
18-year-old Huang Bo endured it, 18-year-old Lu Han also endured it, and I couldn't bear it when I saw 18-year-old Lei Jiayin

author:Sprite speaks

Eighteen years old, a bright and hot age. Youth is in full bloom like a flower, full of hope for the future. At this age, everyone has their own wonderful. Today, we set our sights on three popular artists: Lu Han, Huang Bo and Lei Jiayin.

When Lu Han was 18 years old, he was full of the vitality of the 90s. At that time, he, like many of his peers, gave birth to a "non-mainstream" hairstyle. Although this exaggerated hairstyle obscures part of his appearance, his appearance is still enough to make him the center of attention on campus.

18-year-old Huang Bo endured it, 18-year-old Lu Han also endured it, and I couldn't bear it when I saw 18-year-old Lei Jiayin

It was such an outstanding appearance that made him discovered by talent scouts and had the opportunity to become a trainee in South Korea.

When you see a photo of Huang Bo at the age of 18 again, you may doubt the authenticity of this photo. However, trust that this is true. The sunny and confident teenager in the photo is the current "Brother Shanzheng" Huang Bo.

At that time, he was wearing a black shirt on the upper body, although it seems a bit "weird" now, but in the context of the 90s of the last century, this may be the trend at that time.

What has to be amazing is how Lei Jiayin looked when he was 18 years old. At that time, his image was completely different from the current "middle-aged uncle". The young Lei Jiayin, tall and straight, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, is handsome and compelling, just like a male protagonist who came out of an idol drama.

18-year-old Huang Bo endured it, 18-year-old Lu Han also endured it, and I couldn't bear it when I saw 18-year-old Lei Jiayin

Recalling the youth of those years, and then looking at their current appearance, people can't help but sigh at the ruthlessness of the years, like a knife, as cruel as killing pigs. Especially Lei Jiayin, who used to be a sunny boy, has now become a "source of happiness" in the hearts of the public, and this change is really emotional.

However, it is these changes that have witnessed their growth and let us see the power of persevering in our dreams.

After the 18-year-old aura receded, Huang Bo, Lei Jiayin, and Lu Han all had to face reality and experienced a long period of struggle.

18-year-old Huang Bo endured it, 18-year-old Lu Han also endured it, and I couldn't bear it when I saw 18-year-old Lei Jiayin

Huang Bo has had a strong interest in music since he was a child, and has always dreamed of becoming a singer and hopes that more people can hear his music. After years of hard work, he realized that he might need professional knowledge and skills to achieve his dreams.

Therefore, he decided to set his sights on Beijing Film Academy, hoping to improve his professional level through study and practice.

Huang Bo was indeed admitted to Nortel, but the trajectory of his life changed again, and he found that he was more eager to become an actor. However, in the entertainment industry where every inch of land is expensive, handsome guys and beauties are like clouds, Huang Bo's appearance can only be regarded as ordinary.

18-year-old Huang Bo endured it, 18-year-old Lu Han also endured it, and I couldn't bear it when I saw 18-year-old Lei Jiayin

He knows very well that if he wants to make a name for himself as an actor, he must rely on strength and acting skills.

In the past ten years of silence, Lei Jiayin's hardships and dedication are only clear to him. Especially after he was in the limelight for a while, he fell into the trough again, such ups and downs, for others, may have long been unbearable.

However, Lei Jiayin chose to persist and waited for his own opportunity with his strength.

18-year-old Huang Bo endured it, 18-year-old Lu Han also endured it, and I couldn't bear it when I saw 18-year-old Lei Jiayin

Lu Han's final decision to return to China for development is believed to be related to his experience in South Korean star training. After EXO's successful debut, Luhan's popularity rose dramatically, and he originally had more opportunities to develop in South Korea.

However, he believes that even if he develops well abroad, he is still not as good as his own motherland, and he firmly believes that with the huge Chinese market, whether he continues to be in the portfolio or not, he can break out of his own world.

Therefore, Lu Han firmly chose to return to China for development. This is undoubtedly a risky decision, but it also shows his extreme confidence in his own strength and deep insight into the Chinese market.

18-year-old Huang Bo endured it, 18-year-old Lu Han also endured it, and I couldn't bear it when I saw 18-year-old Lei Jiayin

This period is not only their patience with the predicament, but also their dedication to the goal. They are all patiently waiting for the opportunity to hone their abilities and prepare for the glory ahead. Their perseverance and patience paved the way for their future success.

After a long wait and persistence, Huang Bo, Lei Jiayin and Lu Han finally ushered in a turning point in their respective careers. This opportunity is both a reward for their years of hard work and an important springboard to success.

For Huang Bo, the TV series that made a turning point in his career was "Survival of Migrant Workers" in 05. This work focuses on the life of a migrant worker in Beipiao, and Huang Bo's own life experience has a certain similarity with it.

