
Haidilao's first waitress Yang Lijuan: primary school education, joined at the age of 17 and is worth more than 3 billion at the age of 40

author:Sister Shangjin talks about the world
Haidilao's first waitress Yang Lijuan: primary school education, joined at the age of 17 and is worth more than 3 billion at the age of 40
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Haidilao's first waitress Yang Lijuan: primary school education, joined at the age of 17 and is worth more than 3 billion at the age of 40

In the bright starry sky of China's catering industry, Yang Lijuan's name is like a dazzling new star. Her story is like a gripping inspirational legend: an ordinary girl from Jianyang, Sichuan, with only a primary school diploma, stepped into the life-changing Haidilao store at the age of 17.

Who would have predicted that this seemingly ordinary beginning would be the prologue of her brilliant life. 23 years later, the timid little waiter has transformed into a business leader worth more than 3 billion.

The legend of Yang Lijuan not only interprets the power of personal struggle, but also reflects the epitome of China's economic take-off, inspiring countless people with dreams.

Yang Lijuan's childhood was not all smooth sailing. In an ordinary mountain village in Jianyang, Sichuan, her family is experiencing severe economic hardship. In order to change the fate of the family, her brothers chose to go out to work.

Haidilao's first waitress Yang Lijuan: primary school education, joined at the age of 17 and is worth more than 3 billion at the age of 40

However, due to a lack of professional skills and social experience, they not only failed to achieve their dreams, but instead took on heavy debts, which made their already struggling families even worse.

Faced with the deteriorating family economic situation, the young Yang Lijuan had to make a difficult choice - to give up continuing her studies and join the society to earn money to support her family.

This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for a girl who has just stepped out of elementary school. However, the burden of life did not crush this seemingly weak girl, but inspired her inner tenacity and wisdom.

With her natural intelligence and hard-working hands, Yang Lijuan soon found a job as a restaurant handyman in the city. Despite the heavy and menial work, she never complained.

Haidilao's first waitress Yang Lijuan: primary school education, joined at the age of 17 and is worth more than 3 billion at the age of 40

On the contrary, she used her diligence and intelligence to stand out in a short period of time. In that era when the monthly salary of waiters was generally only 80 yuan, Yang Lijuan could earn a salary of up to 120 yuan.

This not only reflects her outstanding work ability, but also demonstrates her potential and value that cannot be ignored.

Whenever night falls, Yang Lijuan lies on the simple bed, looking at the mottled ceiling, and often falls into deep thought: Is this my life? Deep down, she longs to one day change the fate of herself and her family.

However, at this time, she did not know that fate was quietly preparing an unexpected turning point for her.

Haidilao's first waitress Yang Lijuan: primary school education, joined at the age of 17 and is worth more than 3 billion at the age of 40

Despite the hardships of life, Yang Lijuan never gave up her thirst for knowledge. In addition to her busy work, she often uses her spare time to study on her own and strive to enrich herself.

She firmly believes that only by continuing to learn can we have more opportunities in the future. This indomitable spirit of learning has laid a solid foundation for her future success.

Looking back, Yang Lijuan often said that it was those difficult years that forged her tenacious character. She learned to look for opportunities in the face of adversity and to maintain hope in the face of difficulties.

These valuable qualities became a powerful weapon for her to fight in the mall in the future.

Haidilao's first waitress Yang Lijuan: primary school education, joined at the age of 17 and is worth more than 3 billion at the age of 40

Life's turning point often comes unexpectedly. For Ms. Yang, the turning point came on an ordinary working day. That day, a seemingly ordinary customer walked into the restaurant where she worked, and this customer was Daniel Zhang, the founder of Haidilao.

Daniel Zhang originally just conducted routine market research, but Yang Lijuan's service made his eyes shine. Her enthusiasm, carefulness and efficiency are exactly what Daniel Zhang expects from his ideal employee.

After the meal, Daniel Zhang did not hesitate to throw an olive branch to Yang Lijuan - a salary of 160 yuan per month, much higher than her income at that time.

Faced with this tempting opportunity, Yang Lijuan fell into hesitation. She has a sense of responsibility for her current job and worries about whether she will be able to adapt to the new environment.

Haidilao's first waitress Yang Lijuan: primary school education, joined at the age of 17 and is worth more than 3 billion at the age of 40

However, fate seems to have arranged everything for her. Soon after, due to objective reasons, the restaurant where Yang Lijuan originally worked faced demolition.

