
Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School

author:New glamorous campus
Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School
Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School

 June is the end of youth and the bookmark of years. Quietly, it's graduation season again. The wind on the campus, gently blowing through every green leaf, seems to whisper, telling the story of the upcoming farewell. The sunlight shines through the treetops, sprinkling dappled light and shadow, which is the memory of the students' youth, and it is a chapter of laughter, tears, dreams and hopes.

Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School

On June 29, Nanjing Yuhuatai Junior High School held the 2024 graduation ceremony of "Harmony Teenagers Walk in the Rain", and Nanjing Yuhuatai Junior High School Secretary of the Party Branch, Principal Sun Jin, Deputy Secretary Shen Li, Vice Principals Feng Zhiqiang, Zhang Rui, Feng Zuotao, Chairman of the Labor Union Cao Xiaomin and other school leaders, all graduating class teachers and students and parent representatives witnessed this unforgettable moment.

Chapter 1: Shang Ya

National Anthem

Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School

The graduation ceremony officially kicked off with the solemn national anthem

Review video

At the sports meeting, the students worked hard and sweated; At the kite festival, students flew their dreams and spread their wings; At the party, the students gathered together, singing and laughing; In the tea room, the students arranged flowers and tasted tea, and felt the elegance...... These bits and pieces have gathered into the three years of the students' growth, and under the influence of the "harmony" culture at the beginning of the rain, the students have quietly grown up. Students and parents watched the film "The Imprint of the Passing Years: Dreams of the First Middle School, Going to the Future Together", and reviewed the school life in the past three years and remembered those days of working together.

Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School

Representatives of teachers made speeches

Teachers are responsible for teaching and educating people. They not only impart knowledge to students without reservation, but also teach students the principles of life and life. On the occasion of parting, Ling Ai, the representative of the teachers, recalled the good time spent with the students, and sent blessings to the graduates. I hope to take morality as the beacon, the rule of law as the criterion, history as the mirror, and the sages as the example, and leave the footprints of youth on the road of life.

Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School

Parent representatives spoke

The parents of Feng Zhenzhou, a student in the third (9th) class of junior high school, sent their blessings to the students, hoping that they would be healthy, happy and love life; The spirit is bright and the life is abundant; Steady and far-reaching, and then promising; Dreams come true and the future is bright.

Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School

Student representatives spoke

Zhang Naqi, a student from the third (2) class of junior high school, spoke as a student representative, expressing her gratitude to her alma mater, teachers and parents, and encouraging students to be true to their hearts, find their passions, maintain consistent humility, and meet future challenges with the courage to step on the mountains and seas.

Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School

Situational recitation

The third year of junior high school is a poem full of fantasy and a magnificent drama. There is the laughter of classmates and the sweat of classmates. The students brought the situational recitation program "Looking Back, Voyage", expressing their reluctance to their youth and their expectations for a better future: May you go to blossom like flowers, and meet again as before!

Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School
Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School

Message from the Principal

Sun Jin, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Principal of Yuhuatai Junior High School, sent a parting message to the students. He extended warm congratulations to the students who are embarking on a new journey, expressed his most sincere thanks to the teachers and parents for their selfless dedication, and sent a message to all the graduates: to always maintain the feelings of family and country, and contribute to the country and society; Be grateful, take pride in your alma mater, and constantly motivate yourself to work hard; We must always strive for progress, enhance our inner strength, and forge ahead.

Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School

Graduation certificates are issued

Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School
Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School
Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School

President Sun Jin presented graduation certificates to the students

Gift-giving ceremony

On behalf of the school, Feng Zuotao, vice principal of Yuhuatai Junior High School, accepted 18 osmanthus trees presented to his alma mater by Chen Yaming, the representative of the third grade students.

Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School

Chapter 2: Chasing the Light

Dance performance "Warm Youth"

Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School
Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School
Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School
Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School

The student representatives brought a dance performance "Warm Youth", and the cheerful and dynamic dance steps interpreted the enthusiasm and unrestrainedness of youth, and conveyed the vitality of youth and the vision for the future.

Song skewer "Our Farewell"

"How many people are working hard for life to go on bravely, should we be content, cherish everything, even if we don't have ......" The students brought the song "Our Farewell", and the singing echoed in the auditorium, and the students expressed their attachment to their alma mater, gratitude to their teachers, attachment to their parents and expectations for the future in their own way.

Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School

Teacher performance

The teachers brought performances of "I Love You China" and "Run", wishing the students a bright future and a promising future with singing.

Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School
Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School
Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School
Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School
Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School

Chapter 3: Chasing Dreams

Students lay flowers

For more than 1,000 days and nights, it was the teacher who led the students all the way forward with wisdom and sweat. The student representatives presented flowers to the teachers, expressing their deep reluctance and gratitude to the teachers.

Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School
Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School

Speech from the subject representative teacher

The representative teachers of each discipline also sent blessings to the students, wishing all the graduates to continue to pursue their dreams and write their own wonderful chapters on the road of life in the future.

Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School
Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School
Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School
Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School

"Let's write a beautiful future of struggle for youth together, and may your life be as dazzling as a burning magnesium strip!"

"May your thinking be as active as electronics, may your learning be as efficient as superconductivity, and may you be as light as electricity, and reach the other side of your dreams at the speed of light."

"In the long river of history, may you grasp every important moment, understand history, and be wise about the future. Perform your own wonderful chapter on the stage of history!"

Heya Teenager walks in the "rain" - the 2024 graduation ceremony of Yuhuatai Junior High School

Xi Jun gave birth to wings and turned into a northern fish. The passage of time can not linger the dream of perseverance, the speed of time can not take away the eternal heart, the green years of the first three years of the rain will always be engraved in the hearts of the students, become the most precious memory of their life journey, I hope that the students of the rain in the future, to dream as a horse, live up to the time. So far, the 2024 graduation ceremony of Nanjing Yuhuatai Junior High School's "Heya Youth Bathing in the 'Rain'" has come to a successful conclusion!


Video production: "Famous Schools" column group

Graphic production: Jiangsu New Charm Campus Media Center

Editor: Hu Wenqing, Li Zhuquan

Editorial Board: Zhou Jie, Yuan Jinghan, She Chun, Sandy

Editor-in-chief: Zhou Jie

Joint Listings:

Guangming Daily "Educator" Jiangsu Division

Jiangsu Education Channel's "Famous Schools and Famous Families" column group

Nanjing TV Niuka video

"New Charming Campus" column group