
Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

author:Mrs. Ichiri
Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

Li Xueqin has been in big trouble lately.

Maybe she didn't expect that the phrase "can't swim" would cause such a big storm.

First of all, the matter of adding points in the college entrance examination by virtue of his status as a second-level swimming athlete was not in line with the facts;

Then he was also picked up from high school, and the school didn't even have a swimming pool, and it actually trained 25 "second-level swimmers".

The former genius student was caught in the controversy of academic fraud overnight.

Is it an oolong? Or has the privileged tactics of celebrities invaded the education system?

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

Things have to start a few days ago, and some melon-eating netizens discovered:

Li Xueqin entered Peking University in 2013 through the identity of a second-level swimming athlete and obtained the admission qualification of Peking University's independent enrollment with 20 points.

Originally, it was not a strange thing to enroll students independently in the college entrance examination, but the problem is that Li Xueqin once mentioned in a variety show: "I can't swim."

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

But in the public information on the relevant page, it is clearly written that Li Xueqin participated in the 2013 National Children's Swimming Championships and was awarded the title of second-class athlete.

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

can't swim but can get the second-level swimming athlete qualification certificate, which happens to be the year she got the college entrance examination, and even more coincidentally, she can add points.

It seems that Sima Zhao's heart is well known to passers-by, and there was a lot of discussion on the Internet for a while.

After Li Xueqin's Peking University classmates saw it, they hurriedly stood up and responded, claiming:

Li Xueqin's college entrance examination score consists of two parts, the first part is the college entrance examination score of 633 points, and the second part is the additional score of 20 points in the independent entrance examination of Peking University.

This statement is no different from what netizens picked up, and the problem lies in the bonus points of sports.

The student's explanation was that "Li Xueqin won the first place in the written examination in the independent enrollment of Liaoning Province, and successfully passed the interview, and received 20 extra points from Peking University".

And it was emphasized that "there is no bonus point for sports performance."

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

In the published transcript, Li Xueqin's college entrance examination results can also be clearly seen, and she scored 140 points in mathematics alone.

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

At the same time, Li Xueqin's support club also made self-proof:

Every achievement of Li Xueqin can stand the test of time and facts...... There are no sports bonuses in the admission grades.

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

The controversy over Li Xueqin's college entrance examination results seems to have been concluded, and there is no doubt about the scores of the top students.

But netizens also found that there is another question that is still in the blur:

How did the Level 2 Certificate in Swimming come about? It's useless, why do you need to get this permit?

As mentioned above, Benxi High School, where Li Xueqin is located, was exposed to sports bonus point fraud in 2014.

Of the more than 1,000 college entrance examination candidates in the school, 87 of them have received extra points for excellent students, and they can all get 10 extra points.

However, according to the parents of the school contacted by the media at the time, the school "ends school at 11:30 every night, there is no physical education class, there is not even a swimming pool, and there are 25 second-level swimmers?"

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

After the news broke, Liaoning Province set up a joint investigation team, requiring the physical elite students to first conduct a self-examination, and sign the "Letter of Integrity Commitment" if they believe that they meet the standards for physical excellence, and sign the "Application for Waiver of Bonus Points" if they believe that they currently do not meet the standards for physical excellence.

Of the 87 gifted students, only 21 signed the pledge.

So, was Li Xueqin ever one of these people? What is the real purpose of this certificate? This becomes the key issue.

Some netizens even questioned that this might be Li Xueqin's "special preparation" for the college entrance examination, but it was not used.

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

To this day, Li Xueqin herself has not come forward to make any response.

Click into her personal homepage, the latest news is a video clip of her talking about the college entrance examination in a variety show, as if reminding netizens that she was once a representative of countless audiences.

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

In fact, Li Xueqin is not the first public figure to be questioned about college entrance examination fraud.

On the hot search at the same time as Li Xueqin, it was Wang Yan's son Wang Hongqin.

As a sports student of Beijing No. 4 Middle School, the certificate of a first-class basketball player has been awarded a place guaranteed by Peking University.

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

However, when netizens collected information about Wang Hongqin's previous games, they found that his score was extremely low and he had been on the bench for a long time, which was very inconsistent with the level of specialty students.

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that
Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

So the questions of netizens are also very clear, since it is Peking University with a specialty, and this specialty is not very outstanding, how did he get the guaranteed place, is it possible that "it is because of his identity as the son of a wealthy family"?

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

Similar situations are not uncommon.

Zhang Zetian was admitted to Tsinghua University with her bodybuilding expertise, and whether it can be used as proof of her academic success is still discussed by everyone today.

