
He loves to compete for a high and low, so that people can't get off the stage, and other people's persuasion has no effect, and his military career is very bumpy


There is an old qualification among the quasi-military major generals, and he should be able to award a higher military rank in terms of ability, qualifications, and positions, but due to many factors, the military rank is low, and he is General Liu Shaoqing.

He loves to compete for a high and low, so that people can't get off the stage, and other people's persuasion has no effect, and his military career is very bumpy

In terms of qualifications and positions, he joined the Red Army in 1930, served as a regiment commander during the Agrarian Revolution, served as the chief of staff of the 5th Division of the New Fourth Army during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and served as the chief of staff of the Inner Line Corps during the War of Liberation. According to such a position, it should also be at the level of a regular army, awarded to a major general or lieutenant general, how can it be rated as a quasi-military rank?

During the Agrarian Revolution and the War of Resistance Against Japan, his work and position were very stable. By the time of the Liberation War, he was parachuted into the East China battlefield, and due to internal and external factors, his position changed frequently, which also made his position restricted.

It is said that during the Anti-Japanese War, he served as the chief of staff of the 5th Division of the New Fourth Army, and he should be the deputy commander of the column, the commander, and the chief of staff of the corps in the Liberation War. After arriving in East China from Yan'an, he was assigned the commander of the Bohai Naval Division, at best, as a division. However, because they are cadres who have been parachuted in, the job arrangement is still a bit tricky, and there is no suitable position, so they can only be reduced. Like Zhang Zhen, chief of staff of the 4th Division, he served as the commander of the 9th Column in Central China and the deputy commander of the 2nd Column in Huaye during the Liberation War. They have the same qualifications, the only difference is that Zhang Zhen has been in the old army, while Liu Shaoqing left the 5th Division and came to the East China battlefield.

He loves to compete for a high and low, so that people can't get off the stage, and other people's persuasion has no effect, and his military career is very bumpy

His old unit was reorganized into the Central Plains Military Region, and when the Central Plains broke through, he arrived in Hubei, Henan, and Shaanxi to fight, and was not in East China.

He could have followed the old army, or after arriving in East China, he could work in peace and stability, but his personality made him always in a state of "floating".

Some people say why didn't he go back to the old army?

Since 1945, the moment he was notified to leave the 5th Division and go to Yan'an, he had an unpleasant relationship with the division commander. As this chief of staff, his actual status is equivalent to that of the deputy division commander in charge of military work, and now he has been transferred and appointed Wen Jianwu as chief of staff. I felt aggrieved in my heart, but I still insisted on carrying out the order. On the way north, he arrived in western Henan to stay and fight, and returned to the 5th Division after the Anti-Japanese War. The knots in his heart still could not be resolved, and he did not serve as the chief of staff of the military region, and he did not have a formal position to work in the newly established Central Plains Military Region for a period of time, and was transferred to work in Beiping.

Therefore, after the Central Plains broke through, although he returned to Yan'an, the old army opened up a new area in Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi, and asked Zhou Zhijian, who was also resting in Yan'an, to return to Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi to strengthen military leadership, but he did not let him go, and he went to the Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong, and Henan Military Region, and then transferred to the East China battlefield. Maybe for him, there are untied knots, so he avoids them.

He loves to compete for a high and low, so that people can't get off the stage, and other people's persuasion has no effect, and his military career is very bumpy

Liu Shaoqing's personality is very upright, and when he was the chief of staff of the 5th Division, he had an unpleasant time with Luo Tong in combat. Originally, he was the commander, Luo Tong was the political commissar of the regiment, Liu Shaoqing asked him to organize the troops and command the unfamiliar troops to fight, he thought it was inappropriate, and he was blocked back before he finished speaking, saying that he did not obey military orders and wanted military law to do it. Luo Tong couldn't figure it out, and when he received the order, he risked his life to fight on the battlefield, and he wanted to die on the battlefield.

However, later, the two of them could be regarded as "abandoning their previous suspicions" and unraveling this unpleasant past.

When he served as the commander of the Bohai Naval Division in East China, as a local unit, he wanted to show his strength and eliminate Li Tianxia, but he was opposed by the political commissar of the military region and others.

Liu Shaoqing is a capable cadre with a upright personality, but there is one thing that people can't accept. Whether it is his own business or someone else's business, he always has to fight with the other party, refuses to give up, and often mostly to his superiors. Others dare not say it, he has to argue to the end, so that others are not good to step down, whether this character is the organization or relatives through conventional persuasion, but it has no effect. This temper will always accompany you for life.

For the bad effects of his work and other people's relationships, his life was very bumpy except for his heroic fighting.

He loves to compete for a high and low, so that people can't get off the stage, and other people's persuasion has no effect, and his military career is very bumpy

It is said that in the summer of 1947 and from the spring of 1948, he served as chief of staff of the corps, and also for the post of commander of the column. But later he left due to illness, and after his health improved, he was asked to serve as the chief of staff, and he had to lead the troops to fight, and if there was no suitable position, he would temporarily arrange his position. Eventually, he served as the director of the Railway Public Security Bureau, a division position. This had a big impact on his later ratings.

If he can accept the chief of staff of the Corps, I believe that he was also a regular army rank in 1952, whether he was a major general or a lieutenant general, let's not talk about it. Because after the liberation, he was graded to the regular army level by the East China Bureau, and he was ready to transfer him from the deputy secretary general of the East China Bureau to work in the army. Many old chiefs still thought that he was a cadre of the Corps, but it turned out to be a quasi-military level, which was somewhat regrettable.

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