
With the opening of the Paris Olympics imminent, the United States slandered Chinese athletes for abusing doping, and China responded strongly

author:Sun Xuwen

As we get closer to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, geopolitical interference with competitive sports is becoming more and more intense. In April this year, the China Anti-Doping Center issued a statement strongly condemning foreign institutions and media for deliberately distorting the facts, ignoring the World Anti-Doping Agency's ruling on the 2021 Tokyo Olympics incident in which 23 Chinese swimmers were innocently contaminated with trimetazidine, in an attempt to attack the China Anti-Doping Center and the World Anti-Doping Agency by manipulating public opinion, misleading the public, and spreading misinformation.

Just a month after the announcement was released, the notorious U.S. House of Representatives' "U.S.-China Strategic Competition Committee" asked the U.S. Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the International Olympic Committee to launch an investigation into the so-called "doping of Chinese swimmers in 2021". In the face of the pressure of the extreme anti-China forces in the United States, our side has also made a tough response. A few days ago, the China Anti-Doping Center issued another statement, criticizing the US Anti-Doping Agency for seriously damaging the reputation of the China Anti-Doping Center and the World Anti-Doping Agency and undermining the global anti-doping order.

With the opening of the Paris Olympics imminent, the United States slandered Chinese athletes for abusing doping, and China responded strongly

It is worth mentioning that in addition to the China Anti-Doping Center (CADA) being speaking out for the truth and the global anti-doping order, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), which has been subjected to malicious criticism and strong pressure from the United States, has also decided to no longer hold back its anger. According to the news released by Reuters on May 17, the WADA Council made it clear in a special online meeting held on the same day that the US Anti-Doping Agency has been trying to undermine the efforts and authority of the agency. Banka, the current president of the World Anti-Doping Agency, did not shy away from pointing out that American athletes are currently the group with the least doping tests in the world, and nearly 90 percent of American athletes refuse to comply with international anti-doping regulations.

It is worth mentioning that at the Tokyo Olympics three years ago, the United States also accused Russian athletes of taking banned drugs, which eventually led to the suspension of Russian athletes from the Olympic Committee. This time the same plot happened to China again, which can't help but make people wonder about the political factors behind it. In fact, it is not difficult to see from this round of the game that the United States is not so much using "doping" as an excuse to obstruct mainland swimmers from participating in the upcoming Paris Olympics, but rather using the voice of public opinion to put this matter on the table.

With the opening of the Paris Olympics imminent, the United States slandered Chinese athletes for abusing doping, and China responded strongly

Therefore, their target is not only Chinese swimmers, but also the mainland's international image, which is very typical of the old Cold War-style public opinion warfare. At the same time, we should also note that the public opinion war against China personally planned and implemented by the United States this time has exposed the deep-rooted contradiction between US hegemony and multilateralism. The authority of the World Anti-Doping Agency is unquestionable, but the United States wants to embody "exceptionalism" in the rules of competitive sports, which is why the president of the agency angrily denounced that American athletes are generally not bound by the rules. It can be seen that this kind of arrogant mentality based on hegemony has long been unpopular.

However, it is precisely such a country that ignores international anti-doping rules that wants to stand on the "high ground of rules" and condescendingly "judge" the athletes on the mainland, which is exactly the same as the United States' practice of applying the "Law of the Sea" when it is appropriate and abandoning it if it is not. However, slander is only slander after all, and no matter how many times the United States repeats such a lie, it is impossible to erase the real facts.

With the opening of the Paris Olympics imminent, the United States slandered Chinese athletes for abusing doping, and China responded strongly

In particular, when the United States unscrupulously undermines the reputation of international authoritative organizations, it is itself destroying the international order established by the United States itself, and the direct consequence of such behavior is that the international community has to re-establish a set of mechanisms to adapt to the new situation. At that time, it will be the turn of the United States to answer whether it wants to stand on the opposite side of the international community.

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