18-year-old Huang Bo endured it, 18-year-old Lu Han also endured it, and I couldn't bear it when I saw 18-year-old Lei Jiayin

It is this similarity that allows him to accurately grasp the essence of the character, and use real and three-dimensional acting skills to shape the characters in this drama very well After the broadcast of this drama, more and more viewers finally began to notice this newcomer with solid acting skills.

However, what really made Huang Bo an instant hit was the movie "Crazy Stone" he starred in the following year. After the film was broadcast, it caused a lot of repercussions in the year, not only a box office hit, but also received unanimous praise from the audience and critics.

Huang Bo's outstanding performance in the film made him leap from an unknown actor to a hot new star, this movie is not only a turning point in Huang Bo's career, but also a milestone in his acting career.

18-year-old Huang Bo endured it, 18-year-old Lu Han also endured it, and I couldn't bear it when I saw 18-year-old Lei Jiayin

Compared with other actors, Lei Jiayin's transition period is relatively late. After a long period of silence, the TV series "The First Half of My Life", which aired in 2017, became a turning point in his career.

This drama made the audience notice again that the actor Lei Jiayin, who had won the Best Newcomer Award, was widely recognized for his performance in the play, as if it had opened a new door for him.

Since this drama, Lei Jiayin's acting skills and professionalism have shone in the film and television industry. He has contributed a number of excellent works one after another, and has won unanimous praise from industry insiders and audiences.

18-year-old Huang Bo endured it, 18-year-old Lu Han also endured it, and I couldn't bear it when I saw 18-year-old Lei Jiayin

In the end, he successfully won the actor crown and achieved a gorgeous turn from obscurity to the pinnacle of acting.

For Lu Han, returning to China is undoubtedly a major turning point in his career. Although he already has a certain popularity in South Korea, he still resolutely chooses to return to the embrace of his motherland.

It is with the popularity accumulated abroad that he still has a large number of fans after returning to China.

18-year-old Huang Bo endured it, 18-year-old Lu Han also endured it, and I couldn't bear it when I saw 18-year-old Lei Jiayin

Participating in the variety show "Run, Brother" is a wise choice for Lu Han after returning to China. This show has made Lu Han's exposure increase rapidly, and his addition has also brought freshness to the show.

Lu Han's "confused" and "cute" performance in the show made many viewers have a good impression of him, and some people even compared him to a cute "roe deer".

These pivotal moments are not only opportunities, but also the result of years of hard work. These turning points marked the process by which Huang Bo, Lei Jiayin and Lu Han gradually became recognized by the public from obscurity.

18-year-old Huang Bo endured it, 18-year-old Lu Han also endured it, and I couldn't bear it when I saw 18-year-old Lei Jiayin

Huang Bo, Lei Jiayin and Lu Han seized and broke through these key moments, making them stand out in the highly competitive entertainment industry and start their respective brilliant acting careers.

Huang Bo, Lei Jiayin and Lu Han were all able to show their talents in their respective fields because of the arrival of opportunities. Their strength and contribution have made their value recognized.

Huang Bo's acting strength has been fully and fully demonstrated in many works, especially in a scene with Lan Yingying. The performance in this scene is called "Miss Numbers", although numbers are used instead of lines throughout the whole process, Huang Bo interprets the role vividly through precise positioning and rich body language.

18-year-old Huang Bo endured it, 18-year-old Lu Han also endured it, and I couldn't bear it when I saw 18-year-old Lei Jiayin

This not only shows his deep understanding of the role, but also shows his super strength as an actor.

Huang Bo, even in an environment of "a bunch of numbers", he can still perform freely, and Lan Yingying, who is his partner, also catches his performance just as well. This scene not only shows Huang Bo's superb acting skills, but also reflects his innovative spirit and flexibility in performance.

Since 2017, Lei Jiayin has ushered in the peak of his career. Many of his works have won wide acclaim, and finally won the crown of best actor. This hard honor is the best reward for his perseverance over the years.

18-year-old Huang Bo endured it, 18-year-old Lu Han also endured it, and I couldn't bear it when I saw 18-year-old Lei Jiayin

Lei Jiayin's success fully proves that as long as you stick to your dreams, you will one day usher in a blooming light.

Lei Jiayin's outstanding performance as an actor is not only limited to awards, but also reflected in his different surprises in each role.

His performance is delicate and nuanced, and every look and movement permeates his deep understanding and interpretation of the role. This persistent pursuit of performing arts has earned him wide respect and recognition in the entertainment industry.

18-year-old Huang Bo endured it, 18-year-old Lu Han also endured it, and I couldn't bear it when I saw 18-year-old Lei Jiayin

The song "Medal" not only shows Lu Han's singing strength, but also reflects his sense of responsibility and mission as an artist. The lyrics of the song are full of positive power, encouraging listeners to bravely face life's challenges, which complements Luhan's sunny and uplifting image.

