
Shidian County Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially established

author:Ink Shidian

On June 28, the Shidian County Fire and Rescue Brigade and the other 2,755 county-level fire and rescue brigades across the country simultaneously added the brand of the resident fire and rescue bureau, marking a new stage of the integration and reform of the national comprehensive fire and rescue team.

Shidian County Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially established

Relevant leaders of the city and county attended the listing ceremony and unveiled the plaque for the Shidian County Fire and Rescue Bureau.

Shidian County Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially established

The ceremony pointed out that the listing is an important measure of the Party Central Committee on the integration and reform of the national comprehensive fire and rescue team, which is conducive to the fire rescue team to better integrate into the overall work of the county, promote the transformation of the fire safety governance model to pre-prevention, and better serve the local economic and social development.

Shidian County Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially established

The ceremony required that after the county fire and rescue bureau was listed, it should better perform its territorial fire supervision and management duties, standardize the construction and management of local government full-time fire brigades, further enhance the level of fire safety risk prevention and comprehensive rescue capabilities, and provide fire safety service guarantee for the high-quality development of local economy and society. The fire rescue team should continue to maintain the state of "catching up with the exam", continue to show the attitude of "struggle", and constantly create a new situation in the county's fire rescue industry around the overall goal of "prevention, winning, and good management". The county fire and rescue bureau will take the listing as a new starting point, better integrate into the overall situation of local economic and social development, better undertake the important task of reform and development, and earnestly assume the political responsibility of "promoting the development of one party and ensuring the safety of one party", and show the new atmosphere, new responsibility and new actions of the team with the practical actions of protecting the safety of the people and benefiting the people.

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