
Professor Yu Li actually resigned from Southern Medical University! Life comes first! Or is it the supremacy of the leadership?

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Yu Li, a professor at Southern Medical University, was punished for being late for class for treating patients and saving people, which caused heated discussions on the Internet, and Professor Yu Li finally chose to resign. According to reports, Professor Yu Li was criticized and punished by Southern Medical University for being 29 minutes late for a lecture due to treating critically ill patients. Specifically, a bonus of 2,000 yuan will be deducted, the qualification for annual assessment and evaluation will be cancelled, and the whole hospital will be notified.

Professor Yu Li actually resigned from Southern Medical University! Life comes first! Or is it the supremacy of the leadership?

Offendingly, the student who reported Yu Li was a foreign student, and the school's harsh punishment seemed to be aimed at currying favor with the student. Against the backdrop of widespread criticism of the school's bureaucracy by netizens, Professor Yu Li chose to resign.

The punishment of Professor Yu Li has aroused strong repercussions from all walks of life, and most public opinion believes that the university has mishandled the situation, one-sidedly safeguarding the interests of foreign students, and ignoring the rights of domestic teachers.

Professor Yu Li actually resigned from Southern Medical University! Life comes first! Or is it the supremacy of the leadership?

Behind the incident, there are many problems in the management philosophy and leadership style of the university, such as serious bureaucracy and formalism, and cross-border intervention in teaching by the leaders of the university and hospital, which exist to varying degrees in the current Chinese higher education system.

Professor Yu Li's choice to leave the university also makes people lament the shortcomings of the academic environment of mainland universities, which has led to the loss of excellent teachers. The school knew that Professor Yu Li was late for saving people, but still mechanically enforced the law and fined and deducted the award. The school did not stand on the basis of reality, distinguish between right and wrong, and be considerate of teachers. It reflects that there are problems of formalism and bureaucracy in the school in teaching management.

Professor Yu Li actually resigned from Southern Medical University! Life comes first! Or is it the supremacy of the leadership?

The university is overly lenient with foreign students, but it is harsh on its own teachers. This double standard exposes an undue inclination towards outsiders. Some leaders of colleges and universities have a foreign-worshipping mentality and like to curry favor with foreigners, which is wrong in terms of management philosophy.

Medicine is the foundation of a medical university, and it is the duty of a doctor to save lives and help the wounded. However, the school has done the opposite, attacking medical ethics, which is a blasphemy against the spirit of medicine. As a medical school, the school's actions lack humanistic spiritual care and go against the original intention of medicine.

Professor Yu Li actually resigned from Southern Medical University! Life comes first! Or is it the supremacy of the leadership?

The disciplinary action of teachers should be carried out by the academic affairs department, and the school hospital should not interfere excessively with teaching activities. The actions of the university are an improper cross-border of administrative power. This reflects the current irrational internal governance structure of universities and the lack of a power check and balance mechanism.

When the majority of public opinion questioned its decision, the university still insisted on its original intention and stubbornness. This shows that the school has disregarded the legitimate rights of teachers and lacked the tolerance and open-mindedness they should have in the face of external pressure. Professor Yu Li eventually left due to the punishment of the university, which undoubtedly aggravated the problem of the loss of excellent teachers. Colleges and universities should strive to retain talent, not regain the elite they have already recruited.

Professor Yu Li actually resigned from Southern Medical University! Life comes first! Or is it the supremacy of the leadership?

Pay attention to life, care for teachers and students, rather than simply pursuing the image of the school. The university should abandon bureaucracy, pay attention to the rights and interests of faculty and staff, and create a humanistic and caring campus atmosphere. Be inclusive and listen to the voices of teachers and students, rather than blindly suppressing teachers. The university should respect the professional autonomy of teachers, establish a relationship of equality and mutual trust with teachers, and jointly promote teaching and scientific research.

Treat foreign students reasonably, but not favoritism. The university should treat Chinese and foreign staff and students equally, and the differential treatment should be based on objective facts, and should not suppress the rights of teachers and students in their own country. University hospitals should not excessively interfere in teaching management to prevent cross-border abuse of power. It is necessary to establish and improve the governance structure of the school, clarify the rights and responsibilities of each department, and strengthen mutual checks and balances.

Professor Yu Li actually resigned from Southern Medical University! Life comes first! Or is it the supremacy of the leadership?

Improve mechanisms for power supervision and restraint to prevent management anomie. A scientific and standardized management system should be established to restrain the behavior of the school to arbitrarily punish teachers and staff. In the face of doubts from all sides, the university should adopt an open and inclusive attitude and respond to social concerns in a timely manner, rather than blindly insisting on opinions.

In order to see the serious consequences of the loss of excellent teachers, schools should actively improve the employment environment and retain talents. Teachers and staff should have the right to participate in school governance extensively, and the school should be supervised to promote democratic management. The resignation of Professor Yu Li has aroused strong repercussions from all walks of life, and has also caused people to reflect on the current problems in the management of universities.

Professor Yu Li actually resigned from Southern Medical University! Life comes first! Or is it the supremacy of the leadership?

As an educational institution, colleges and universities should establish the concept of humanization and human culture, handle intra-school relations in accordance with fairness and justice, based on the actual national conditions, fully respect the teaching autonomy of teachers, and maintain the spiritual home of the campus, so as to make it a positive social force.