
When children grow taller, they should supplement more protein, and it is recommended that they eat eight dishes often to increase energy and grow taller healthily

author:Brother Qiu said food

Hello everyone, this is Brother Qiu talking about food, sharing delicious home-cooked food every day. As the dog days approach, the temperature rises and the weather becomes more and more muggy. So, in the face of such hot and humid weather, our appetite is getting worse and worse. Especially children with long bodies and heights, they have no appetite for some foods with low nutritional value or too greasy. As a result, many children enter a period of stagnation in the summer when they grow taller, and they don't grow taller at all. For this reason, parents can be said to be heartbroken. As children grow taller, they need to supplement more protein, so I suggest that children eat eight high-protein meat dishes often in summer, which can help children increase energy and grow taller healthily. Next, I will share the recipe of these eight high-protein meat dishes, friends who like it, follow me to learn.

1. Sour soup slices

When children grow taller, they should supplement more protein, and it is recommended that they eat eight dishes often to increase energy and grow taller healthily

Ingredients: plum blossom meat, enoki mushrooms, green and red peppers, minced green onion and garlic, sour soup seasoning, pepper, chopped green onion.

How it works:

1. Clean the plum blossom meat and cut it into thin slices, then add starch, pepper, light soy sauce and peanut oil, then grab and mix evenly, marinate for 10 minutes and set aside.

2. Clean the enoki mushrooms, then heat the oil in a pan, after the oil is hot, add the minced green onion and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then pour in the green and red peppers and stir-fry until fragrant, then add water and sour soup seasoning and boil over high heat.

3. Then put in the enoki mushrooms and cook them first, then remove them and pour them into a large bowl, and then put the plum blossom meat into the cooking.

4. Finally, pour it into a large bowl together with the soup, then add chopped green onions or green and red peppers to garnish, and then you can eat it out of the pot.

2. Smooth beef with chopped green onions and eggs

When children grow taller, they should supplement more protein, and it is recommended that they eat eight dishes often to increase energy and grow taller healthily

Ingredients: beef, eggs, chopped green onions, shredded ginger.

How it works:

1. Clean the beef and cut it into thin slices, then add shredded ginger, starch, light soy sauce and peanut oil, then mix evenly, marinate for 10 minutes and set aside.

2. Take a bowl and beat three eggs and a handful of chopped green onions, then stir evenly and set aside, then heat the pan to heat the oil, after the oil is hot, put in the marinated beef and stir-fry, stir-fry until it changes color, and then put it out for later use.

3. Heat the oil in another pan, after the oil is hot, pour in the green onion and egg liquid and fry until the egg liquid is slightly formed, and then add the beef to fry together.

4. Push and scramble until the eggs are fully cooked, and then you can eat them out of the pan.

3. Mushroom and chicken with mushrooms

When children grow taller, they should supplement more protein, and it is recommended that they eat eight dishes often to increase energy and grow taller healthily

Ingredients: chicken thighs, shiitake mushrooms, minced green onions, ginger and garlic, cooked sesame seeds, chopped green onions.

How it works:

1. Remove the bones of the chicken thighs and cut the chicken skin into small pieces, then add starch, cooking wine, black pepper, light soy sauce and peanut oil, then mix evenly, marinate for 10 minutes and set aside.

2. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into small pieces, then heat the oil in a pan, after the oil is hot, put in the marinated chicken thighs and stir-fry, stir-fry until the chicken thighs are golden on both sides, and then put them out for later use.

3. Heat the oil in another pan, after the oil is hot, add the green onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then pour in the mushrooms and stir-fry together, after the fry is soft, then add the chicken thighs and stir-fry together.

4. Finally, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, then pour in water and simmer for three minutes, then add cooked sesame seeds to garnish, and you can eat it out of the pot.

4. Stir-fried chicken breast with yuba fungus

When children grow taller, they should supplement more protein, and it is recommended that they eat eight dishes often to increase energy and grow taller healthily

Ingredients: chicken breast, bean curd, chicken breast, fungus, green and red peppers, minced garlic.

How it works:

1. Clean the chicken breast, then cut it into small strips and put it in a large bowl, add starch, cooking wine, light soy sauce and peanut oil, then mix evenly, marinate for 20 minutes and set aside.