In addition to their achievements in the professional field, the three also have their own characteristics in terms of personal charm. Huang Bo is known for his humor, and his performances always bring joy to the audience; Lei Jiayin gives people a cordial "middle-aged uncle" feeling, making the audience feel warm and close; And Lu Han maintains a sunny and handsome image, attracting a large number of young fans.

These unique personal charms made them leave a deep impression on the hearts of the audience.

18-year-old Huang Bo endured it, 18-year-old Lu Han also endured it, and I couldn't bear it when I saw 18-year-old Lei Jiayin

The blossoming of talent is not only a reward for past efforts, but also a cornerstone for future development. The success of the three actors, Huang Bo, Lei Jiayin and Lu Han, is the perfect combination of talent and sweat, showing their unique strength and charm in their respective fields, and confirming their talent and hard work.

Time flies, and the boy has become middle-aged. Nowhere is this change more noticeable than in appearance, but it is also very emotional. The phrase "time is a pig-killing knife" has been vividly demonstrated in Huang Bo, Lei Jiayin and Lu Han.

In particular, the change of Lei Jiayin makes people sigh at the powerful power of the years. At the age of 18, he is undoubtedly a standard "sunshine boy", with a slender figure and heroic eyebrows, just like a male protagonist who came out of an idol drama.

18-year-old Huang Bo endured it, 18-year-old Lu Han also endured it, and I couldn't bear it when I saw 18-year-old Lei Jiayin

However, the years are ruthless, and today's Lei Jiayin gives people the impression of a huge contrast of "happy life", which makes people sigh at the ruthlessness of the years.

However, because of this, Lei Jiayin showed a different kind of charm in front of the screen. He successfully created the image of the audience's favorite "middle-aged uncle", and this intimacy and life atmosphere made his performance closer to reality and more touching the hearts of the audience.

Huang Bo's changes were relatively mild. From a sunny and confident teenager at the age of 18 to a powerful actor today, although Huang Bo's appearance has left traces of time, his sense of humor and unique charm have not diminished at all.

18-year-old Huang Bo endured it, 18-year-old Lu Han also endured it, and I couldn't bear it when I saw 18-year-old Lei Jiayin

He used his own efforts to interpret the true meaning of "time is like a song", showing a timeless charm.

Although Lu Han is young, he has grown from a young boy to a mature and stable young man. Even so, he still maintains a unique image of sunny and handsome, which may be one of the reasons why he can continue to attract fans.

From a trainee in South Korea to a popular idol in China, Lu Han's growth path vividly shows his hard work and persistence.

18-year-old Huang Bo endured it, 18-year-old Lu Han also endured it, and I couldn't bear it when I saw 18-year-old Lei Jiayin

However, over time, their physical appearance changes, but more importantly, they grow on the inside. They will become more mature and stable, and they will know how to manage their career and life.

Huang Bo's humorous wisdom, Lei Jiayin's calm and introverted, and Lu Han's sunny self-confidence are all precious gifts given to them by the years.

These three artists have not only changed in appearance, but also continue to grow inside. Through their own experiences, they interpret the true meaning of growth and show the charm of years of precipitation.

18-year-old Huang Bo endured it, 18-year-old Lu Han also endured it, and I couldn't bear it when I saw 18-year-old Lei Jiayin

From the growth process of Huang Bo, Lei Jiayin and Lu Han, we can clearly see the power of persevering in dreams. From the age of 18, they have experienced countless hardships and setbacks along the way, but they have never given up on their dreams.

Huang Bo has come all the way from the music world, and after a long time, he was once unknown. His powerful performance in "Survival of Migrant Workers" finally attracted the attention of the audience, and "Crazy Stone" made him popular all over the country overnight.

Although this road is full of ups and downs, Huang Bo finally became a powerful actor loved by the audience with his own efforts and persistence.

18-year-old Huang Bo endured it, 18-year-old Lu Han also endured it, and I couldn't bear it when I saw 18-year-old Lei Jiayin

Lei Jiayin's growth process is full of twists and turns. After graduating from the play, he experienced a ten-year trough period. Although he won the Best Newcomer Award and Best Actor award, he still experienced a five-year career low, which was a difficult period that he did not give up.

However, he regained his position with "The First Half of My Life", and in his subsequent works, he showed outstanding acting skills and successfully won the actor crown.

Lu Han has become a popular idol in China from a Korean trainee, and his growth path is unique. He overcame the challenge, chose to return to China for development, and participated in the popular program "Running Brother" to increase his popularity, and showed his strength through the musical work "Medal".

18-year-old Huang Bo endured it, 18-year-old Lu Han also endured it, and I couldn't bear it when I saw 18-year-old Lei Jiayin

At the age of 18, they may have felt lost and hesitant, but it is precisely because of their perseverance in pursuing their dreams that they have achieved what they are today. Their stories show us that it takes time, patience, and perseverance to achieve your dreams.

Huang Bo, Lei Jiayin and Lu Han all used their own experiences to tell the story of their dreams, which is not only a tribute to youth, but also an ode to dreams, providing valuable inspiration for all those who have dreams.

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