
China's women's ranking list is released! 5 Lang Pingai will be in charge, and 2 controversial candidates will help Cai Bin!

author:CC Talks Sports

China's women's ranking list is released! 5 Lang Pingai will be in charge, and 2 controversial candidates will help Cai Bin!

On June 30, Beijing time, the 13-member roster of the Chinese women's volleyball team for the Paris Olympics was finally announced! In fact, after Wang Yunrui and Wang Yizhu successively revealed the news of their departure through social platforms, many fans have already guessed the final list! On the whole, this list is reasonable, but the selection of individual players still caused a certain amount of controversy!

China's women's ranking list is released! 5 Lang Pingai will be in charge, and 2 controversial candidates will help Cai Bin!

First of all, in terms of age structure, this squad has been widely recognized, and the three generations of players of the old, middle and young players are perfectly combined, which not only ensures the combat power, but also trains the newcomers! It can be seen that during Lang Ping's mentoring period, her five love generals will still play an important role!

China's women's ranking list is released! 5 Lang Pingai will be in charge, and 2 controversial candidates will help Cai Bin!

The first is Zhu Ting, after the loss of the Tokyo Olympics, Zhu Ting left the national team due to injuries and other reasons, and she has been away from the national team for three years before this return! But in order to help the Chinese women's volleyball team enter the Paris Olympics and help the Chinese women's volleyball team achieve better results in the Olympic Games, Zhu Ting resolutely chose to return!

China's women's ranking list is released! 5 Lang Pingai will be in charge, and 2 controversial candidates will help Cai Bin!

After she returned to the team, the effect for the Chinese women's volleyball team was also immediate, and in the Macau game, the Chinese women's volleyball team not only lost the first place in Asia after losing the game, but also failed to lock in the qualification for the Olympic Games! Then Zhu Ting entered the starting line in the Hong Kong game, and the Chinese women's volleyball team won the Olympic Games two rounds in advance after two consecutive 3-0 sweeps!

Whether it is Hui Ruoqi, the former captain of the women's volleyball team who served as the commentator, or Wang Yuanyuan, the main assistant attacker of the Chinese women's volleyball team, after Zhu Ting's return, they all said that Zhu Ting is the role that the Chinese women's volleyball team needs the most, she will help everyone point out the problems in time on the field, and cheer everyone on, Zhu Ting is the backbone of the Chinese women's volleyball team!

China's women's ranking list is released! 5 Lang Pingai will be in charge, and 2 controversial candidates will help Cai Bin!

Followed by Zhang Changning! Similar to Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning also left the national team after the Tokyo Olympics, but unlike Zhu Ting, who played in overseas leagues, Zhang Changning left the field directly due to injury! This return to the national team is also to contribute to the Chinese women's volleyball team's Olympic journey, although it is said that it is affected by injuries and age, but Zhang Changning's experience in the competition is enough to help this team at a critical moment, and the reversal of the Hong Kong match against the Turkish team is a good proof!

China's women's ranking list is released! 5 Lang Pingai will be in charge, and 2 controversial candidates will help Cai Bin!

Followed by Yuan Xinyue, as the "Zhu Yuan Zhang" combination during Lang Ping's coaching period, Yuan Xinyue became the new captain of the Chinese women's volleyball team after the Tokyo Olympics, and she also became the core of the current Chinese women's volleyball team.

The other is Gong Xiangyu, known as the small universe of the full hard-working model, she was selected for the national team for the first time in 16 years and stood on the top podium of the Olympic Games, and then she also became the main force of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and there is not even a qualified substitute in the current lineup, so Gong Xiangyu will play a very important role in the Paris Olympics!

China's women's ranking list is released! 5 Lang Pingai will be in charge, and 2 controversial candidates will help Cai Bin!

Finally, Ding Xia, like Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning, Yuan Xinyue and Gong Xiangyu, Ding Xia is also the "veteran of the three dynasties" in the current Chinese women's volleyball team, she followed the Chinese women's volleyball team to compete in Rio and Tokyo two Olympic Games, and is about to usher in her third Olympic journey!

However, unlike the other four, Ding Xia's selection into the final squad this time has caused some controversy, because of age and injury, she did not get many opportunities in this World Women's Volleyball League, and she did not have too many outstanding performances in the few appearances! Many fans therefore think that the opportunity should be left to the younger Xu Xiaoting! However, some fans think that Ding Xia has won the Olympic championship, and her competition experience is something that Xu Xiaoting does not have, and the coaching staff must pay more attention to her experience and comprehensive strength in terms of selection!

China's women's ranking list is released! 5 Lang Pingai will be in charge, and 2 controversial candidates will help Cai Bin!

Also causing controversy is Zheng Yixin, as mentioned earlier, the Chinese women's volleyball team currently does not have a qualified substitute to respond, Zheng Yixin was originally a secondary attacker, and after Cai Bin took over the Chinese women's volleyball team during the Paris Olympic cycle, she changed from a secondary attack to a receiving position! Although she has a certain ability to handle the ball, her performance in this World Women's Volleyball League is not stable after her debut, her first-pass ability is weak, and her strong offensive ability needs to be improved, so many fans have doubts about her entering the final squad!

China's women's ranking list is released! 5 Lang Pingai will be in charge, and 2 controversial candidates will help Cai Bin!

However, doubts are doubts, the current list has been finalized, whether it is Ding Xia or Zheng Yixin representing the Chinese women's volleyball team, as fans, I still hope that they can play well in the Olympic Games and help the Chinese women's volleyball team go further under the leadership of Cai Bin!

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