
Let the science and technology broker become a "dream realizer"! This platform builds a bridge → for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements

author:CCTV Finance


In the field of science and technology, there is a type of people who understand scientific research but are not pure researchers; They push the technology to work, but they are not the end users. They are like a bridge, holding demand with one hand and promoting R&D with the other, and are often vividly called "science and technology brokers".

Let the science and technology broker become a "dream realizer"! This platform builds a bridge → for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements

In a hospital in Shanghai, Fu Jun is humbly seeking advice from doctors. But he is not a doctor, but a technical manager specializing in the medical field, also known as a "science and technology broker". He is not only involved in technology research and development, but also has to keep abreast of the needs of doctors and patients.

After the visit to the hospital, as soon as Fu Jun returned to the office, he made a video call to Dr. Xu Tao, who was in Cambodia for medical assistance, to collect feedback on the use of the portable transcranial ultrasound machine. This is a technology transformation achievement that Fu Jun has just landed, which can clearly show the location and size of the cyst when the doctor performs the intracranial puncture.

Let the science and technology broker become a "dream realizer"! This platform builds a bridge → for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements

During the conversation, Dr. Xu brought Fu Jun an exciting good news: with the help of a portable transcranial ultrasound machine, the medical team successfully performed minimally invasive drainage surgery for an intracranial hematoma for a female patient, snatching her back from the clutches of death.

The reason why he became a science and technology broker in the medical field stems from Fu Jun's 4 years of work experience as an emergency doctor. He has seen too many diseases and knows the hard work of doctors, so he wants to use more advanced medical equipment to help patients and doctors. Now, with his successful transformation, he has become a "dream fulfiller" in the eyes of many doctors.

Let the science and technology broker become a "dream realizer"! This platform builds a bridge → for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements

It's not easy to train a doctor, and it's just as hard to develop a high-tech medical device. Fu Jun said frankly that even if he is a science and technology broker who has been in the industry for decades, there are not many products that can really land.

Shanghai: The supply and demand docking platform builds a bridge for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements

How did Fu Jun, a "dream realizer", turn the envisioned medical equipment into a real tool to save lives? Where do the various resources they need to connect come from? In Shanghai, there is a technology supply and demand docking platform to support the huge demand for technology transactions.

Let the science and technology broker become a "dream realizer"! This platform builds a bridge → for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements

Xiao Jie, a young patient, fell into a severe coma because of an accidental fall in his fourth year of college. Later, Xiaojie underwent brain-computer interface surgery, and now he can not only communicate with people with his eyes, make sounds, and even do some actions such as shaking hands and touching his nose.

Let the science and technology broker become a "dream realizer"! This platform builds a bridge → for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements

Dr. Hou Lijun, who is giving Xiaojie further treatment, said that in addition to medical skills, it is also necessary to rely on appropriate equipment to treat diseases and save people. In the past 20 years, he has witnessed the development of high-tech medical equipment in mainland China from scratch and from less to more. It is these innovative devices that allow more and more patients to receive better treatment.

Let the science and technology broker become a "dream realizer"! This platform builds a bridge → for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements

Patients have needs, doctors have ideas, and companies have technology, but it is very difficult for them to find a connection and manufacture a high-tech medical device on their own. This is true in the medical field, but it is also true in other fields. To this end, Shanghai has specially proposed the "one competition, one exhibition, one platform" model, that is, through the China Innovation Challenge, starting from the innovative technology needs of enterprises, to explore good science and technology innovation projects, and then through the Pujiang Innovation Forum - Global Technology Transfer Conference, and InnoMatch global technology supply and demand docking platform, to connect all resources and accelerate the transformation of achievements.

Let the science and technology broker become a "dream realizer"! This platform builds a bridge → for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements

Up to now, the InnoMatch global technology supply and demand docking platform has attracted more than 19,000 technical managers to settle in, and has collected a total of 4,576 needs from 2,351 international and domestic innovative enterprises, with 5.39 billion yuan of intentions or formal contracts.

Let the science and technology broker become a "dream realizer"! This platform builds a bridge → for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements

Chen Chao, General Manager of Shanghai International Technology Exchange Market: A very important point for technical managers in their work is to help them disassemble their technical needs by discovering some technical pain points of enterprises. Help them to carry out business matching and business docking.

Let the science and technology broker become a "dream realizer"! This platform builds a bridge → for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements

Chen Zhongyu, Director of the Industrial Development Division of the Shanghai Hongqiao International Central Business District Management Committee: It provides a good link platform for market players with technology demand and technology transfer resources. Behind the successful transaction, information docking and final matchmaking of technological achievements is a huge technology trading network.

Please indicate CCTV Finance and Economics for reprinting

Editor: Wang Yifan

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