
Why are they always on a par? Xiao Zhanwang Yibo, who has long parted ways, fell into a strange circle of comparison

author:Straightforward and honest go to the world
Why are they always on a par? Xiao Zhanwang Yibo, who has long parted ways, fell into a strange circle of comparison

I heard that people who like and follow are more likely to get the favor of Lady Luck! If you want to prosper financially, start by following me! I wish you a lot of money and good luck!

"Chen Qing Ling" is married: walking side by side to the spotlight

In the summer of 2019, a costume fairy drama called "Chen Qingling" was born, like a fresh breeze in the hot summer, bringing a different feeling to the audience, and it was also in this summer that two young faces, Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo, entered the public's field of vision with the popularity of the series

Why are they always on a par? Xiao Zhanwang Yibo, who has long parted ways, fell into a strange circle of comparison

They play Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji respectively in the play, one is a chic and uninhibited Yunmeng boy, and the other is a cold and elegant disciple of Gusu Xianmen, the two have very different personalities but because of their common goals and experiences, they have gradually established a deep bond, Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo used their understanding and interpretation of the roles to fully interpret the complex emotions between Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, touching the hearts of countless audiences

"Bo Jun Yixiao" CP is hot: brotherhood detonates the Internet

With the popularity of "Chen Qingling", the two male protagonists in the play, Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo, also quickly became popular, and the CP name "Bo Jun Yixiao" began to appear frequently on major social platforms

Why are they always on a par? Xiao Zhanwang Yibo, who has long parted ways, fell into a strange circle of comparison

For a while, Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo became the hottest celebrity CPs in the entertainment industry, the videos of their attendance at events and interviews went viral on the Internet, their posters and peripheral products were snapped up by fans, and their smiles, words and deeds touched the hearts of countless fans and became everyone's after-dinner conversation

The "227 Incident" broke out: a cyberstorm swept in

Just when Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo's careers were in full swing, a sudden Internet storm swept in, pushing them to the cusp of public opinion, and completely changing the direction of their relationship, in February 2020, a fandom with Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo as the protagonists caused huge controversy on the Internet, Xiao Zhan's fans believed that the content of the article had caused damage to the image of the idol, so a large-scale report and attack was launched

Why are they always on a par? Xiao Zhanwang Yibo, who has long parted ways, fell into a strange circle of comparison

The turmoil quickly escalated into a wide-ranging online incident, known as the "227 Incident", as a result of the incident, the same humanities website was banned, the writer was forced to cancel the account, and Xiao Zhan also suffered unprecedented online violence, his endorsement products were boycotted, his works were maliciously swiped down, and his acting career came to a standstill

Silence and disagreement: Brotherhood drifts apart

In the "227 Incident", in stark contrast to Xiao Zhan being pushed to the forefront, Wang Yibo chose to remain silent, he did not make any public remarks, nor did he express any support or condolences to Xiao Zhan, this silent attitude triggered various speculations and interpretations at the time, some people thought that he was to avoid setting himself on fire, and others thought that it was a signal that his relationship with Xiao Zhan had broken down

Why are they always on a par? Xiao Zhanwang Yibo, who has long parted ways, fell into a strange circle of comparison

In any case, the "227 incident" has become a watershed in the relationship between Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo, after that, they have hardly interacted publicly, and they are rarely mentioned at the same time

Career development differentiation: Xiao Zhan trough Wang Yibo sings

After the "227 incident", Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo's career development also appeared obvious differentiation, Xiao Zhan experienced a trough period of more than a year, with his own efforts and the support of fans, gradually walked out of the shadows, returned to the public eye, he began to try different types of roles, actively participate in public welfare activities, and strive to reshape his public image

Why are they always on a par? Xiao Zhanwang Yibo, who has long parted ways, fell into a strange circle of comparison

And Wang Yibo after the "227 Incident", his popularity and resources have risen instead of falling, he has starred in many popular film and television works one after another, and has become a frequent guest of major variety shows, and commercial endorsements have also received soft hands, with the increase in exposure, there are more and more doubts about his acting skills, and he began to face the pressure of transformation and breakthrough

The test of public opinion continues: reshaping the image and questioning the traffic

In the past few years after the "227 Incident", Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo have experienced their own public opinion tests, Xiao Zhan chose to low-key precipitation, focusing on improving his acting skills, speaking with his works, and striving to get rid of the label of "traffic star", he actively participated in public welfare activities, gave back to the society with actions, and gradually won the recognition and respect of more people

Why are they always on a par? Xiao Zhanwang Yibo, who has long parted ways, fell into a strange circle of comparison

And Wang Yibo continues to make great progress on the road of traffic, his fan base continues to grow, the commercial value is also rising, and high traffic also brings high risks, his every move is highly concerned by the outside world, and any small problem may be amplified and interpreted, causing controversy

Paris Fashion Week reunion: different circumstances are intriguing

At Paris Fashion Week in 2024, Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo appeared on the same stage again, which sparked heated discussions among netizens, this time, they are no longer partners fighting side by side, but each representing different brands and appearing as competitors

Why are they always on a par? Xiao Zhanwang Yibo, who has long parted ways, fell into a strange circle of comparison

Their reunion is as if fate has played a joke on them, separating their once intimacy from their current estrangement

Clearly displayed in front of the world, the former "Bo Jun and Xiao" have now drifted away, and they have gone to different paths in life

The advertising incident has made waves again: the entanglement of fate is difficult to break free

Just when people thought that the story of Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo had turned the page, a recent incident tied them together again, and in a brand advertisement endorsed by Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo's silhouette was mistakenly used, which caused heated discussions among netizens and made the names of the two appear on the hot search again

Why are they always on a par? Xiao Zhanwang Yibo, who has long parted ways, fell into a strange circle of comparison

This unexpected event seems to remind everyone that the story between Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo is not over, their fate is still pulled by some invisible thread, cutting constantly, and the reason is still chaotic, in the future, how they will develop, and how their relationship will evolve is still unknown

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