
Salute! A busy figure in the wind and rain

author:Zhangjiajie in the palm of your hand


Salute! A busy figure in the wind and rain
Salute! A busy figure in the wind and rain

For days

Zhangjiajie continued to rain heavily, and in this round of heavy rainfall, countless party members and cadres fought on the front line

In front of the people's homes, in the brightly lit duty room, in the pouring rain, in the muddy hillside...... Countless busy figures

Guarding the safety of the people↓↓↓

It's safe! Hekou Township, Sangzhi County, urgently evacuated the masses on a rainy night

In the face of the severe and complicated flood control situation, the whole of Hekou Township in Sangzhi County united as one to fight against the "flood".

Salute! A busy figure in the wind and rain

On June 27, the emergency team composed of the majority of party members and cadres in Hekou Township went to each village and group to carry out the "knock on the door action", effectively grasped the overall requirements of the "four laws", and strictly followed the standards of the transfer to the first time, and transferred the people in the dangerous area as soon as possible, so as to ensure that the people should be transferred to the fullest, and make every effort to protect the safety of the people's lives and property.

"Uncle, there is expected to be heavy rain tonight, you hurry up and move to a safe with us" On the evening of the 27th, in the face of the gradually increasing rain, the emergency team went door-to-door to persuade and transfer the people with potential safety hazards, help contact and resettle, and equip them with water, instant noodles and other daily necessities to ensure that the evacuated people have food, safe shelter, and clean water to drink.

Salute! A busy figure in the wind and rain

In the dark of the night, with the pouring rain and the flickering headlights, it was impossible to tell whether their faces were sweat, mud or rain.

"Thanks to the party and the government, you have also worked hard, and you have to help us with such a heavy rain." Looking at the staff who were still busy, Tian Kaifu, who had been safely transferred to a relative's house, said movingly.

At three or four o'clock in the morning, the flood control duty room was still brightly lit, and the personnel on duty stayed awake all night, silently sticking to it, and standing by at any time.

"The Hekou Village emergency response team will transfer all the remaining people at home who are building houses on the slope." "Liangcha Village successfully transferred five households and eight people to safety, and arranged accommodation." ...... In the early morning of the 28th, there was a lot of news in the rural work group of Hekou Township, and one after another the news representing the completion of the transfer finally let go of everyone's hearts that had been hanging all night. As of the same day, the emergency transfer of people in Hekou Township has been completed, 67 households and 220 people should be transferred, 40 households and 115 people were actually transferred, and the remaining 27 households that should be transferred but not transferred are not living at home.

Salute! A busy figure in the wind and rain

"Shazhou Village is organizing a survey of the disaster situation, and there is currently a road collapse, which is located at the intersection of Xiazhuang Group and Lijiapo." "During the river patrol, 3 fishermen were persuaded to retreat." ...... The sky is getting brighter, and the majority of party members and cadres who have not yet had time to rest have devoted themselves to disaster reporting and relief, fishing ban inspections, road risk removal, and mountain pond dredging. (Topaz)

After 6 hours, more than 70 goats that had been trapped for 4 days were freed

Recently, the continuous rainfall in Zhangjiajie caused the river to rise, causing more than 70 sheep in the Yanbodu community of Yanbodu Town, Cili County, to be trapped in Hezhou for four days. When Daniel Zhang faced a difficult situation, he had no choice but to turn to the community for help. After hearing the news, the cadres at the town and village levels took swift action and launched a rescue operation.

Farmer Daniel Zhang said that more than 70 of his goats were trapped in Hezhou and could not return, and if they were not rescued in time, the loss would reach more than 100,000 yuan. In order to rescue the trapped goats as soon as possible, all the cadres of the Yanbodu community were dispatched, and the cadres at the town and village levels went to the scene to carry out rescue operations as soon as possible. They built a makeshift bridge out of planks to facilitate passage between rescuers and the trapped goats.

After up to 6 hours of hard work, the rescuers successfully moved all the trapped goats to a safe location, recovering the losses of the masses. During the rescue process, the cadres were at the rescue site throughout the whole process until all the trapped goats were transferred, showing a high sense of responsibility and rescue skills, which was highly praised by the masses.

"I'm really grateful to the government and the community for knowing our situation and rushing to the scene to help me move the goats." Daniel Zhang said excitedly that this rescue operation not only saved the life of the goat, but also avoided greater economic losses.

The technical force of the Yongding District Water Conservancy Bureau has sunk to the front line to build a solid flood control safety line

On June 24, the second round of heavy rainfall this month hit, in order to do a solid job in flood prevention and response, Yongding District Water Conservancy Bureau adheres to the principle of "preventing floods and grabbing big risks", shoulders the "duty" of flood prevention and drought control, continuously strengthens the red line awareness and bottom-line thinking, comprehensively investigates the weak links and risks and hidden dangers of flood control, and strengthens the technical support for the safety of water conservancy projects.