2. Prepare fungus, green and red peppers and minced garlic, then prepare the yuba in advance, then heat the oil in a pan, and after the oil is hot, put in the chicken breast and fry in oil.

3. After stir-frying until it changes color, then add minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add fungus and yuba to stir-fry evenly, and then add an appropriate amount of salt to taste and enhance freshness.

4. Finally, add an appropriate amount of water and simmer for about three minutes, then add green and red peppers and stir-fry over high heat to collect the juice, and then you can eat it out of the pot.

5. Minced meat, eggs, and tofu

When children grow taller, they should supplement more protein, and it is recommended that they eat eight dishes often to increase energy and grow taller healthily

Ingredients: lean meat, tofu, eggs, minced green onion and garlic.

How it works:

1. Clean the lean meat, then chop it into minced meat and put it in a large bowl, then add starch, cooking wine, light soy sauce and peanut oil, then grab and mix evenly, marinate for 10 minutes and set aside.

2. Cut the tofu into small pieces and put it in a large bowl, then beat three eggs into it, then add an appropriate amount of salt and stir it evenly for later use.

3. Heat the oil in a hot pan, after the oil is hot, pour in the minced onion and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then pour in the minced meat and stir-fry, stir-fry until the minced meat changes color, and then put it out for later use.

4. Heat the oil in another pan, after the oil is hot, pour in the tofu and egg liquid to fry, fry until the egg liquid is formed, then add minced meat, a little light soy sauce and water to simmer and collect the juice, you can eat it out of the pot.

6. Stir-fried beef with baby cabbage

When children grow taller, they should supplement more protein, and it is recommended that they eat eight dishes often to increase energy and grow taller healthily

Ingredients: beef, baby cabbage, minced garlic, shredded ginger.

How it works:

1. Clean the beef and cut it into thin slices, then add starch, shredded ginger, light soy sauce, oyster sauce and peanut oil, then mix evenly, marinate for 10 minutes and set aside.

2. Clean the baby cabbage, then heat the oil in a pan, after the oil is hot, put in the marinated beef and stir-fry, stir-fry until it changes color, and then put it out for later use.

3. Heat the oil in another pan, after the oil is hot, add the minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then pour in the baby cabbage and stir-fry, then add salt to taste, and then continue to stir-fry until the baby cabbage is broken.

4. Finally, add the fried beef and stir-fry it together to evenly absorb the flavor, and then you can eat it out of the pot.

7. Scrambled eggs with tomato fungus

When children grow taller, they should supplement more protein, and it is recommended that they eat eight dishes often to increase energy and grow taller healthily

Ingredients: eggs, fungus, broccoli, tomatoes, chopped green onions, chopped black pepper.

How it works:

1. Take a bowl and beat three eggs and stir well, then heat the oil in a pan, after the oil is hot, pour in the egg liquid oil and fry it until smooth, and then put it out for later use.

2. Soak the fungus in advance to soften, then clean it with the broccoli that is cut into small flowers, then boil the water, after the water boils, put in the broccoli and fungus to blanch, and then drain the water for later use.

3. Clean the tomatoes and cut them into small pieces, then heat the oil in a pan, after the oil is hot, add the tomatoes and stir-fry, fry the tomato juice, and then add the fungus and broccoli to stir-fry evenly.

4. Add salt and light soy sauce to taste and enhance freshness, then add eggs and stir-fry together to evenly absorb the flavor, and then you can eat it out of the pot.

8. Fried eggs with beans

When children grow taller, they should supplement more protein, and it is recommended that they eat eight dishes often to increase energy and grow taller healthily

Ingredients: eggs, beans.

How it works:

1. Cut the beans into cubes and clean them, then boil the water, after the water boils, put in the diced beans and blanch them, then remove and drain the water, and pour them into a large bowl.

2. Beat three eggs into a large bowl, then add an appropriate amount of salt and stir well, then heat the oil in a pan, after the oil is hot, pour in the beans and eggs and fry them.

3. Fry until the egg liquid is formed, then pour in an appropriate amount of light soy sauce to extract freshness, and then continue to stir-fry evenly into the flavor, and then you can eat it out of the pot.