddenly called: "Xiao Qi, Wei Gang explained to me what happened last night. He said he didn't know, but felt it hurt you. Don't take it to heart. "

Qi Lin hung up the phone with a wry smile, thinking: This Wei Gang is really smart but was mistaken by cleverness.

At the same time, in the Executive Board, Chu Yun is dealing with a difficult case. The person subject to execution, Qi Runyu, was taken away and detained for not cooperating with his work. After Qi Lin learned of this, he asked the leaders at all levels for instructions according to the procedure and wanted to visit his aunt.

Is this all right? Luo Jin's "Executive Judge" had a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

Chu Yun received a call from the dean, explaining Qi Lin's intention. She promised well on the surface, but when Qi Lin walked into the office and introduced herself, she suddenly broke out:

"I know what you're here for! Your actions have interfered with our work! Don't you want to dredge up the relationship and use the leader to press me? "

Qi Lin was stunned by this sudden accusation: "President Chu, you misunderstood. I just want to see my aunt..."

Chu Yun interrupted him coldly: "No need to explain, please leave immediately!" "

Is this all right? Luo Jin's "Executive Judge" had a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

Looking at this scene, I can't help but sigh: everyone is equal before the law, but in reality, communication between people is so difficult.

After the show aired, it sparked heated discussions on the Internet. Some people praise it as a true reflection of the hardships of the judge's work, while others criticize the far-fetched plot setting and the lack of three-dimensional character building. Let's take a look at what netizens have to say.

@法律小白兔 said: "After watching the first episode, I gave up the show. The plot is too fake and completely inconsistent with the workflow of the court in reality. "

Is this all right? Luo Jin's "Executive Judge" had a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

This netizen's comment reflects the voice of many viewers. Indeed, as a political and legal drama, "Executive Judge" needs to be improved in professionalism. Screenwriters should probably visit more real courts to learn about the daily work of judges, so that they can create plots that are closer to reality.

@戏精本精 commented: "Yang Zishan's acting skills are really embarrassing, and she can't move the rhythm of the whole drama at all. "

The performance of the actors is a key factor in the success of a play. Chu Yun, played by Yang Zishan, did not leave a good impression, and her performance did not seem to accurately convey the emotions of the characters. This reminds us that actors should also think carefully when taking on the role and choose the role that suits them.

Is this all right? Luo Jin's "Executive Judge" had a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

@吃瓜群众甲 said: "Although the plot is a bit far-fetched, Luo Jin's acting skills are still very online. He played the judge's integrity and confusion very well. "

This comment points out a highlight of the show. Although the overall evaluation is not high, Luo Jin's performance has been recognized by the audience. This shows that even in a less-than-perfect work, a good actor can create an impressive character through his own efforts.

Is this all right? Luo Jin's "Executive Judge" had a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

@剧评人小C wrote: "Why do you have to add an emotional line? Isn't it okay for political and legal dramas to honestly talk about cases? "

This question is worth pondering. In many domestic dramas, the emotional line seems to have become the "standard". Writers may feel that this adds to the appeal of the series, but it may actually backfire. For political and legal dramas, too many emotional dramas may distract the audience from the case itself.

@正能量传播者 believes: "Despite its shortcomings, this drama has at least made more people aware of the work of judges. This attempt is still worthy of recognition. "

Is this all right? Luo Jin's "Executive Judge" had a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

This netizen's point of view is very interesting. Indeed, although there are many problems with "The Enforcement Judge", its original intentions are good. Through the popular form of TV dramas, more people can understand the law and the work of judges, which is a very meaningful attempt in itself.

In general, the controversy caused by the drama "Executive Judge" reflects our expectations for TV dramas, especially political and legal TV dramas. We want to see work that is both professional and engaging, with stories that reflect both reality and thought-provoking.

Is this all right? Luo Jin's "Executive Judge" had a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

This also makes us think: as an audience, how should we rationally look at film and television works? Shouldn't we criticize and give some constructive comments at the same time? For creators, how to find a balance between attracting audiences and being faithful to reality, and how to choose between the professionalism of the subject matter and the interest of the story?

Is this all right? Luo Jin's "Executive Judge" had a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

The birth of each work embodies the efforts of many people. Despite its shortcomings, it at least opens a window into legal practitioners. Perhaps in the future, we can see more excellent works on political and legal themes, which can not only show the solemnity of the law, but also touch the heartstrings of the audience.

Let's look forward to it and work for it. After all, the establishment of a society governed by the rule of law requires everyone's participation and attention. Excellent film and television works are undoubtedly an important way to spread the concept of the rule of law and improve the legal awareness of the whole people.

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