
Women don't want to age too quickly, so they often eat 6 kinds of "natural estrogen" foods to nourish their skin and look younger

author:Think more

As you get older, especially after you reach the age of 40, you may find that the level of estrogen in your body begins to decline gradually. This is because of the natural decline of the body's functions, and the decrease in estrogen often leads to the phenomenon of premature aging. Therefore, for the majority of women, how to supplement estrogen through diet after the age of 40 to fight aging is particularly important. Here are 6 "natural estrogen" foods to nourish your skin and look younger.

Women don't want to age too quickly, so they often eat 6 kinds of "natural estrogen" foods to nourish their skin and look younger

1. Black sesame seeds

Recommended recipe: Black sesame paste stewed milk

Ingredients: 40 grams of black sesame seeds, 50 grams of glutinous rice, 8 grams of rock sugar, 3 egg whites, 2 cartons of pure milk


1. Pour black sesame seeds, glutinous rice and rock sugar into the wall breaker and add 200ml of water

2. Select the rice cereal mode, pour it into a bowl after cooking, and let it cool until the surface solidifies

3. Stir the prepared egg whites and pure milk, and sift the milk and egg liquid onto the sesame paste

4. After mixing, wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the steamer, steam the steamer for 10 minutes, and simmer for another 5 minutes to complete the fragrant, tender and dense taste! The perfect fusion of black sesame seeds and cloud milk, one bite down, lips and teeth fragrant! Eat it hot and fragrant, eat it cold, sweet and tender, it can be eaten by the elderly and children, so let's do it quickly!

Women don't want to age too quickly, so they often eat 6 kinds of "natural estrogen" foods to nourish their skin and look younger

2. Papaya

Recommended recipe: Papaya bird's nest stew

Ingredients: 1/4~1/2 freshly cooked papaya (depending on size), 30~50 grams of bird's nest, 50 grams of rock sugar


1. Put the bird's nest into a large bowl and add enough pure water, about 10 grams of bird's nest with 300ml of water. If you have enough time, it's okay to soak for two or three days, so remember to prepare in advance. During the soaking period, the water should be changed frequently, about once every four or five hours, so that the bird's nest can be soaked softly. After soaking, use a fine sieve or small clip to pick out the small hairs in the bird's nest and clean it up. Then, put the bird's nest into a stew pot or bowl and simmer it slowly over the water, so that the taste of the bird's nest will be more delicate.

2. Add two tablespoons of water to the pot and add rock sugar. You can also add some red dates and ginkgo seeds to make the syrup more sweet and tasty. Stir with a spoon.

3. Cut off the middle part of the papaya with a knife and make a lid. In this way, the whole papaya becomes a cute boat shape. Don't forget to remove the seeds inside.

4. Carefully put the stewed bird's nest into the papaya, and add a few red dates and ginkgo seeds to increase the flavor. Then, pour in the freshly boiled sugar water.

5. Put the papaya on a heat-resistant plate and send it to the steamer to steam for 10 minutes. If you don't have a steamer, you can also put it in a cage or steamer and steam it for 15 minutes. Once steamed, you can open the lid and enjoy! A nourishing and delicious papaya bird's nest stew is done!

Women don't want to age too quickly, so they often eat 6 kinds of "natural estrogen" foods to nourish their skin and look younger

Three, lilies

Recommended recipe: Stir-fried pork slices with lily and celery and carrots

Ingredients: Lily, celery, carrot, soy sauce, oil, starch, salt, oyster sauce


1. Marinate the meat slices with a little soy sauce, oil and starch for 15 minutes in advance

2. Put an appropriate amount of oil in the pot, add minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, add the marinated meat slices, and fry until it changes color

3. Add shredded carrots and celery, stir-fry until soft, add fresh lily, stir-fry evenly, add an appropriate amount of water, add salt and oyster sauce to taste, cover the pot and simmer for two minutes.

Women don't want to age too quickly, so they often eat 6 kinds of "natural estrogen" foods to nourish their skin and look younger

IV. Sweet potato

Recommended recipe: pickled pepper konjac duck

Ingredients: Appropriate amount of konjac, tender ginger, green and red peppers, half a duck


1. Marinate the duck with green onion and ginger slices, cooking wine, light soy sauce, salt, and crushed pickled pepper for about 10 minutes

2. Heat oil in a pot and put the duck, stir-fry quickly over high heat until broken, and then add pickled pepper, Sichuan pepper and bean paste and stir-fry until fragrant.

3. Add water, sugar, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, drum oil, oil consumption, ginger slices, crushed pickled peppers, millet peppers (preferably bubbled bell peppers), cover and bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes

4. Pour in the konjac and cook for 5 minutes, add shredded ginger, green and red pepper, minced garlic and cook for 5 minutes, stir-fry and then remove from the pot. Konjac tastes spicy Q bomb, duck is fresh and delicious, not firewood

Women don't want to age too quickly, so they often eat 6 kinds of "natural estrogen" foods to nourish their skin and look younger

5. Ginger

Recommended recipe: vinegar pickled ginger

Ingredients: ginger, wolfberry, rock sugar, salt, white vinegar


1. After buying the ginger, wash it briefly, remove all the skin, and then cut it into slices with a fruit knife. Because ginger has its own spicy taste, if you don't want it to be too spicy, you can also soak it in water for a while.

2. Soak the ginger, drain the water, sprinkle with some salt, stir well with chopsticks, and let stand for about 30 minutes. Doing so will remove the excess water from the ginger.

3. Prepare a clean iron pot, pour in an appropriate amount of rock sugar and white vinegar, turn on low heat, and stir constantly until all the rock sugar melts and forms a sweet and sour sauce.

4. After the sweet and sour sauce is cooked, don't be in a hurry to turn off the heat, sprinkle the wolfberries prepared in advance evenly, stir gently, and cook for a minute or two on low heat to make the wolfberries and sweet and sour sauce completely fused.

5. After the wolfberry and sweet and sour sauce in the pot have cooled, you can pour in the drained ginger and stir repeatedly to make each piece of ginger evenly stick to the sweet and sour sauce. After all the above 5 steps are completed, you can put it in a glass bottle and seal it for storage.

Women don't want to age too quickly, so they often eat 6 kinds of "natural estrogen" foods to nourish their skin and look younger

VI. Purple cabbage

Recommended recipe: nori omelet

These two look at the ingredients that have no intersection, and they collide with wonderful sparks! The eggs are fragrant, the seaweed is fresh and refreshing, and the taste is also very special, crispy on the outside, and fluffy and chewy on the inside.

Ingredients: 2 eggs, a piece of dried seaweed, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of pepper, a small amount of cooking oil, a little chopped green onion, a little water or milk


1. Wash the seaweed with water slightly, then squeeze out the water and set aside;

2. Crack open the eggs, add seaweed, salt, pepper, chopped green onions, and a little water and mix thoroughly;

3. Heat a non-stick pan, smear a little oil, pour in the egg mixture, if the technique is not skillful, you can fry for about 30 seconds, reduce the heat, cover the pot and simmer for two minutes, and then take out the plate upside down. If you're a chef, fry until it's basically set, turn it over and fry it quickly!

Committed to using the simplest ingredients to share the most delicious dishes for you, the above 6 food practices, have you learned, learned to try to make it at home,! Welcome to like, follow, retweet and favorite, thank you for your support! We'll see you next time.

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