
Huang Bo's No. 100 shirt fought fiercely in the rain, and netizens frantically called: National team, look here!

author:In a word


Yesterday afternoon, the historic Qingdao Tiantai Stadium ushered in a unique football friendly match. The competition, with the theme of "Military and Civilian Fish and Water Situation", brought together many famous generals and star-studded to present a wonderful sports feast for the audience.

Huang Bo's No. 100 shirt fought fiercely in the rain, and netizens frantically called: National team, look here!

Although the sudden downpour in the final quarter of the game made the conditions particularly difficult, it did not stop the enthusiasm and fighting spirit of the players on both sides.

Huang Bo's No. 100 shirt fought fiercely in the rain, and netizens frantically called: National team, look here!

They sweated in the rain, enjoyed the joy of football, strengthened their bodies, enjoyed their bodies and minds, and enhanced their friendship with each other in the game.

Huang Bo's No. 100 shirt fought fiercely in the rain, and netizens frantically called: National team, look here!
Huang Bo's No. 100 shirt fought fiercely in the rain, and netizens frantically called: National team, look here!

In this friendly match, the performance of Huang Bo, an acting star from Qingdao and vice chairman of the China Film Association, was particularly eye-catching.

Huang Bo's No. 100 shirt fought fiercely in the rain, and netizens frantically called: National team, look here!

He officially joined the Qingdao Wave Stars United and wore the symbolic No. 100 jersey to participate in the fierce confrontation in the two quarters of the game, showing an impressive performance.

Huang Bo's No. 100 shirt fought fiercely in the rain, and netizens frantically called: National team, look here!

In the second quarter of the game, Huang Bo, who is about to enter the 50-year-old mark, showed a good competitive state. He assists his team-mates to score with precision.

Huang Bo's No. 100 shirt fought fiercely in the rain, and netizens frantically called: National team, look here!

This crucial pass not only helped Qingdao Waves Stars extend their lead, but also fully demonstrated Huang Bo's judgment and passing ability on the football field. His performance undoubtedly contributed an important force to the team's victory.


In the third quarter of the game, Huang Bo once again showed his football talent.

Huang Bo's No. 100 shirt fought fiercely in the rain, and netizens frantically called: National team, look here!
Huang Bo's No. 100 shirt fought fiercely in the rain, and netizens frantically called: National team, look here!

Under the successive wonderful passes of former international players Liu Jian and Qu Bo, he seized the opportunity and scored with a clever shot from a small angle to set the score at 4:2 and seal the victory for the team. This goal not only showed Huang Bo's excellent shooting skills, but also showed his calmness and decisiveness at critical moments.

Huang Bo's No. 100 shirt fought fiercely in the rain, and netizens frantically called: National team, look here!
Huang Bo's No. 100 shirt fought fiercely in the rain, and netizens frantically called: National team, look here!

In addition to his outstanding performance on the court, Huang Bo also showed a high level of professionalism and team spirit. He had a professional warm-up before the race and ran aggressively and spared no physical strength during the race.

Huang Bo's No. 100 shirt fought fiercely in the rain, and netizens frantically called: National team, look here!

This professional attitude and team spirit not only won the respect and trust of teammates, but also won the warm applause and cheers of the audience.

Huang Bo's No. 100 shirt fought fiercely in the rain, and netizens frantically called: National team, look here!
Huang Bo's No. 100 shirt fought fiercely in the rain, and netizens frantically called: National team, look here!

The lineup of members of Qingdao Ocean Wave Star United can be called luxurious, including not only many former professional players and even former international players.

Huang Bo's No. 100 shirt fought fiercely in the rain, and netizens frantically called: National team, look here!

For example, Wang Dongning, Ma Yongkang, Cui Xiaojia, Qiu Zhonghui, Xu Xiang, Du Bin, Tian Ye, Yang Kunpeng, Qu Bo, Liu Jian, Song Bo, etc., also attracted the participation of celebrities from all walks of life such as Wang Yimin, a famous player in Qingdao's tennis industry, Liu Yu, general manager of Qingdao Red Lion Football Club, and Zhang Lei, an actor from Qingdao.

Huang Bo's No. 100 shirt fought fiercely in the rain, and netizens frantically called: National team, look here!
Huang Bo's No. 100 shirt fought fiercely in the rain, and netizens frantically called: National team, look here!
Huang Bo's No. 100 shirt fought fiercely in the rain, and netizens frantically called: National team, look here!
Huang Bo's No. 100 shirt fought fiercely in the rain, and netizens frantically called: National team, look here!
Huang Bo's No. 100 shirt fought fiercely in the rain, and netizens frantically called: National team, look here!

Qingdao Hailang Star United appeared with a new look and equipment, embarked on a new journey, and moved forward bravely towards a better future. And Huang Bo's joining and outstanding performance have undoubtedly injected more vitality and expectations into this team.

Huang Bo's No. 100 shirt fought fiercely in the rain, and netizens frantically called: National team, look here!
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