Salute! A busy figure in the wind and rain

The Yongding District Water Conservancy Bureau has set up five expert supervision groups to inspect and guide flood preparedness measures for reservoirs, mountain ponds, and hydropower stations on the spot, inspect the quantity and quality of flood control materials, equipment, and equipment, and check the flood prevention emergency plan, the formation of flood prevention and rescue teams, and flash flood disaster prevention measures. In the process of inspection, the supervision group systematically sorted out the problems and deficiencies found, drew inferences from one another, and established a problem rectification ledger, requiring the responsible subjects to quickly rectify in place, eliminating hidden dangers for the safety of floods, ensuring the safe and effective operation of water conservancy projects and other flood control facilities, improving the ability of flood prevention and disaster reduction, and ensuring the safety of people's lives and property. (Tang Zihuan)

Take multiple measures to build a solid safety net for flood prevention and disaster relief

Flood control is an order, and flood prevention is a responsibility. In the past few days, Luoguta Street in Wulingyuan District has encountered heavy rainfall, and flood control and disaster relief have entered a critical moment. In order to do a good job in flood prevention work, the sub-district party working committees and offices adhere to the principle of "safety first, prevention first", pay close attention to key flood prevention areas and weak links, implement various flood prevention measures, ensure the safety of the lives and property of the people in the jurisdiction, and go all out to fight the "flood season defense war".

Salute! A busy figure in the wind and rain

Attach great importance to it and deploy it in advance. Luoguta Street held a special meeting as soon as possible to deploy flood prevention and disaster relief work, implement flood prevention work responsibilities, and build a solid ideological defense line for flood prevention and disaster relief. Tighten the responsibility for compaction, and implement the responsibility for flood control to all aspects of monitoring and early warning, inspection and protection, on-duty duty, emergency rescue, transfer and resettlement.

Command from the front and strengthen implementation. The leaders of the Liandian District Committee and the party and government teams of the sub-districts went to the front line, commanded from the front, surveyed the flood situation on the spot, and led the cadres and volunteers of the two community committees to keep an eye on key areas, pay attention to key groups, and focus on key links. Ensure that the existing potential safety hazards can be "discovered at the first time, reported at the first time, and eliminated at the first time", so as to improve the response speed and disposal efficiency of flood control work.

On duty all day to prevent accidents. Luoguta Street strictly implements the 24-hour on-duty system to ensure that the leaders and on-duty personnel are in place, and ensure that relevant information is reported and disposed of in a timely and accurate manner. At the same time, street community cadres were organized to carry out comprehensive "dragnet" inspections and investigations in key areas such as low-lying areas, mountain ponds and reservoirs, high and steep slopes, old houses, and mountain flood geological disaster points. Timely removal of trees that have fallen due to long-term rainwater erosion; Clean up the sand and gravel that seriously blocks the drainage ditch in time; Set up warning signs in time and clean up quickly where the collapse occurs.

Relocation and resettlement to ensure safety. In order to ensure the safety of the residents in the jurisdiction, Luoguta Street has taken active action to persuade and resettle the people in dangerous areas such as geological disasters in accordance with the principle of "turning around, not leaving one household, and not missing a person". Up to now, a total of 22 old houses and 26 households have been inspected in various communities, more than 12 blocked drainage ditches have been cleaned up, and 8 people from 4 households have been transferred to effectively ensure the safety of people's lives and property. ( Li Donghang)

Work together to meet the "flood" with "speed"

In the face of several days of rainfall, many sections of Bijiashan Village, Bada Gongshan Town, Sangzhi County have suffered landslides, traffic has been blocked, and the masses have been restricted from traveling. In the face of the disaster, Beacon Mountain Village was not afraid of wind and rain, and moved when it heard the "flood" to ensure that the traffic blocked road section was dredged as soon as possible, and silently guarded the safety of the party.

Salute! A busy figure in the wind and rain

On the evening of June 27, after learning that the Anjiajie road section was blocked by the broken tree, Du Mingsong, the village secretary of Bijiashan Village, immediately organized the two committees of the village branch and young party members to set up an emergency team, carrying knives, chainsaws and other tools to the scene to carry out the removal work.

Salute! A busy figure in the wind and rain

On the 28th, the Anjiajie section of the road suffered a more serious landslide, and local villagers spontaneously joined the ranks of the cleanup. "With a little more effort, the road can be passed one minute faster, and the disaster is not only a matter for the village and party members, but also for each of us." Uncle Zhao, a villager in Bijiashan Village, said. Thanks to the joint efforts of all parties, the operation took only 20 minutes to clear the road. (Wang Xiaodie)

First Instance丨Luo Jie

Second Trial丨Thorough Third Trial丨Zhou Aiguo Production丨Zhangjiajie

Salute! A busy figure in the wind and rain

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