
See you at 8 o'clock in the news丨The logo of the Paralympic Games was unveiled at the Arc de Triomphe, and it was displayed before the opening of the Olympic Games for the first time in history

author:Beijing News

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Two months before the opening of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games, on June 28 local time, the giant Paralympic logo was unveiled on the Arc de Triomphe, a landmark building in France. This is the first time in the history of the host city that a giant Paralympic logo has been displayed before the opening of the Olympic Games.

See you at 8 o'clock in the news丨The logo of the Paralympic Games was unveiled at the Arc de Triomphe, and it was displayed before the opening of the Olympic Games for the first time in history

Photo/Xinhua News Agency

According to the International Paralympic Committee, the giant Paralympic logo was unveiled at Tower Bridge at the London Paralympics, at Copacabana Beach at the Rio Paralympic Games and at Tokyo Bay at the Tokyo Paralympics, but these were all displayed after the Games that year.

The Paralympic logo is made up of red, blue and green bands, and its name, "Agitos", which means "I sport" in Latin, and its shape represents the convergence of athletes from all over the world to a central point – the Paralympic Games. Andrew Parsons, President of the International Paralympic Committee, said: "Seeing the Paralympic Movement's logo on one of the world's most famous landmarks is a very special moment and a real announcement that the Paralympic Games are about to take place in Paris. "The opening ceremony of the Paris Paralympic Games will be held on the Champs-Élysées and Place de la Concorde, and for the first time in history, the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games will be held outside the stadium and in the heart of the city. Read the full >>>

The mysterious disappearance of 130,000 yuan in deposits is not only related to the vital interests of the depositors involved, but also involves the basic trust of the public in the bank.

See you at 8 o'clock in the news丨The logo of the Paralympic Games was unveiled at the Arc de Triomphe, and it was displayed before the opening of the Olympic Games for the first time in history

Picture/Screenshot of the WeChat public account "Agricultural Bank of China Shaanxi Branch".

According to media reports, in April 2018, the husband of Ms. Deng, a citizen of Pingli County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province, died of illness, and Ms. Deng later found that her husband had left more than 130,000 yuan in the account of the Agricultural Bank of China before his death. I was told that there was money in my bank account, but after many unsuccessful withdrawals, I even cancelled my account. How exactly such an anomaly occurred obviously leaves too many questions. According to the bank, the incident was a mistake on the part of the staff and "said that there was not so much money in the account". Such a response further increased the suspicion of the incident.

What is even more strange is that, according to Ms. Deng, during the development of the incident, the bank staff who handled the business for her at the beginning told her that "she personally gave me 2,000 yuan to see if it would work", and went to Ms. Deng's home several times in the middle of the night to "say that she would negotiate to deal with the matter". If such details are true, why does a dispute between a depositor and a bank turn into a "negotiation" between individuals? What's the secret behind this? Taking a step back, four years have passed since 2020 to today, how much money is in the bank card, why did the withdrawal not be made to Ms. Deng in time, how did the staff's "mistakes" happen, and how could the account be cancelled? What is the responsibility of banks in this regard? None of this should have been so difficult to investigate. And four years have passed, why is it still a "confused account"? In the latest response, the bank still said that it still needs to go through the process in response to relevant questions. I hope that after four years, this suspicious incident of "the mysterious disappearance of deposits and the bizarre cancellation of accounts" can be revealed as soon as possible, and don't continue to be trapped in the "process". Read the full >>>

The topic of "100,000 yuan for the 718 branch of the employee's son in the college entrance examination" was on the hot search list of social platforms yesterday, which sparked discussion. Is it a "hype champion" for enterprises to participate in publicity and give rewards?

See you at 8 o'clock in the news丨The logo of the Paralympic Games was unveiled at the Arc de Triomphe, and it was displayed before the opening of the Olympic Games for the first time in history

Picture/WeChat public account "Middle East Group"

According to reports, the company that gave out the prize money to the candidates was Jilin Middle East Group. It is understandable for the company to reward the children of employees with excellent results in the college entrance examination. However, as some netizens questioned, only the "champion" is rewarded, and the "champion" is emphasized in the announcement, which inevitably gives people the impression that "the company is hyping the champion of the college entrance examination". This kind of behavior of enterprises is essentially propaganda and hype of "college entrance examination champions". However, the Ministry of Education of the mainland has clearly demanded that all schools in all localities should adhere to the correct outlook on educational performance, and it is strictly forbidden to announce, publicize, and hype up the "top students in the college entrance examination" and "high-scoring candidates" in any form. Although this ban is mainly aimed at local education departments and schools, it is also discouraged and not encouraged for enterprises to participate in publicity and hype.

It should be noted that this kind of propaganda of enterprises is essentially out of the "champion complex" and caters to the attention of the society to the "champion". At present, the mainland is promoting the reform of educational evaluation that eliminates the need for grades, advancement, and academic qualifications, and it is necessary to create a good educational ecological environment for the growth and success of every student. Only rewarding the "top student in the college entrance examination" is more likely to stimulate the comparison mentality of "this is someone else's child" and strengthen the "champion complex" for other employees of the enterprise and the public.

