
A vivid party lesson that touches the heart - the side note of the "micro party class" evaluation exhibition of the city's courts

author:Jiaozuo Intermediate Court

A vivid party lesson that touches the heart - the side note of the "micro party class" evaluation exhibition of the city's courts

A vivid party lesson that touches the heart - the side note of the "micro party class" evaluation exhibition of the city's courts

Inherit the spirit of party building and continue to struggle. Inherit the revolutionary spirit and gather the power of the rule of law.

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, a unique, shocking and inspiring "micro-party class" that touched the heart won a "full house". On the evening of June 27, the party emblem of the No. 1 trial court of the Municipal Intermediate Court was shining, and the "micro-party class" evaluation exhibition of the city's courts was staged here.

At 19 o'clock that night, the "Micro Party Class" evaluation exhibition kicked off. 10 selected from the "micro-party class" of 10 grassroots court party organizations and 28 party branches of the municipal intermediate court were narrated on the spot.

A vivid party lesson that touches the heart - the side note of the "micro party class" evaluation exhibition of the city's courts
A vivid party lesson that touches the heart - the side note of the "micro party class" evaluation exhibition of the city's courts
A vivid party lesson that touches the heart - the side note of the "micro party class" evaluation exhibition of the city's courts
A vivid party lesson that touches the heart - the side note of the "micro party class" evaluation exhibition of the city's courts

The "A Little Spark, Gathering into a Torch" brought by the Party Branch of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group tells the story of the Jiaozuo Court people's inheritance of the revolutionary spirit, the spark of "I", the torch of "inheritance", and the vigorous force to promote the high-quality development of the court's work.

The "Court Youth Talk" shared by the Party Branch of the Municipal Intermediate Court Office tells the growth process of young cadres and policemen, since they have chosen the balance, they have chosen responsibility and responsibility, and they have chosen the sacred mission of "letting the people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case".

The Party Branch of the Propaganda and Education Department, the Party Branch of the Letters and Visits Bureau, and the Party Branch of the Technical Department of the Municipal Intermediate Court shared "I want to say to you", surrounded by sound, light, electricity, and sound, pulled people back to the Korean battlefield through crossing, and told the soldiers about the prosperity of today's prosperous era, so that they know that the mountains and rivers remember, and we remember, in this prosperous world, there are you and me.

The "Banner Reflects the Red Party Flag" narrated by the General Party Branch of the Qinyang Municipal Court uses the current popular rap form to interpret the story of the court officers and police's efficient cross-domain case filing, mediation of family disputes, and "Yujian execution", and practicing their original intentions and forging ahead in ordinary posts through vivid examples.

The "Choice" brought by the General Party Branch of the Wen County Court, through an interesting short video, tells everyone that judges are not only a profession, but also a responsibility and responsibility, which requires judges to make every choice. ………… Behind the vivid narration is the real scene reproduction, looking at the precious historical film and television materials on the big screen, listening to the speaker's touching narration, this unique "micro-party class", with warmth, thinking, loyalty, and responsibility, let the party members receive a profound ideological baptism, released a strong "magnetic field effect", and the party members on the scene were in tears. "The 'micro-party class' is vivid and touching, which makes me deeply educated and encouraged." "Such party member education into the heart, into the brain into the heart" "these contents are full of true feelings, everywhere touching people's hearts, such a party class, can stay, understand, use." ”……

How to make party spirit education touch the soul, enter the brain and heart, and solve the problems that are difficult to get close to the big truths, difficult to deepen the big topics, difficult to concentrate in the big classroom, and difficult to absorb the big indoctrination? The city's courts innovate carriers and activate forms, give full play to the important role of "micro-party classes" in ideological and political education and the advantages of "seeing the big from the small and knowing the things from the small", based on the new reality, and constantly improve and innovate the political life of the party from the aspects of content, form, carrier, method and means, and use roles, props, music, and scene setting to narrate, rap, perform, and reproduce the scene, so as to connect the suffering and glorious past, the ever-changing present, and the bright and grand future. Constantly revisiting the original intention and mission of the Communists, a "situational" party class with rich content, novel form and fascinating was presented to the party members and the masses on the spot.

A vivid party lesson that touches the heart - the side note of the "micro party class" evaluation exhibition of the city's courts
A vivid party lesson that touches the heart - the side note of the "micro party class" evaluation exhibition of the city's courts

"We, the contemporary courts, must continue the red spiritual bloodline, wield the sword of law, and hold the balance of justice." "As a young court police officer, in the future, we must strengthen theoretical study, improve our professional level, and strive to be a good young man in the new era who has ideals, dares to take responsibility, can endure hardships, and is willing to struggle." "Because we are judges, we should adhere to the purpose of justice for the people, and handle every small case of people's livelihood with the concept of 'as I am suing'." "In the handling of cases, empathy, empathy, treat the parties with the attitude and responsibility of 'empathy', and be a good guardian of fairness and justice." "Conscientiously receive every visitor, take every judicial appeal seriously, carefully consider every detail of the case, and carefully predict the results of the three cases." "Inspired by the party flag, generations of court people have not forgotten their original intentions, kept their missions in mind, loved their careers, and faithfully practiced their responsibilities and responsibilities in their respective positions." ……

In the nearly two-hour "micro-party class" exhibition and evaluation, the participating party members took the "stage" as a "podium", used their own words and performances, expressed their ideals and beliefs, expressed their loyalty to the party, and practiced that a party member is a banner with actions, and made a solemn commitment on behalf of all Jiaozuo court people.

"I am deeply inspired by this 'micro-party class', I will continue the red blood, inherit the red gene, base myself on my own work, handle every case well, be a good people's judge, and strive to make the people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case." Wu Lijuan, vice president of the Third Civil Division of the Municipal Intermediate Court, said.

The provincial and municipal people's congress deputies and CPPCC members who were invited to participate in the event praised one after another: "The on-site narration and scene interpretation make me refreshed, it's really shocking, and I want to listen to such a party class a few more times." ”

"This 'micro-party class' evaluation exhibition is a concrete practice to further implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building, an exploration and innovation to strengthen the organizational life of the party, and an important measure to promote the court culture in the new era and continue to promote the great improvement of the ability and style of all cadres and police." Li Hongfen, Secretary of the Party Group and President of the Municipal Intermediate Court, sent a message to the party members and police officers of the city's courts that they should always keep in mind their mission and responsibility, work hard and move forward bravely with more enthusiasm and a more high-spirited attitude, and make greater contributions to accelerating the construction of a Chinese-style modernization in Henan Practice Pilot Zone, and striving to write a new chapter in the Central Plains in a more brilliant new era and new journey.

In the unfinished business, the "Micro Party Class" exhibition and evaluation ended successfully, but the impact it left behind was far-reaching and lasting, inspiring the people of Jiaozuo Court to continue to move forward and struggle, and to promote the work of the city's courts to a higher level with more enthusiasm and a more pragmatic style, so as to provide a strong judicial guarantee for the city's high-quality economic and social development.

Walking out of the venue, everyone continued to talk, feel and share......

Author: Guo Jiali/text, picture

A vivid party lesson that touches the heart - the side note of the "micro party class" evaluation exhibition of the city's courts

Director: Zhao Yujun Executive Director: Liu Chunrun, Wang Lili Coordinator: Shi Yichen, Li Yijing Editor: Guo Zixuan

A vivid party lesson that touches the heart - the side note of the "micro party class" evaluation exhibition of the city's courts
A vivid party lesson that touches the heart - the side note of the "micro party class" evaluation exhibition of the city's courts
A vivid party lesson that touches the heart - the side note of the "micro party class" evaluation exhibition of the city's courts