Standing at the crossroads of life, Yang Lijuan took a deep breath and dialed the phone left by Daniel Zhang. Her voice trembled slightly, but her eyes were firm and hopeful.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm Yang Lijuan. If your invitation is still valid, I am willing to join Haidilao.

In this way, 17-year-old Yang Lijuan stepped into the door of Haidilao and opened a new chapter in her life. However, the new work environment brings not only opportunities, but also great challenges.

Haidilao's first waitress Yang Lijuan: primary school education, joined at the age of 17 and is worth more than 3 billion at the age of 40

Haidilao is known for its unique service concept, which requires employees far beyond ordinary restaurants.

In the face of busy work and strict requirements, Yang Lijuan did not back down. Instead, she sees these challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. Not only did she have to master service skills, but she also had to learn how to operate a computer and even get a driver's license.

Every day, she is the first to arrive at the store and the last to leave. Her diligence and hard work were quickly recognized by her colleagues and customers.

From an ordinary waiter to a lobby manager, Yang Lijuan took less than half a year. During this period, she experienced countless times of self-doubt and doubts from the outside world. But whenever she feels overwhelmed, Daniel Zhang's encouragement always gives her strength.

Haidilao's first waitress Yang Lijuan: primary school education, joined at the age of 17 and is worth more than 3 billion at the age of 40

"Lijuan, you are stronger than you think." This sentence has become the driving force that supports her to keep moving forward.

In Haidilao, Yang Lijuan not only learned professional service skills, but more importantly, she gradually cultivated her management ability and business vision. She began to learn how to manage a team, how to improve customer satisfaction, and how to optimize business strategies.

These valuable experiences have laid a solid foundation for her future career development.

Looking back on this experience, Yang Lijuan often said that joining Haidilao was one of the most correct decisions in her life. It not only changed her fate, but also allowed her to find her own value in life.

Haidilao's first waitress Yang Lijuan: primary school education, joined at the age of 17 and is worth more than 3 billion at the age of 40

In Haidilao, she is no longer just an ordinary waiter, but a dreamer who is constantly growing and breaking through herself.

1999 was a turning point full of challenges and opportunities for Yang Lijuan. This year, Haidilao decided to expand its business territory to Xi'an, and Yang Lijuan was selected as the person in charge of the Xi'an branch.

This decision caused quite a stir within the company.

However, Daniel Zhang has full confidence in Yang Lijuan. "Lijuan, I believe you have this ability. Xi'an is a brand new market and a stage for you to show yourself.

Haidilao's first waitress Yang Lijuan: primary school education, joined at the age of 17 and is worth more than 3 billion at the age of 40

Daniel Zhang's words made Yang Lijuan both moved and apprehensive.

Leaving the familiar Sichuan and coming to the unfamiliar Xi'an, Yang Lijuan faced far greater challenges than she imagined. When she first arrived in Xi'an, she often looked out the window at the unfamiliar city scene in the dead of night, and her heart was full of anxiety and loneliness.

But she knows that she has an important responsibility and cannot live up to Daniel Zhang's trust.

At the beginning of the opening of the Xi'an branch, there was an endless stream of customers due to the freshness. But over time, the traffic began to drop dramatically. Faced with this dilemma, Yang Lijuan did not sit still.

Haidilao's first waitress Yang Lijuan: primary school education, joined at the age of 17 and is worth more than 3 billion at the age of 40

She led her team to the streets to hand out flyers and post advertisements on street corners. At times, their actions attracted the attention of the chengguan, but these setbacks did not shake her resolve.

However, the biggest challenge comes from some unfriendly customers. Once, a group of drunk customers made a disturbance in the store, threatening the safety of other customers. Faced with this situation, the petite Yang Lijuan stood up fearlessly.

She handled the situation calmly and, when the police arrived, bravely took full responsibility. "Our boss is in Sichuan, and I am fully responsible for the affairs of Xi'an.

This sentence not only shows her responsibility, but also wins the respect and trust of employees.

Haidilao's first waitress Yang Lijuan: primary school education, joined at the age of 17 and is worth more than 3 billion at the age of 40

Under the leadership of Yang Lijuan, the Xi'an branch gradually gained a firm foothold. She not only successfully brought Haidilao's service concept to Xi'an, but also innovated and adjusted the menu according to the local food culture.

