
The girl in the mountain was slapped angrily by her grandmother, Huang Bo decisively gave up the funding when she saw this, and netizens said: Do it right!

author:Little fish loves gossip
The girl in the mountain was slapped angrily by her grandmother, Huang Bo decisively gave up the funding when she saw this, and netizens said: Do it right!

In a remote mountainous area of Guangxi, Huang Bo and the program team embarked on a journey full of love and hope. During this visit, they met a little girl with a great talent for dancing - Hou Yuanli. Although her family is poor, Yuanli's academic performance is still among the best, and her optimism and strength deeply touched Huang Bo. In order to help this little girl realize her dream of dancing, Huang Bo decided to sponsor her. However, the development of things was unexpected, and Huang Bo had to re-examine his decision.

The girl in the mountain was slapped angrily by her grandmother, Huang Bo decisively gave up the funding when she saw this, and netizens said: Do it right!

Girl's background

Hou Yuanli lives in a very difficult family, her parents work outside the home all the year round, and she and her younger brothers are taken care of by her grandmother. Although she is only 9 years old, Yuanli has already taken on a lot of household chores. Every day after school, she has to chop wood, cook, and take care of her younger brother, which makes her more mature and sensible than other children of the same age.

The girl in the mountain was slapped angrily by her grandmother, Huang Bo decisively gave up the funding when she saw this, and netizens said: Do it right!

Yuanli's optimism and strength infected Huang Bo and everyone in the program team. Not only did she excel in her studies, but she also showed an amazing talent in dance. Through a chance encounter, Huang Bo learned about Yuanli's love for dance and decided to help her.

The girl in the mountain was slapped angrily by her grandmother, Huang Bo decisively gave up the funding when she saw this, and netizens said: Do it right!

Huang Bo's initial funding plan

In the process of coming into contact with Yuanli, Huang Bo discovered her amazing talent in dance. In order to better help her, Huang Bo specially invited Zhang Yixing to teach her some basic dance moves. Surprisingly, Yuanli learns very quickly, and can even easily complete difficult movements such as one-line horses and lower waists. This made Huang Bo even more determined to fund her.

The girl in the mountain was slapped angrily by her grandmother, Huang Bo decisively gave up the funding when she saw this, and netizens said: Do it right!

Huang Bo plans to sponsor Yuanli, hoping to help her realize her dream of dancing in this way. So, he decided to go to Yuanli's home in person to discuss funding with her family. However, when he stepped into Yuanli's house, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

The girl in the mountain was slapped angrily by her grandmother, Huang Bo decisively gave up the funding when she saw this, and netizens said: Do it right!
The girl in the mountain was slapped angrily by her grandmother, Huang Bo decisively gave up the funding when she saw this, and netizens said: Do it right!

The outbreak of family conflict

Huang Bo and the program team came to Yuanli's home. It was a dilapidated house with almost no decent furniture and appliances in the home, and it was all supported by government subsidies. When they arrived, they met Yuanli's grandmother returning home with her younger brothers.

The girl in the mountain was slapped angrily by her grandmother, Huang Bo decisively gave up the funding when she saw this, and netizens said: Do it right!
The girl in the mountain was slapped angrily by her grandmother, Huang Bo decisively gave up the funding when she saw this, and netizens said: Do it right!

When grandma saw a stranger coming to the house, her first reaction was to blame Yuanli for not greeting her in advance, and then angrily slapped her. Seeing this scene, Huang Bo and the members of the program team were stunned. Huang Bo comforted the aggrieved and crying Yuanli distressedly, and he realized that the patriarchal phenomenon in this family was very serious, and Yuanli did not get the love and respect she deserved at home.

The girl in the mountain was slapped angrily by her grandmother, Huang Bo decisively gave up the funding when she saw this, and netizens said: Do it right!

Huang Bo's hesitation and reflection

Witnessing all this, Huang Bo fell into deep thought. He realized that simple funding could not really change Yuanli's fate. Even if he provides funds, it is likely that the money will not be used for Yuanli, but will be used by the family for the life and education of his younger brothers. This made Huang Bo feel helpless and confused.

The girl in the mountain was slapped angrily by her grandmother, Huang Bo decisively gave up the funding when she saw this, and netizens said: Do it right!

Huang Bo began to reflect on his decision. He realized that helping a child is not just about providing material support, but more importantly about providing her with moral support and encouragement. In this family environment, what Yuanli needs is love and recognition, not just money.

The girl in the mountain was slapped angrily by her grandmother, Huang Bo decisively gave up the funding when she saw this, and netizens said: Do it right!

Final Decisions and Actions

After careful consideration, Huang Bo decided to abandon the plan for direct funding. He chose to give Yuanli a special birthday, giving her the dancing shoes she had always dreamed of and a phone watch. In this way, he hopes to give Yuanli spiritual encouragement and support.

The girl in the mountain was slapped angrily by her grandmother, Huang Bo decisively gave up the funding when she saw this, and netizens said: Do it right!
The girl in the mountain was slapped angrily by her grandmother, Huang Bo decisively gave up the funding when she saw this, and netizens said: Do it right!

Huang Bo also left her contact information and told Yuanli that she could contact him at any time when she encountered difficulties. This is not only an encouragement to the girl, but also a hope that tells her that as long as she works hard, everything can change.

The girl in the mountain was slapped angrily by her grandmother, Huang Bo decisively gave up the funding when she saw this, and netizens said: Do it right!

Social repercussions and reflections

Huang Bo's decision sparked widespread discussion in society. Many netizens believe that in a patriarchal family, it is difficult for the funds to support a girl to really be used on her, and may even increase her burden. Huang Bo's choice is a deep understanding of reality and helplessness, and he uses practical actions to tell the girl that as long as there is a dream in his heart, the future is still full of hope.

The girl in the mountain was slapped angrily by her grandmother, Huang Bo decisively gave up the funding when she saw this, and netizens said: Do it right!

Some netizens also pointed out that material assistance alone cannot solve the fundamental problem, and changing family concepts and education methods is the key. In such a family environment, girls need not only financial support, but also spiritual encouragement and love. Only in this way can we really help them get out of the predicament and realize their dreams.

The girl in the mountain was slapped angrily by her grandmother, Huang Bo decisively gave up the funding when she saw this, and netizens said: Do it right!


Through this experience, Huang Bo showed us another way of caring in addition to material support. Perhaps, for Yuanli, this spiritual encouragement and support is the power that can really change her fate. Material help is important in the face of poverty and hardship, but it is more important to give children the strength to hope and dreams.

Huang Bo's choice reflects his deep understanding of reality and helplessness. Through this experience, he not only gave Yuanli hope, but also made us see the importance of persevering in our dreams in difficult situations. Encouragement and hope for girls is the only way to help them get out of their predicament and achieve their dreams.

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