
Be vigilant: the elderly machine is illegally used by scammers and becomes a fraud tool!

author:Yongle Micro Police
Be vigilant: the elderly machine is illegally used by scammers and becomes a fraud tool!

You think you can only use smartphones

Will you be deceived?


Now the elderly machine is also starting to become the target of scammers!!

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Be vigilant: the elderly machine is illegally used by scammers and becomes a fraud tool!

Recently, a new type of fraud using the elderly machine to commit crimes has appeared in many places, criminals are taking advantage of the loophole that "most of the elderly do not know how to use the elderly machine to scan the WeChat code", to receive laundry detergent, paper towels and other small gifts as bait, in the name of registering a WeChat account for them, it is easy to induce the elderly to hand over their mobile phones to the criminals to operate, "small gifts" are received, but their real-name authentication and registration of WeChat accounts are used by fraudsters to carry out telecommunications network fraud crimes......

Laundry detergent scam

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Su, an 80-year-old man in a certain place, met two young people from other places setting up a stall when he was rushing to the market, claiming that he could get laundry detergent or laundry detergent for free by "sweeping". Su was moved by this "little cheapness" and decided to try it, but because he didn't have a WeChat account, he wouldn't apply, so he let the two young people take their mobile phones to the side and operate for more than half an hour.

The anti-fraud center of the local public security bureau received a clue related to fraud issued by the Ministry of Public Security, which pointed to Su's mobile phone number suspected of a foreign telecommunications network fraud case, and the WeChat account used by the suspect to commit the crime was the same as Su Mou's previous greed for free gifts, which was registered by two young people with their mobile phone numbers.

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Be vigilant: the elderly machine is illegally used by scammers and becomes a fraud tool!

    Paper towel scam

Similarly, when Wu, a 72-year-old man in a certain place, participated in the "receiving tissues" activity in the town, he was deceived by several outsiders to use his mobile phone number to register a WeChat account on the pretext of receiving gifts, and then sold it to criminals, and the suspect used the WeChat account to commit telecommunications network fraud against others. As a result, Wu's mobile phone number was shut down by the public security organs on suspicion of committing a crime.

"Health insurance door-to-door" scam

The gang headed by Zhang, with the business licenses and company authorization letters of two leather bag companies, under the guise of "responding to national policies, helping villagers activate electronic medical insurance cards for free, and facilitating the masses", went around villages and alleys in some districts and counties in the province to provide "door-to-door services" for the elderly left behind in rural areas, but in the process of activating electronic medical insurance cards for the elderly, they took the mobile phone information and identity information of the elderly, and used their information to register Alipay, WeChat, Douyin and other APP accounts with their real names and sell them to the fraud gang for profit. When they were caught, the gang had already made a profit of more than 50 yuan by this means.

(Stealing the personal information of the elderly on the grounds of applying for a medical insurance card, committing a crime)


The majority of elderly people should not easily hand over their mobile phones to strangers for operation or leak their identity information in order to be greedy, so that the phone cards or bank cards handled by their real names have become tools for others to carry out telecommunication network fraud activities, resulting in themselves being included in financial and communication punishments, and the mobile phone cards and bank cards under their names will not be able to be used normally!

Source: Deyang Anti-Fraud Center

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