
How much is the right money to buy a family car? Which models are suitable for starting? Some practical advice for you

author:Said Che Xiao Li

Hello everyone, I'm Xiao Li. Many people have been struggling, want to buy a family car, but don't know what price is the right car to buy, used to sell 1450,000 family cars, now 70,000 or 80,000 can be bought, now the same is to spend hundreds of thousands but can buy a model that I couldn't think of before. Although some people think that the family car is suitable on the line, there is no need to buy expensive, but for many people, buying a car itself is also a face project, we do not compare with others who is richer, the car bought back at least can not be too bad, as the saying goes, it is more than the upper than the bottom. Regarding the problem of buying a car, Xiao Li and I will give you some practical suggestions based on my own experience, hoping to help you.

How much is the right money to buy a family car? Which models are suitable for starting? Some practical advice for you

First of all, the price range of models suitable for family cars on the market is relatively large, tens of thousands to more than 100,000 or 200,000, we have to choose according to our own strength, you can't take out a loan to buy a car today, and you can't pay off the loan as soon as there is a change in work in a few months. This kind of car is not called a buyer, this is called a swollen face and a fat man, and there is no way to do it.

We must not buy a car with a swollen face and become fat, especially in the case of a loan to buy a car, it is easy to be fooled by the 4S store to buy a car beyond their own ability as soon as their heads are hot. Because the current car market is relatively volatile, in order to facilitate the transaction, most 4S stores have engaged in low down payment loans. To put it bluntly, it doesn't matter if you have money or not, as long as you can get the down payment, you can get the car back through a loan. Their purpose is to sell the car, and they don't think about whether you can afford it later. But the current situation is that the general environment is not good, many people's jobs are unstable, like my friend, who did well last month, and this month their company went out of business. If you don't take into account the actual situation, you may not be able to repay the loan.

How much is the right money to buy a family car? Which models are suitable for starting? Some practical advice for you

I suggest that if you need a loan to buy a car, the car loan must be controlled within one-third of your personal salary. For example, if you and your wife have a total monthly income of 10,000 yuan, and your monthly income may be 6,000 yuan, then your car loan control is less than 2,000 yuan, and the pressure is minimal. And your down payment amount must be controlled within your own 3-year savings, which is more reasonable. In this way, you will find that even if there is a problem with the work of someone at home all of a sudden, you can calmly deal with the car loan problem.

Since all along, the major car manufacturers have positioned the price of family cars at about 150,000 yuan, and the new joint venture compact cars with medium and high configuration in the past are about 15. But now these cars like Lavida, which used to be the top of the list of family cars, have also sold for about 80,000 yuan, although the price of cheaper models has not changed, but I don't recommend everyone to buy these cars.

How much is the right money to buy a family car? Which models are suitable for starting? Some practical advice for you

The first reason is that cars are getting cheaper and cheaper, and for the same amount of money as before, you can buy a B-class car, and you can buy a B-class car in a joint venture. The B-segment car has more space and more comfort, and is itself more suitable for families. The second reason, as I told you at the beginning, is that buying a car is actually a face-saving project, and it is necessary to do more than the above. When everyone around you drives a B-class car, you can't afford to buy a compact car for 80,000 yuan, and for many people who value face, they will soon be tempted to change the car, which will waste a lot of money.

Regarding the question of which models are suitable for many people to start with family cars, I can only say that everyone's needs are different, and the requirements for models are also different. If you don't know about cars and are worried about buying the wrong one, you can choose a big brand car with a large sales volume. If you use a lot of cars by yourself and are worried about the high cost of using a car in the later stage, you can choose a fuel-efficient one or buy a pure electric model directly. Today's new energy vehicles are no longer of the same quality as before, and they can be rushed.

How much is the right money to buy a family car? Which models are suitable for starting? Some practical advice for you

Whether to buy a sedan or an SUV depends on your needs. But I bought 4 cars myself, all of them are sedans, and to be honest, I will change to an SUV when I change cars later. One is that we already have a car, and it is more convenient to buy an SUV to use, and I have been driving a car for so many years, and I am really tired of driving. The second is that sometimes when I go back to my hometown, my mother-in-law stuffs all kinds of large bags and small bags of specialties, and the trunk of the car has to put the children's accompanying items and special products, which is indeed more crowded. The third is that the children in the future will grow up day by day, and they need to take the children out to see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, and it will be more inconvenient to drive a car at that time, and they must also plan for the future.

How much is the right money to buy a family car? Which models are suitable for starting? Some practical advice for you

But if you are the first car in the family, you are not married yet, or you have just gotten married, or you are going to buy a car to get married, I think it is enough for you to buy a B-class car of about 150,000 yuan. Follow my advice above to plan your budget, and you won't regret buying a car, do you think what I said makes sense?