
Of the 8 TV series that Wang Yibo has acted in, which one do you like the most?

author:Video life
Of the 8 TV series that Wang Yibo has acted in, which one do you like the most?

Wang Yibo, as a popular idol and actor, is constantly on the hot search, and in the film and television industry, he has also continued to emerge, and has been nominated for heavyweight awards in the industry many times.

With its unique personality characteristics and handsome temperament, it is wildly sought after by a group of hot-blooded young people.

Today, the editor will take stock of the 8 TV series he has acted in, and see which one you like the most?

1 Wind Chaser Wei Ruolai

Of the 8 TV series that Wang Yibo has acted in, which one do you like the most?

The play tells the story of Wei Ruolai, a patriotic young man played by Wang Yibo, who witnessed the darkness of society in the 30s of the 20th century, gradually found the direction of his life, and finally threw himself into the historical torrent of the new democratic revolution led by the Communist Party of China.

2 Ice and Fire by Chen Yu

Of the 8 TV series that Wang Yibo has acted in, which one do you like the most?

Chen Yu is a character in the 2020 criminal investigation TV series "Ice and Fire", walking in ice and rain, and it is difficult to get cold. The anti-drug police, who are quite energetic, are sunny and upright, but they are also impulsive and reckless.

As a top student who graduated from the police academy majoring in anti-narcotics, he failed to keep police orders at the beginning of his career and caused an accident, so he was transferred from the anti-drug brigade to become an ordinary police officer.

But after meeting Wu Zhenfeng (played by Chen Xiao) again, the two went from mutual suspicion and temptation to later unity and cooperation, and the tacit understanding and trust between each other are self-evident.

3. The wind rises in Luoyang, and Hongyi is a hundred miles

Of the 8 TV series that Wang Yibo has acted in, which one do you like the most?

Baili Hongyi, the male protagonist in the TV series "The Wind Rises in Luoyang", the second son of Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, the first glutton in the Shendu, the heart of wood and stone, a person of extraordinary talents, where he passes, all books must be passed, all techniques must be solved, in order to find out the truth about his father's poisoning, he and Gao Bingzhu jointly investigated the truth.

After quelling the rebellion, the sage gave him the title of Squire of the Ministry of Works and the Marquis of Changqing, but finally decided to resign and leave the Shendu.

4. Youfei Xie Yun

Of the 8 TV series that Wang Yibo has acted in, which one do you like the most?

Xie Yun, the actor of the TV series "You Fei", the word Anzhi, the word "mildew", and the number "want to open a layman". When he appeared, he was weak and optimistic, and he was a strange man who was "full of legs from the neck down".

Xie Yun's real name is Xiao Chuan, his real identity is the emperor of the previous dynasty, and he is "penetrating through the bones" in his body, and his martial arts are unlearned. The appearance is handsome and clear, light and charming, and he is funny, but he does not follow the usual path, is unconventional, and is a person with a bit of a black belly.

5. Chen Qingling Lan Wangji

Of the 8 TV series that Wang Yibo has acted in, which one do you like the most?

Lan Wangji is one of the male protagonists of the costume drama "Chen Qingling" adapted from the Moxiang copper stinky novel "Demon Patriarch".

The second son of the Lan family in Gusu, Yazheng is square, strict with himself, and he will come out in chaos, and his brother Lan Lian (Lan Xichen) is called "Lan Shuangbi", and the list of sons of the family ranks second.

When the family went to the Lan family to study, Wei Wuxian repeatedly broke the Lan family's rules, and Lan Wangji did not have a good impression of Wei Wuxian. After experiencing various events, Lan Wangji changed his opinion of Wei Wuxian and grew in his thinking about right and wrong in black and white.

After Wei Wuxian jumped off the cliff, Lan Wangji was punished and imprisoned for three years. After that, he often went down the mountain to find Wei Wuxian's traces. Sixteen years later, they finally reunite and join forces to uncover the truth.

6. Accompany you to the top of the world Ji Xiangkong

Of the 8 TV series that Wang Yibo has acted in, which one do you like the most?

Ji Xiangkong, male, the male protagonist in the TV series "Accompany You to the Top of the World", played by Chinese mainland actor Wang Yibo. The captain of the Phoenix team, a professional competitive genius tactician, known as the "Battlefield Fraudster".

The legendary team led by professional esports player Ji Xiangkong missed out on the title in a world-class competition.

The legendary team fell apart, and Ji Xiangkong was also facing pressure from all parties to terminate the contract, just when he was under siege, Qiu Ying, a professional female commentator, appeared and encouraged Ji Xiangkong to return to the arena.

With the companionship of love, the encouragement of friendship, and the support of the audience, Ji Xiangkong and his teammates went through setbacks all the way and returned to people's field of vision with a strong attitude.

7 My Strange Friend Wei Yichen

Of the 8 TV series that Wang Yibo has acted in, which one do you like the most?

Wei Yichen, the male protagonist of the TV series "My Strange Friend", is played by Chinese mainland actor Wang Yibo.

It tells the story of a group of young people who have superpowers, use them to overcome difficulties and solve problems, and continue to grow and metamorphose in the process.

8. The taste of the world is the taste of Qinghuan Zhai

Of the 8 TV series that Wang Yibo has acted in, which one do you like the most?

Zhai Zhiwei, an elite with a good family background, has the talent of envy of others, is loved by everyone, has whimsical ideas and super business acumen.

fell in love with An Qinghuan at first sight, and went toe-for-tat with Ding, who was both a superior and a rival in love, and later experienced a series of life disasters such as family bankruptcy and debt burden, which made him fall to the bottom of his life.


The above are the 8 TV series starring Wang Yibo, whether it is a costume drama or a modern drama, he is a young talent, a positive genius, and it is also very in line with his own image and personality.

From the explosion of "Chen Qingling", with Lan Wangji's explosion out of the circle, coupled with his multi-habitat development in the entertainment industry, he quickly became a first-line top stream and was highly sought after.

His handsome appearance, unsmiling introverted, shining light when dancing, modest and low-key personality, full of strong youthful atmosphere, a good young talent.

attracted a large number of fans for a while, and the editor also liked him very much, at the age of 20s, he had such an achievement, which is really enviable. It's really no harm if there is no comparison, think about the editor's 20s, just a lot of sentient beings.

In reality, Wang Yibo is not the male number one in the novel?

But he doesn't stop there, but keeps working hard, and as a star idol, he can develop very well. But he decided to take it a step further and become a powerful actor.

He continues to try to shoot film and television dramas with various themes, and has also been favored by many big directors and the guidance of his predecessors, striving to become an acting school, and his acting skills have gradually improved, and he has received attention and nominations for mainstream awards.

But they all stop at winning awards, after all, he is young, and his acting experience is still a little lacking compared with some senior veteran actors, and there is no shame in losing. Just keep working hard and keep growing.

After all, acting is an interpretive experience that needs to be constantly improved. Except for a few very talented actors, it's a gradual thing to a certain extent.

Xiaobian thinks there is no need to worry, Wang Yibo is already very good, and having the likes of many people proves his personality charm, as long as he continues to work hard and improve, it is only a matter of time before he wins awards in the ranks of actors.

On the other hand, the ability to win the award is not enough for the time being, which also plays a negative role, such as Di Lieba's water queen, but it has become a joke in the industry and the audience after dinner.

The public's vision is bright, and the editor feels that there is no need to be obsessed with a false name for the time being, strength is the last word.

Audio-visual life, film and television, music and life

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