And the admission of public figures in the college entrance examination is doubtful, and it is not only the way to add points for specialties.

Maybe you still remember Tong Zhuo, who exploded in the live broadcast room and changed his identity as a former student to a new student in order to repeat his studies.

When I told this, I didn't even feel that there was anything wrong with it, and I was still complacent.

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

Of course, in addition to the college entrance examination itself, those who have been admitted to university cannot escape the "sharp eyes" of netizens.

College students who have graduated in the past few years may not forget one person-

In the live broadcast room, ask "What is CNKI?" Question of Dr. Zhai.

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

I have been promoting it earlier because I "only have a doctorate degree in film school", and I have eaten up the dividends of the academic bully, and in the end, I don't know what HowNet is when I read a doctorate.

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

Coincidentally, two years ago, the National Theatre announced the list of fresh graduates to be hired that year, and the names of Yi Yang Qianxi, Hu Xianxu, and Luo Yizhou were impressively listed.

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

Originally, it was a happy event to go ashore after graduating from undergraduate, but I never thought about it, but this move caused a large-scale de-powdering.

First of all, some people questioned that the recruitment requirements of the National Theatre clearly stated that in addition to the status of fresh graduates, applicants must also meet the conditions of "non-working personnel" during the school period, but all three have their own contract companies.

It was also revealed that the three proposed stars did not take the exam according to the normal procedures, and did not even attend the complete interview offline.

The suspected operation of the "radish pit" angered a group of netizens, and even backstabbed a group of "small town problem-solvers":

has already served the golden rice bowl that everyone envies, why bother to grab the iron rice bowl that ordinary people work hard to have the opportunity to fight for?

Seeing that public opinion could not be controlled, Yi Yang Qianxi, the most controversial person in the incident, came forward to explain:

In full compliance with the recruitment notice and examination requirements of the National Theatre, three examinations were held on April 14, April 25 and May 2.

However, in order not to add trouble to everyone, after careful consideration, I decided to give up joining the National Theater.

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

There is also a hot search for Yang Mi's paper published in the authoritative academic journal "China Radio and Television Journal" some time ago.

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

Many people questioned when Yang Mi's acting schedule was so intensive, when did he complete the creation of his thesis?

And in what qualifications did she publish her paper?

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

Some melon-eating netizens took the paper to check the duplication, and it turned out that the duplicate check rate of Yang Mi's paper was only 0.9%, and AI may be involved.

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

Seeing that netizens continued to question, the Academic Department of the China Canton Federation finally responded that "there will be a unified opinion", which temporarily settled the situation.

All kinds of events seem to have exhausted the public's trust in celebrities, and Xueba's character looks like the best "fashion item" of celebrities.

But when netizens wanted to see the origin of these characters more realistically, they found that few of them could stand up to scrutiny.

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

Some people may wonder why the public's sentiment towards news related to "celebrity education" is much greater than that of other lace news?

The answer is actually very simple, education can be said to be the fairest way for ordinary people to choose or change their future lifestyle.

And the privileged occupation of enrollment and ashore quota resources at the cost of depriving ordinary people of opportunities.

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

"College Entrance Examination" documentary

For example, ordinary people need to go through more than ten years of hard study and struggle to be admitted to university;

Most of them, even with 12 points of effort, can't reach the threshold of top universities.

Not to mention the admission to public institutions, thousands of troops have crossed the single-plank bridge, and there are countless "losers".

When ordinary people bury their heads in a dark room and revise year after year, just to be able to pass the exam and get a better standard of living;

Someone has already lived a life that he would never have been able to live in his life, and he can easily occupy the "winning spot" of the exam through other means.

The injustice in my heart can be imagined.

Li Xueqin was exposed to the falsification of Peking University's calendar, and the truth behind it is far more than that

Perhaps, as Professor Dai Jinhua said in his speech:

Many people are "poor" not because they don't work hard enough, there is nothing wrong with them, but because there is a deviation in the distribution of resources, and they do not enjoy equal treatment.

The anger of netizens does not come from "not seeing the stars well", and they want to pull them off the altar.

Behind the amplified emotions is actually an unbalanced psychology that does not suffer from a small number but suffers from unevenness.

To get superior resources, you must also have matching qualifications.

When celebrities enjoy the aura of "scholars" brought by privileges, and have an income level that ordinary people can't match, they not only thrive in the entertainment industry, but even encroach on other people's educational resources;

In the lives of ordinary people, it will be difficult to talk about the word fairness.

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