
Why does the mold master refuse to take his apprentices and give more money and don't do it, the reason behind it is "very realistic"

author:CNC programming multiplication


For many young people who do not have a high degree of education, this society is really too realistic. Even if you find a job, the old employees will not really take you, but will only call you, and in the end, the money is not earned, the technology is not learned, and the youth and time are wasted. But is that really the case? Let's listen to the real thoughts of the master:

Why does the mold master refuse to take his apprentices and give more money and don't do it, the reason behind it is "very realistic"

1, a person who doesn't understand anything opened a small workshop and invited me to be a master, at the beginning of the hard work not to say, buy some materials are bullshit do not understand, finally basically obedient, after three months to find a reason to resign Lao Tzu, Nima, in the future to call dad can not teach. Modern society forces people to put their interests first, and their feelings are becoming less and less. Young people are less sensible and mature, and many are not suitable for society. In short, the root cause lies in the utilitarian nature of education.

Why does the mold master refuse to take his apprentices and give more money and don't do it, the reason behind it is "very realistic"

2. The mobility of personnel is too large, and the master is generally not willing to take it, so let's put it this way, I will bring 2 people to work, what if I leave? One person does the work of two people.

Why does the mold master refuse to take his apprentices and give more money and don't do it, the reason behind it is "very realistic"

3. I, a part-time worker, have many times! At the beginning, because of the lack of masters in the factory, the high salary was dug up, and then the factory was booming, and then it was arranged for relatives and friends to come and learn from you, and then it was for various reasons to find you uncomfortable, and then ...... You know! Don't teach it now!

Why does the mold master refuse to take his apprentices and give more money and don't do it, the reason behind it is "very realistic"

4. In private enterprises, it is common for the apprentices to starve to death and the apprentices will fire the master. Nowadays people have no gratitude, only interests, who will teach!

Why does the mold master refuse to take his apprentices and give more money and don't do it, the reason behind it is "very realistic"

5. I have an apprentice who has been teaching for two years. Now for seven or eight years, I haven't made a single phone call, and I haven't had a single message. My master and I have been separated for seven or eight years, and we have been in contact with each other often, and I borrowed 20,000 yuan from my master this year, and I clocked in with a phone call.

Why does the mold master refuse to take his apprentices and give more money and don't do it, the reason behind it is "very realistic"

6. When I was an apprentice in the past, I smoked cigarettes casually from the master, and often invited the master to dinner, and respected the master very much. Now I have been taking my apprentice for a few months, smoking the master's cigarettes, and I have only drunk a bottle of water from him until now, and I have never heard him call a master, and sometimes he will be called a hair, and my heart is very sad.

7. My personal experience, ""Teach apprentices to beat masters", it is better to have skills rotten in the stomach than to teach them out. China has entered an era of playing its own games, and even its own protection can be given without teaching its disciples.

Why does the mold master refuse to take his apprentices and give more money and don't do it, the reason behind it is "very realistic"

8. In fact, the master with the apprentice is very often taught is experience, you have experienced the accident in the unit, the experience of usually looking at the equipment, this is important, I have been working for 20 years with a few apprentices, there is no sincere learning, we used to be sincere to learn at that time, the master sees people to teach, you have to ask the master to teach you, now it is the other way around, you have to ask the apprentice to learn, who still loves to teach?

Why does the mold master refuse to take his apprentices and give more money and don't do it, the reason behind it is "very realistic"

9. Working in the unit, just begging for food, starving to death, and not making a fortune, and facing dismissal at any time, the disciple technique is equivalent to knocking off his own foot bones, the ancients said: Church apprentice, starve to death master, words of wisdom, weeping blood advice.

10. To bring an apprentice is to bring an uncle. The teacher is still scolded for teaching culture, let alone the master? Lao Tzu's technology is not passed on to anyone except his children.

Why does the mold master refuse to take his apprentices and give more money and don't do it, the reason behind it is "very realistic"

11. The boss arranged for a relative to come in for me to teach, there was not a cigarette, there was no glass of wine, there was no meal, there was no common love number, there was no common language, and he was very tall, unfriendly and impolite to the master. On the first day, he was asked to clean up the garbage, the second day he was asked to find tools, and on the third day, he was asked to do chores with others, and after three months, he didn't know anything, hahaha!

12. It varies from person to person, I taught 7 apprentices, and when I came, I asked them what they were interested in, and some of them actually replied that they were cooking...... Now they are all out of school, some have become chefs, some have gone to programming, and some have gone to warehouse management, and they have never taken the initiative to call and ask. Before they left, I asked what kind of work they would do in the future, and the answer was similar, they didn't want to do mechanical anymore, they didn't want to be dirty and tired, and they would rather have less money than do this business again.

Why does the mold master refuse to take his apprentices and give more money and don't do it, the reason behind it is "very realistic"

Conclusion: After reading the master's message, there may be a little truth, but the question is, if the master does not bring apprentices, then how can the technology be passed on? In the long run, this society must not fall behind more and more! What do you think about the fact that the old employees don't want to take apprentices? Welcome to leave a message and exchange views together!

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