It is undeniable that there is still a utilitarian and short-sighted tendency in basic education in mainland China, which not only aggravates the academic burden of students, but also increases the anxiety of every family. Therefore, the Ministry of Education proposed that the focus of this year's basic education work should be to rectify the utilitarian and short-sighted behavior of running schools. The key lies in the change of educational concepts. To promote the change of the concept of education, of course, it is not only a matter for the education departments and schools, but also needs to form a joint force of the whole society. It is also necessary to be wary of corporate rewards and other hype of high-scoring students and "college entrance examination champions" in the name of attaching importance to education. Read the full >>>

What's new in the world of young people? Last week @新京报 launched a poll on 8 topics that young people care about, and they said this......

See you at 8 o'clock in the news丨The logo of the Paralympic Games was unveiled at the Arc de Triomphe, and it was displayed before the opening of the Olympic Games for the first time in history

Young people have pets at the next level! After the kittens and puppies, they began to raise crabs, were keen to buy disposable daily necessities, and would reward themselves for eating something good. The battle over the remote control of the air conditioner is on the verge of breaking out, how many degrees do you drive this summer? There are also a group of young people who have escaped from the cubicle and run to the outdoors and mountains, rivers and lakes, and cycling and paddleboarding have become new popularity. What are your choices for these 8 topics? Read the full >>>

There are many problems in online second-hand transactions, sometimes sellers deceive buyers, falsely advertise, conceal product defects, and even sell fake and shoddy products; It also happens from time to time that buyers fool sellers, such as malicious returns, unreasonable refusals, and requests for refunds after deliberately damaging goods. In this case, it is difficult to protect the rights and interests of both parties, both are consumers, who should be protected?

See you at 8 o'clock in the news丨The logo of the Paralympic Games was unveiled at the Arc de Triomphe, and it was displayed before the opening of the Olympic Games for the first time in history

In recent years, second-hand trading, as a new consumption model that saves resources and is environmentally friendly, is expanding at an unprecedented rate. According to data released by a second-hand trading platform, 45% of the platform's transactions are related to interest. The transaction volume of blind boxes, decorative wigs, Hanfu accessories, LO skirts, and celebrity peripherals has increased exponentially, of which the transaction volume of blind boxes has increased by 137 times at the beginning of 2024 compared with the same period last year. These transactions, which are based on common interests, are more likely to lead to friendship. Interest consumption represented by games, pet plants, model games and animations, etc., generates about 40 chats per order. 40% of these chats take place after the transaction, and many buyers and sellers establish new friendships and continue to communicate after confirming the receipt of the goods.

Today, the transaction scale of the domestic second-hand market has exceeded one trillion yuan. With more and more young people joining, the future development space may be wider. Some reports predict that by 2025, the scale of idle goods trading in the mainland is expected to exceed 3 trillion yuan. The support of national policies also promotes the vigorous development of the second-hand market. As of September 2022, the overall pattern of the second-hand market has shown a trend of one super and many strong. With the proposal of the national "double carbon" goal, the trend of further development of the second-hand market has been continued, especially the introduction of a series of favorable policies, and the development of the second-hand market has entered the fast lane.

With the rapid expansion of the market, many problems have gradually emerged. Due to the particularity of second-hand goods, it is difficult to define whose responsibility is once the physical product does not match the description or there is a quality problem, and the process of applying for a refund is cumbersome and time-consuming. What's more worrying is that the quality of second-hand goods is uneven, and compared with ordinary e-commerce platforms, the situation of mismatched goods is more prominent. In addition to this, logistics and invoicing issues are also obstacles that hinder the smooth flow of second-hand transactions. In the face of frequent problems in the rapid development of the second-hand market, we must realize the importance of regulating the market and protecting the rights and interests of consumers. The government, enterprises and all parties in society need to work together to establish a more perfect regulatory mechanism and integrity system to ensure the healthy and orderly development of the second-hand market. Read the full >>>

Many Chinese readers were first introduced to Wislawa Szymborska by quoting a line from Szymborska's "Love at First Sight" by Taiwanese cartoonist Jimmy in "Go Left, Go Right."

See you at 8 o'clock in the news丨The logo of the Paralympic Games was unveiled at the Arc de Triomphe, and it was displayed before the opening of the Olympic Games for the first time in history

Szymboska's well-known beginnings date back to 1996, when the Polish poet won the Nobel Prize for Literature that year, and she was the third woman to win the Nobel Prize. Since then, her poems have been translated into 36 languages and published in 18 countries. "Sure is beautiful, but impermanence is even more beautiful." This line of poetry as we know it has been translated in many versions in the Chinese world. The popularity of these translations confirms Szymboska's popularity, but it also continues to raise questions about what is impossible to translate in her poems. In addition to the "untranslatable" poems, the Szymborskhachi also seem to refuse to be approached. She rarely appeared in public during her lifetime and refused to give public interviews. In her epitaph, she wrote: "Here lies a comma-like old-fashioned female writer who has written a few poems. ”

Szymboska's life almost filled the twentieth century, and she was undoubtedly the one who lived in the big time. It is undoubtedly difficult to write a biography of such a person. This literal translation of the Polish biography "Szymboska: An Intimate Biography of a Poetic Heart" attempts to approach such a person. A few days ago, the Beijing News Book Review Weekly and Yilin Publishing House jointly held a sharing event for the book. Compared with other languages, Polish is relatively niche, there are only five PhDs in Polish language and literature in China, and two of the guests at this event are Mao Rui, the translator of this book, and Li Yinan, director of the Polish Language Teaching and Research Department of Beijing University of Foreign Chinese. At the event, they shared with the host Manzai how the "untranslatable" Simposka was translated. Read the full >>>

Editor: Wei Yue, Design: Zhu Jinghui, Proofreader: Zhang Yanjun

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