
Overview of Cross-border Marketing (5): Marketing and Brand Strategy III.


Overview of Cross-border Marketing (5): Marketing and Brand Strategy III.

Overview of Cross-border Marketing (5): Marketing and Brand Strategy III.

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"Overview of Cross-Border Marketing(5): Market and Brand Strategy III"

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Overview of Cross-border Marketing (5): Marketing and Brand Strategy III.

1. Brand

(一)识别品牌Recognizing the brand

The narrow definition of "brand" focuses primarily on brand identity. A strong brand must have a full-bodied, distinctive BIS. After scientific and complete planning of BIS, the core value of the brand can be implemented and effectively connected with daily marketing activities, and the marketing activities of the enterprise will have standards and directions. The brand identity system includes four aspects: concept, behavior, vision and hearing, but the most common is the visual identity system (VIS). E-commerce application scenarios are also particularly suitable for visual fuss.

The narrow definition of "brand" mainly focuses on brand recognition. A strong brand must have a full, distinct Brand Identity System (BIS). Only after scientifically and thoroughly planning the BIS can the core value of the brand be realized, effectively integrated with daily marketing activities, and the enterprise's marketing activities have standards and direction. The brand recognition system includes concepts, behaviors, visuals, and auditory aspects, but the most common is the Visual Identity System (VIS). E-commerce scenarios are particularly suitable for visual enhancements.

(二)打造品牌Build a brand

Brand is the result of long-term efforts of the enterprise and is the intangible asset of the enterprise. Brand building is long-term, systematic and consistent. After a cross-border e-commerce enterprise selects a target market, it must determine the positioning of its products in the target market, and then build a brand through a series of actions.

A brand is the result of a company's long-term efforts and is the company's intangible asset. Brand building has characteristics such as long-term, systematic, and consistency. After selecting the target market, cross-border e-commerce companies must determine the positioning of their products in the target market and then take a series of actions to build the brand.

1.确定品牌定位Determine brand positioning.

Conduct macro or micro market research, on the basis of which the STP target market position is carried out, and determine the brand positioning based on its own situation.

Conduct market research, whether on a big scale or a small scale. Based on this, identify your target market through segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP), and then determine the positioning of your brand according to your own situation.

2.品牌内化与内部营销Internalization of Brand and Internal Marketing

The key to building a brand is within the enterprise, and brand internalization involves many aspects such as technology research and development, production process, product portfolio, management system, and communication behavior.

The key to building a brand lies within the company itself, internalizing the brand involves various aspects such as technology research and development, production processes, product mix, management systems, and communication behaviors.

(1) Product portfolio and evaluation: choose a good product portfolio according to brand positioning.

Product Mix and Evaluation: Choose a good product mix based on brand positioning.

(2) Internal marketing: The real crisis of the enterprise comes from the inside, and only through solid organizational construction and sufficient internal marketing can the brand be internalized, so that each employee's words and deeds have the characteristics of "brand", in order to eliminate this risk.

Internal Marketing: The real crisis for companies comes from within. Only by solid organization building and effective internal marketing can the brand be internalized, so that every employee's words and actions embody the characteristics of the brand, thus eliminating this risk.

(3) Excellent customer service: Every boss wants to see positive reviews about the brand, and hopes that customers will leave good reviews in the store and be satisfied with the company's service.

High-Quality Customer Service: Every boss wants to see positive comments about their brand, hoping that customers leave good reviews in the store and are satisfied with the company's services.

二、市场战略策划Market Strategy Planning

(一)最优市场战略函数Optimal market strategy function

Enterprises enter different market life stages, and the market strategies adopted should be different. The author tries to use the following function to represent the optimal market strategy:

Enterprises should use different market strategies at different stages of their life cycle. The author attempts to outline the optimal market strategy using the following function:

Optimal market strategy function = f[(customer× channel × commodity), the life stage of the target market]

The optimal marketing strategy function = f[(customer x channel x product), the life stage in which the target market is]

At present, this function only has a qualitative meaning, that is, in a specific market, there is always an optimal entry strategy, and this optimal market strategy is determined by the market characteristics composed of target customers, entry channels, and commodities, as well as the life cycle of the market

This function currently only has a qualitative significance, meaning that in specific markets, there's always an optimal entry strategy. This optimal market strategy is determined by the market characteristics consisting of target customers, entry channels, products, and the market's lifecycle.

(二)市场战略策划流程Market strategy planning process

1. Self-assessment – identify strengths or make a determination to differentiate

Self-assessment - finding strengths or making a determination to create differentiation.

2. Determine the target - quickly understand the market from the situation of the benchmark company

Determine the goal - quickly understand the market from benchmark companies.

3. Preset market – Roughly describe the market in terms of customer demand, product differentiation, brand positioning, channel/regional presets, etc

Roughly describe the market from aspects such as customer needs, product differentiation, brand positioning, and channel/region settings.

4. Market Research – Purposefully conduct market research within a preset market range

Market Research - Conduct market research purposefully within the predetermined market scope.

5. Segmentation and target market - try to use some kind of standard to subdivide the market and win the target market

Segmentation and target market - try to use some standards to segment the market, targeting the desired market.

6. Brand positioning - find the differentiated mental model of the brand in the target market

Brand positioning - finding the differentiated mental model of the brand in the target market.

(三)市场战略策划画布Market strategy planning canvas

Overview of Cross-border Marketing (5): Marketing and Brand Strategy III.

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Copywriting|Luo Shan

Typesetting|Luo Shan


Reference: Logistics

Translation source: ChatGPT

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