
Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

author:Have fun watching entertainment

Yesterday, the 29th Magnolia Awards in Shanghai opened, and countless big-name stars and powerful actors were present, and in the end, Magnolia's Best Actor and Actress Awards were awarded to Hu Ge and Zhou Xun respectively.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

Wang Yang, known as "Uncle Circle Tiancai", also came to the scene, although he did not win the best actor, but Wang Yang at the scene was dressed in a straight suit, looking energetic, energetic, and in a very good state.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

Previously, Wang Yang was nominated for the Best Actor Award by Magnolia for the role of "Shen Tunan" in "The Wind Chaser".

However, due to the fact that the nominated works are too capable of playing, there is Hu Ge's "Flowers" on the front foot, and Fan Wei's "The Long Season" on the back foot, the competition is too fierce, so Wang Yang failed to win the Best Actor award in the end.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

However, for this result, Wang Yang was very open-minded, and in an interview, he said very humbly, it's nothing, he will still say to himself: You are just okay, you still need to work hard.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

Last year, Wang Yang also participated in the Magnolia Award Ceremony, and this year he stood here again, he said that every time he can meet a lot of excellent peers and seniors, they are all very good, so for himself, it is indeed just okay, and he will continue to work hard in the future.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

Wang Yang's response was very generous, which made the fans who supported him also applaud. He debuted for 20 years, and it was a childhood memory for several generations, and now he is nicknamed "Uncle Circle Tiancai" by netizens, which shows that the older he gets, the more charming he becomes.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

But he never expected that this time he attended a trip to Magnolia and was directly scolded as a "thief" by netizens!

Some netizens even started to ridicule directly: Wang Yang has no particles, he is not a real male protagonist, only one male protagonist is Wang Yibo, what is he.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

Wang Yibo's fans directly scolded Wang Yang: Stealing the male protagonist to steal a nomination, sure enough, the means of stealing things are okay, continue to work hard.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

There were even netizens who ridiculed: The whole crew didn't come, he came alone, and his cheekiness was too thick, right?

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

All kinds of netizens who ridiculed the netizens, how ugly the words were, all came up, and they all scolded Wang Yang for overturning the car, and went to Magnolia to accompany him, but he didn't get anything.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

To say that Wang Yang innocently suffered this cyberbullying, it has to start with the "fight" with Wang Yibo's fans some time ago.

At the beginning, Magnolia officially announced the nomination for Best Actor, including Wang Yang's "Wind Chaser", and he himself was nominated for Best Actor.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them
Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

Regarding Magnolia's nomination, Wang Yibo's fans quit and complained: Obviously, the protagonist of "The Wind Chaser" is Wang Yibo, why did Wang Yang win the award? ? ?

For a while, Wang Yang was scolded by countless fans of Wang Yibo, saying that Wang Yang had no acting skills and abilities at all, and he relied on Wang Yibo's traffic.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

In the end, it was forced as a last resort, from the official of "Wind Chaser" to the two leading actors who came out to respond to the rumors of "stealing the male lead".

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them
Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

Even the official tuba was shocked, and directly appeared to say, and dealt with all the illegal content such as malicious trampling, personal attacks, and control comments, and I hope that netizens can look at it rationally and chase stars in a civilized manner.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them
Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

But even so, it did not stop public opinion, but fermented even more.

Wang Yibo's fans did not stop attacking Wang Yang: when Wang Yang did not officially announce that he would participate in Magnolia, fans said that they were thieves and did not dare to go; After arriving at Magnolia, fans said that Wang Yang was thick-skinned, and Wang Yang went alone without anyone in the crew.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

Forget the fans' non-stop cyberbullying, Magnolia's official behavior is extremely confusing.

When Wang Yang walked the red carpet, Magnolia's official introduction introduced Wang Yibo's role as the male lead, which made Wang Yang who was present really embarrassed.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

Some netizens pointed out that the host of Magnolia is still a popular child.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

Because before, Wang Yibo was found to have no host certificate, and his education was only in primary school, so he had to withdraw from "Everyday Upward".

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them
Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

Now on such a major occasion as Magnolia, this idol Yu Shi also does not have a host card, but he can be the host tonight, which makes some netizens have to suspect that Magnolia arranged this way to deliberately warn Wang Yibo's fans.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

In fact, Wang Yibo's fans and individual netizens may be a little too sensitive and extreme, Wang Yang was officially nominated for Magnolia Best Actor, isn't it normal for him to go to the scene? How can it be said to be thick-skinned?

If Wang Yang doesn't go, and the crew of "Wind Chaser" doesn't go, it's really a big shame, right? No matter how you look at Wang Yang's going, it's reasonable.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

Fans criticized Wang Yang's appearance from his business ability, saying that he was old and had poor acting skills.

But don't forget, Wang Yang is also a handsome guy, he debuted more than ten years earlier than Wang Yibo, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is Wang Yibo's predecessor, and the current behavior of fans is a proper disrespect for his predecessors.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

Moreover, Wang Yang's acting skills are also recognized by passers-by and audiences, even if it is not "The Wind Chaser", the roles of Wang Yang's other dramas are also flesh and blood, and they can play the business elite and the underground party.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

Even the famous director Zhang Jizhong once praised Wang Yang: his heart is too full, and he is full of praise for Wang Yang's praise.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

Xu Zheng also praised Wang Yang personally: He is really an excellent actor.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

In addition to his excellent acting skills and well-deserved nomination for the leading actor, the relationship between Wang Yibo and Wang Yang is actually very good.

When the two were on the show together, Wang Yang was also like a caring big brother, doting on these younger brothers and sisters.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

When Wang Yibo was suddenly questioned and was unprepared, and could only look at the camera awkwardly without speaking, it was Wang Yang who came out to play a round, "Yibo said that the director is indeed an energetic director" and so on.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them
Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

Although Wang Yibo has an introverted personality, he also respects his predecessors, and now that he is being troubled by fans, the relationship between the two is really embarrassing.

takes the initiative to play a round for others, and does not fight or grab in the entertainment industry, the most rare thing is that Wang Yang is still a very low-key highly-educated student in the entertainment industry.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

At that time, he not only went to Singapore to study at public expense, but also came back with a double degree, and when he met a foreigner, he spoke fluent English and conversed with him, which made netizens who majored in English have to admire.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

has strong acting skills, is as light as a chrysanthemum, never wants to argue about anything, talks decently, is intimate and generous, such an excellent man, but he has been abused by fans for more than a month because of a trivial matter, stop it, this farce should be over.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

Even Wang Yang's wife, who was in the center of the whirlpool, did not scold or be dissatisfied, but persuaded Wang Yang's fans not to scold, occasional storms are inevitable, as long as you live your own life.

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

Wang Yang's family is low-key and not a demon, and they can ignore the controversy and admonish other excited fans in the face of controversy, who can not like such a family?

Magnolia Wang Yang was defeated, but he was still scolded as a "thief", and Wang Yibo had an embarrassing relationship with the two of them

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