She has an in-depth understanding of the taste preferences of Xi'an people, and integrates local ingredients into hot pot to create a unique "Xi'an taste". This strategy of adapting to local conditions quickly made the Xi'an branch one of the most popular hot pot restaurants in the region.

This experience in Xi'an not only exercised Yang Lijuan's management ability, but also made her more mature and confident. She learned how to develop the market in an unfamiliar environment, how to deal with various emergencies, and how to lead the team to grow together.

Every challenge has become a valuable asset on her way to growth.

Haidilao's first waitress Yang Lijuan: primary school education, joined at the age of 17 and is worth more than 3 billion at the age of 40

Looking back on this experience, Yang Lijuan often said: "Xi'an gave me a second life. It was here that she transformed from an ordinary waitress to a full-fledged manager.

She understands that success is not achieved overnight, but requires continuous efforts and self-breakthroughs. Every challenge is a step to success.

The experience in Xi'an not only made Yang Lijuan make a breakthrough in her career, but also made a profound change in her outlook on life. She began to realize that she was not only working hard for herself, but also responsible for the whole team and the Haidilao brand.

This sense of responsibility has become a powerful driving force for her to keep moving forward.

Haidilao's first waitress Yang Lijuan: primary school education, joined at the age of 17 and is worth more than 3 billion at the age of 40

Yang Lijuan's outstanding performance in Xi'an made Daniel Zhang see her huge potential. At the age of 30, Daniel Zhang made a decision that surprised many – appointing Yang Lijuan as Haidilao's first female vice president.

This decision caused quite a stir within the company. Some people question Yang Lijuan's ability, thinking that she is just a waiter who has climbed up from the grassroots level, how can she be qualified for such an important position? In the face of these doubts, Yang Lijuan did not say anything, but proved herself with practical actions.

As Vice President, Yang Lijuan's vision is no longer limited to a single store, but also to consider the development strategy of the entire company. She knows that in order for Haidilao to stand out in the fierce market competition, it must continue to innovate.

Under her push, Haidilao began to try to expand its business into the international market.

Haidilao's first waitress Yang Lijuan: primary school education, joined at the age of 17 and is worth more than 3 billion at the age of 40

From Singapore to Japan, from the United States to the United Kingdom, Yang Lijuan led the team to promote Haidilao's brand to the world step by step. Every time she enters a new market, she will personally visit the site to conduct research to understand the local food culture and consumption habits, and then formulate strategies according to local conditions.

She leverages her experience at the grassroots level to ensure that the quality of Haidilao's services is consistent across the globe.

With Yang Lijuan's efforts, Haidilao has not only grown steadily in the domestic market, but also gradually gained a firm foothold in the international market. Her management skills and strategic vision have made great contributions to Haidilao's global development.

When Haidilao was finally successfully listed in Hong Kong, Yang Lijuan's personal wealth, as the company's core management, also skyrocketed, jumping to more than 3 billion yuan.

Haidilao's first waitress Yang Lijuan: primary school education, joined at the age of 17 and is worth more than 3 billion at the age of 40

This is not only a reward for her years of hard work, but also marks her successful transformation from an ordinary waitress to a business elite.

However, in the face of huge wealth, Yang Lijuan has always maintained a humble and pragmatic attitude. She often says, "Wealth is just a number, what really matters is the value we create for our customers."

This customer-centric philosophy has become the core driving force for her to lead Haidilao to move forward.

Looking back on Yang Lijuan's road to success, we can see that her success is not accidental, but the perfect combination of opportunity, hard work and perseverance. She was fortunate to meet the discerning Daniel Zhang, but more importantly, she firmly grasped every opportunity and proved her worth with her own hard work and perseverance.

Haidilao's first waitress Yang Lijuan: primary school education, joined at the age of 17 and is worth more than 3 billion at the age of 40

From a girl in a small town to a business elite worth billions, Yang Lijuan's story tells us that as long as there is a dream, courage, and perseverance, anyone can create miracles.

Her story is not only a model of personal struggle, but also a source of strength that inspires countless people to pursue their dreams. Yang Lijuan interprets the profound meaning of the phrase "opportunities only favor those who are prepared" with practical actions, and her story will continue to inspire more people with dreams to move forward.

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