
Chengguan District carried out the theme activity of celebrating "July 1st".

author:Chengguan release

Listen to the story of joining the party, remember the revolutionary martyrs, visit and comfort the old party members, and review the oath of joining the party...... Recently, in order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the grassroots party organizations in Chengguan District, Lanzhou City held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st", which fully demonstrated the spiritual outlook of "not forgetting the original intention to follow the party, keeping in mind the mission and making new contributions", creating a strong atmosphere of praising the party, respecting the party and loving the party, and further stimulating the patriotic enthusiasm of the majority of party members and cadres.

"I am very happy to receive this medal, which makes me feel the care and warmth of the party, although I am older now, I will continue to pass on the party's fine traditional style." Zhang Jinfeng, a veteran party member, said. Zhengning Road Community, Baiyin Road Street, carried out the "50 Years of Glory in the Party" commemorative medal distribution activity, and awarded the "50 Years of Glory in the Party" commemorative medal to five old party members, including Zhan Guanglin, Xu Xilin and Ha Yuanshan. The veteran party members said that on the occasion of the "July 1st", they felt particularly warm, moved and honored to receive the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" and the condolences of the party organization. In the future, we will continue to give full play to our surplus energy and contribute our strength to the party's various causes.

On June 27, Jiuquan Road Street held a grand celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party and the party building assembly activity of lighting up the red July in the memorial hall of the Lanzhou Office of the Eighth Route Army. At the scene, we visited the office of the Eighth Route Army in Lanzhou and the red-themed characteristic exhibition area, and felt the revolutionary history in the precious historical materials that have experienced the vicissitudes of life and the precious photos that carry history. Everyone said: "This red theme exhibition allows us to remember the deeds of our ancestors, understand the original intention and mission of the Communist Party of China, inherit the revolutionary spirit of the party, carry forward the glorious tradition of the party, and inspire everyone to set sail on a new journey and make contributions to a new era with a more high-spirited attitude!" ”

Chengguan District carried out the theme activity of celebrating "July 1st".

On June 26, the Party Committee of Jiuzhou Middle Road Community, Jingyuan Road Street, together with the Veteran Cadres Bureau of the Gannan Prefecture Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Party Committee of the Retired Cadres of the Lanzhou Cadre Rest House in Gannan Prefecture, carried out the "Praise Brilliant Achievements and Gather Silver Hair Power" literary and artistic performance activity on the square of the Gannan Cadre Rest House. The performance kicked off in the chorus "Our Generation", and 14 programs such as the big fan dance "Sing Honghu Water Again", the dance "Chinese Family Portrait", and the cheongsam show "Five-Star Red Flag" took turns, and the chorus "Seven Laws, Long March" pushed the whole performance to a climax and won warm applause from the audience. At the end of the event, everyone took a group photo with the national flag and froze their happy smiles on the bright national flag. At the same time, the Gannan Cadre Retreat Center awarded commemorative medals to its party members who have been "glorious in the party for 50 years".

Chengguan District carried out the theme activity of celebrating "July 1st".

On June 28th, Guangwumen Street held a series of commendation activities to welcome the seventh day of the party and the commemorative medal awarding ceremony of "50 years of glory in the party" in the future square auditorium of Dengjia Garden. During the event, 8 party member representatives were awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party". This move stimulated the enthusiasm of all party members and cadres in the street to love the party and the country, and also conveyed everyone's high respect for the old party members, and a total of more than 100 people participated in the event.

Chengguan District carried out the theme activity of celebrating "July 1st".

(Source: Guanjincheng)

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