
Android is stabbed! Huawei released the P70 Beidou Satellite Message Edition, and the Mate70 is ready!

author:Fish feed technology

It's a bit of a surprise,Huawei suddenly released the P70Beidou satellite message version,And it's only 100 more than the standard version,It's a bit of a pit,Let users who start the standard version feel like "eating a bite of a fly,It's really not a taste." ”

Satellite messaging technology has been made so cheap by Huawei,Because not long ago, the Android Super Cup finally used the satellite call function,There is still no Beidou message on the machine,This is a very fatal blow to Android,

Because the price of 6K is the Pro model of the Android flagship, it is not to reduce the price if Huawei wants to grab market share, but to decentralize the technology, which is more terrible than the volume price.

Android is stabbed! Huawei released the P70 Beidou Satellite Message Edition, and the Mate70 is ready!

Beidou satellite picture message has become the flagship standard version, and Nova12Ultra is equipped with Beidou two-way message function, which has become the exclusive advantage of Huawei mobile phones, it is the only choice for users in need, for self-driving users, it is not Android that is more cost-effective, but Huawei has a life-saving function.

Android is stabbed! Huawei released the P70 Beidou Satellite Message Edition, and the Mate70 is ready!

However, the new dilemma that Android really has to face is from the mate70 series,A blogger revealed that Huawei's new flagship hardware has been"stand by",Everything is ready only to owe Dongfeng,Just wait for the official version after the Hongmeng 5.0 open beta。

Android is stabbed! Huawei released the P70 Beidou Satellite Message Edition, and the Mate70 is ready!

Judging from the design of the spy photos, it combines the characteristics of Mate50 and Mate60, which is a bit interesting, because Mate50 is Huawei's first mobile phone with Beidou satellite news, and it is also the flagship machine that was finally launched after being suppressed for two years, Yu Chengdong talked about this is a flagship that was launched with great difficulty, and it is the only mobile phone equipped with a Snapdragon processor.

And Mate60 is the Kirin 9000S return, the first satellite call function is far ahead, the combination of these two designs is the "end and the beginning" The end of an era is also the beginning of a new era!

Android is stabbed! Huawei released the P70 Beidou Satellite Message Edition, and the Mate70 is ready!

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Android is stabbed! Huawei released the P70 Beidou Satellite Message Edition, and the Mate70 is ready!