
After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

author:Open-minded grape giA

Text/Open-minded Grape giA

Editor/Open-minded Grape giA

After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

In a variety show that attracted much attention, Huang Bo and the program team came to a remote and impoverished mountainous area in Guangxi.

The mountains and rivers are beautiful, but economic development is relatively lagging behind, and many families still live below the poverty line.

After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

During their visit, they meet a special girl named Xiaoli (not her real name), a girl with a talent for dancing and a lot of energy.

After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?
After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

Her parents worked outside the home all year round to make a living, leaving her and her elderly grandmother to depend on each other.

After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

Despite this, Xiaoli has never complained about the difficulty of life, but has infected everyone around her with her optimism and strength.

After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

After learning that Xiaoli had a strong desire to dance, Huang Bo was moved by her dream. He saw the glint in the little girl's eyes, which was the desire and yearning for a better future.

After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

So, Huang Bo decided to sponsor Xiaoli and help her realize her dream of dancing. He plans to buy the equipment she needs to dance and contact a dance school to provide her with professional training.

After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

Just when Huang Bo was about to do more for Xiaoli, an unexpected thing happened. One day, Huang Bo followed Xiaoli back to her home.

After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

There, he saw the real environment in which Xiaoli lived: simple houses, dilapidated furniture, and household chores that did not match her age. This made him even more determined to help Xiaoli.

After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

At this moment, Xiaoli's grandmother suddenly returned. She saw Xiaoli come home with a stranger, and a displeased expression appeared on her face.

After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

This scene shocked Huang Bo, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

He tries to stop Grandma's behavior, but Grandma justifiably says that this is a punishment for Xiaoli because she shouldn't just take strangers home.

After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

Seeing Xiaoli enduring pain and grievances, Huang Bo's heart was like a knife. He knew that he couldn't change the status quo of the family, nor could he provide Xiaoli with a better living environment.

After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

He realizes that even if he finances Xiaoli, he can't really solve the problems she faces. Because in this family, the idea of patriarchy is deeply ingrained, and girls are often not valued and respected. What's more, Xiaoli also has a younger brother, who is even more disadvantaged in the family.

After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

Huang Bo began to reflect on his behavior. He realized that, as an outsider, he had no right to interfere in the internal affairs of other people's families.

After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

He also has no power to change a social phenomenon. He understands that his sponsorship may bring more trouble and hardship to Xiaoli than true happiness and freedom.

After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

So, after experiencing this blow, Huang Bo made a difficult decision: he gave up the idea of funding Xiaoli.

After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

This decision surprised and puzzled many people, but Huang Bo thought it was the best choice he could make. He explained in front of the camera: "There are some things you can give, and there are things you really can't give. ”

After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

Huang Bo's decision has sparked extensive discussion and reflection. Many people are beginning to pay attention to the living conditions of poor girls and the risks they may face. They started thinking about how they could really help these girls achieve their dreams and goals.

After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

There are many people who understand and support Huang Bo's behavior. They believe that Huang Bo is a person with a sense of responsibility and conscience, and he has proved himself to be a kind and caring person with his actions.

After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

Looking back on the whole incident, we can't help but ponder one question: how can we help in the face of poverty and hardship? Do you give them direct material help or do you focus on their spiritual needs? Is it to change the status quo of a family or to solve a social phenomenon? There are no easy answers to these questions, but we need to think hard and work hard to find solutions.

After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

Finally, let us send our most sincere wishes to Xiaoli, hoping that she can overcome the difficulties in life and bravely pursue her dreams and happiness. At the same time, we also hope that all sectors of society can pay attention to the living conditions of poor girls and provide them with more help and support.

After seeing the girl slapped by her grandmother, Huang Bo directly gave up funding her, why is this?

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