
Qinxian Rural Commercial Bank's Rural Revitalization Division Songcun Branch's marketing "combination punch"

author:Sanjin Qingrong

Since the beginning of this year, the Songcun Branch of the Rural Revitalization Division of Qinxian Rural Commercial Bank has firmly established the awareness of striving for excellence, keeping an eye on the goal and not relaxing, and going all out to do marketing, up to now, the balance of the department's loans has increased by 14.66 million yuan compared with the beginning of the year, and has exceeded the target for the second quarter.

Qinxian Rural Commercial Bank's Rural Revitalization Division Songcun Branch's marketing "combination punch"

They firmly established the awareness of the main business of micro-loans, organized and held special meetings on learning and marketing, and conveyed the specific requirements of the work to each employee, so that everyone could clearly position themselves and correct their thinking; At the same time, they hold micro-loan training seminars on a weekly basis to exchange and learn from each other, strengthen training on micro-loan concepts, micro-loan products, marketing skills and communication, etc., so that employees can gradually change from unwilling to market, dare not market, and do not know how to market to try marketing, active marketing, and precision marketing.

Qinxian Rural Commercial Bank's Rural Revitalization Division Songcun Branch's marketing "combination punch"

The department has carried out solid marketing around the "three rural" customers, individual merchants and other customer groups, and has dug deep into the market potential with comprehensive visits and docking. Based on the financing needs of new agricultural business entities, they have sorted out the list of upstream and downstream entities of the characteristic industrial chain within their jurisdiction in detail, established a customer information database for farmers, and implemented precision marketing based on the list system to meet the capital needs of customers to the greatest extent; We will fully support individual industrial and commercial households, establish an information database of individual industrial and commercial households, and take the marketing of "Jinxiang e-loan" products as the starting point to achieve full coverage of financial services for individual industrial and commercial households in the jurisdiction, and provide strong financial support for the retail industry.

Qinxian Rural Commercial Bank's Rural Revitalization Division Songcun Branch's marketing "combination punch"

They continue to improve the efficiency and service quality of loans, vigorously promote and publicize the "Jinxiang e-Loan", further reduce paper materials, optimize the loan process, and shorten the loan processing time. At the same time, when handling other micro-loan business, the division adheres to the principle of "completing everything on the same day", and insists on door-to-door investigation at the first time when the customer information is complete, so as to improve the service experience and satisfaction of customers, and lay the foundation for the efficient completion of micro-loan business. Contributed by: Li Xin, Qinxian Rural Commercial Bank

Source: Changzhi Nongxin

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