
The total weight of the 3 herring in Jinniu Lake is 626 catties, and the largest is 228 catties.

author:The bald head said fishing

Everyone knows that herring is a giant fish, how big is the largest herring you have ever seen? As a fisherman, the largest herring I have caught is only a few dozen catties, because of insufficient financial resources, I can't stick to the nest for a long time, so I haven't been able to catch a giant herring.

But this does not prevent me from yearning for the giant herring, now is the Internet era, whenever there are anglers after catching a giant herring, they will always watch their video, and look at the fishing position, check the location, just for the dream of the big fish in their minds.

The total weight of the 3 herring in Jinniu Lake is 626 catties, and the largest is 228 catties.

Judging from the online video, more than 50 catties of herring are more common, more than 100 catties, or about 100 catties of herring is relatively rare, some people in order to buy more than 100 catties of herring "town house" even at the expense of 100,000 yuan.

So how big can a herring get? What is the limit of the giant size of the herring? You can use the 3 herring caught in Jinniu Lake as a reference.

The total weight of the 3 herring in Jinniu Lake is 626 catties, and the largest is 228 catties.

First, on September 10, 2004, the fishing team of Nanjing Jinniu Lake, found a giant fish when fishing, more than a dozen people after 6 hours, finally caught this fish ashore, the weight of this herring is 212 pounds, the body length of 1.74 meters.

Second, in July 2005, a fisherman in Jinniu Lake accidentally caught a giant herring fish, this herring is 1.8 meters long, weighs 228 pounds, this herring has become the largest herring recorded in the mainland and made into a specimen.

Third, on July 16, 2019, the Jinniu Lake Aquatic Fishing Team in Liuhe District once again caught a giant herring with a body length of 1.65 meters and a weight of 186 catties. It is said that after this herring came out of the water, a certain boss wanted to buy it at a price of 8,000 yuan and was refused, and then it was made into a specimen for display.

The total weight of the 3 herring in Jinniu Lake is 626 catties, and the largest is 228 catties.

The total weight of the three herring caught in Jinniu Lake in Nanjing is 626 catties, and the largest is 228 catties, which are all made into specimens after being caught, which is also the largest herring recorded in China.

After seeing these 3 herrings, as a fisherman, the mood is surging, how good it would be if these 3 herring were caught, but this is just imagining, because such a large fishing line group and fishing rod can not stand it, even if the 20-line group is used, the rebar rod is also burst, and the hand rod is almost impossible to go ashore.

Because these 3 herring fish grow in Jinniu Lake, they belong to the wild state, anglers know that the strength of wild fish is particularly large, and it is difficult to catch a large fishing rod of more than 100 catties, let alone a big fish of 200 catties, and it is almost impossible to achieve it with a hand rod.

The total weight of the 3 herring in Jinniu Lake is 626 catties, and the largest is 228 catties.

So why is there such a big fish in Jinniu Lake? This starts with the construction of Jinniu Lake, which was built in 1958 and is upstream in Yeshan Town, Tianchang City, Chuzhou City, Anhui Province, and the main reservoir area is located in Jinniuhu Street, Liuhe District, Nanjing City.

The area of Jinniu Lake is not large, only 25,000 acres, and the reservoir capacity is only 93.15 million cubic meters (one says 96 million cubic meters) belongs to the medium-sized reservoir.

There are many reservoirs in the mainland that are larger than Jinniu Lake, take Danjiangkou Reservoir and Qiandao Lake Reservoir as examples, Danjiangkou Reservoir was built in 1973, the average area of the reservoir for many years is more than 700 square kilometers, after the dam was heightened in 2012, the water area is 1022.75 square kilometers, and the water storage is 29.05 billion cubic meters.

The total weight of the 3 herring in Jinniu Lake is 626 catties, and the largest is 228 catties.

Construction of the Qiandao Lake Reservoir began in 1955 and was completed in 1960, with an area of about 580 square kilometers and a storage capacity of 17.8 billion cubic meters, and private fishing has long been banned in Qiandao Lake.

Compared with Nanjing Jinniu Lake, these two reservoirs are not only much larger than Jinniu Lake, but also have a water storage capacity of hundreds of times that of Jinniu Lake, so are there any big herring that breaks 200 catties in these two reservoirs?

I think there should be, because at that time, after the construction of the reservoir, a large number of fish fry were stocked. All kinds of fish have been put in, especially Qiandao Lake, Qiandao Lake was built at the same time as Jinniu Lake, after the completion of the Yangtze River to buy a lot of fish fry into Qiandao Lake, Qiandao Lake should have the existence of giant herring, maybe far more than 200 catties.

The total weight of the 3 herring in Jinniu Lake is 626 catties, and the largest is 228 catties.

In 2015, the fishing team of Hangzhou Qiandao Lake Development Group Company encountered the king of fish, this herring has a body length of 175 centimeters and weighs an astonishing 180 catties, making it the longest and heaviest fish in Qiandao Lake so far.

So why haven't the Danjiangkou and Qiandao Lake caught more than 200 catties of giant fish? It is estimated that the area of Qiandao Lake and Danjiangkou is too large! In addition, the underwater environment is complex, and it is not easy to catch giant fish.

Take Qiandao Lake as an example, the deepest part of Qiandao Lake is more than 100 meters, the average water depth is more than 30 meters, and the area is 580 square kilometers. I don't think it's that there are no big fish in Qiandao Lake and Danjiangkou Reservoir, but they haven't been caught for the time being, so how big can the herring grow?

The total weight of the 3 herring in Jinniu Lake is 626 catties, and the largest is 228 catties.

I think how big a herring can grow depends mainly on its lifespan, and some netizens on the Internet said: "The lifespan of a herring is only 20 years." Although there is no research on the lifespan of fish, it is certain that the lifespan of herring is much more than 20 years.

And finally: So how big can a herring grow? Let's quote an old saying "pigs are three hundred pounds, fish are not called", in ancient times, due to the lack of synthetic feed, the largest pig raised at home is only 300 pounds, but the fish can not be weighed.

And the growth of fish is unlimited, not like human beings to a certain age, the height will not increase, but the weight will be fat, fish will not stop growing for life, as long as there is no human intervention, the older they are, too long and longer, the heavier the weight, human beings are the natural enemies of fish, what do you say?

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