
Yu Fengzhi left his estate to Zhang Xueliang, why did Zhang Xueliang donate his estate to the United States before he died?

author:Fengfeng said history

On October 14, 2001, "Young Marshal" Zhang Xueliang died of illness in Honolulu, USA, at the age of 101. Zhang Xueliang has enjoyed a lot of blessings and suffered a lot in his life, but overall, the luck of this celebrity of the Republic of China is still good, although he has been under house arrest for half his life, he has miraculously survived a lot of old opponents, and he has lived a stable life in his old age, not only that, but he also holds a large amount of property in his hands.

Surprisingly, Zhang Xueliang did not leave a large inheritance to his children and grandchildren, but donated it to the United States, what did he think?

Yu Fengzhi left his estate to Zhang Xueliang, why did Zhang Xueliang donate his estate to the United States before he died?

Huge property

What many people don't understand is that Zhang Xueliang has been under house arrest by Lao Jiang for decades, where did he get so much money? This is thanks to two people, one is Zhang Xueliang's father Zhang Zuolin, Zhang Zuolin thought that he was the famous king of Northeast China back then, and the family property left to his son was astronomical, so Zhang Xueliang became one of the richest people in China as soon as he took over.

It is a pity that because of the Japanese occupation of the three eastern provinces after the 918 Incident, Zhang Xueliang's assets have shrunk greatly, but he has also been prepared, long before the Japanese army attacked, he deposited a lot of property in foreign banks opened by foreigners, in that troubled era, this is a safer way to preserve property. Although he lost his freedom later, at least Lao Jiang did not touch the money in his bank account.

Yu Fengzhi left his estate to Zhang Xueliang, why did Zhang Xueliang donate his estate to the United States before he died?

There is also a large amount of property from Zhang Xueliang's original wife Yu Fengzhi, although in Zhang Xueliang's life, Miss Zhao Si has a stronger sense of existence and is more liked by Zhang Xueliang, but Yu Fengzhi is also infatuated with Zhang Xueliang. After Zhang Xueliang was placed under house arrest, Yu Fengzhi took care of him for a long time, but her body had problems and was found to have breast cancer, and her life was at stake.

This is a typical story of an infatuated woman with a negative heart, but the person concerned, Yu Fengzhi, is enjoying it, and onlookers don't know how to evaluate it. After Yu Fengzhi arrived in the United States, on the one hand, he was curing his illness, and on the other hand, he had to make money to maintain the lives of Zhang Xueliang and his family, including Zhang Xueliang and Miss Zhao Si. After all, although Zhang Xueliang is rich, he is controlled by Lao Jiang everywhere, and he still has to rely on Yu Fengzhi's funding after all.

Yu Fengzhi left his estate to Zhang Xueliang, why did Zhang Xueliang donate his estate to the United States before he died?

In the last century, there were not many job opportunities available to a woman, but Yu Fengzhi was impressive, and she entered the stock market with a small amount of money and made a lot of money. Subsequently, she bought a large number of real estate, invested, and within a few years, she became one of the richest people among the Chinese.

Time is wasted

Yu Fengzhi's personality is two-sided, on the one hand, she is a strong woman, she does not rely on her husband, she can do her own business, and she can do it vigorously, even when Zhang Zuolin was alive, she often praised her ability. But it's a pity that such a strong woman was born in the old era, no matter how strong she is, she can't give up that affectionate husband. She endured the pain of illness and worked hard to make money, but she didn't enjoy it much, and every money she earned was planning for Zhang Xueliang, for fear that after he regained his freedom, he would not be able to live a prosperous life.

Yu Fengzhi left his estate to Zhang Xueliang, why did Zhang Xueliang donate his estate to the United States before he died?

She even bought a villa for Zhang Xueliang and Miss Zhao Si in the United States, the interior of the villa was designed by Yu Fengzhi herself, and the layout of the house in her hometown in the Northeast is almost exactly the same. It's a pity that she was so attentive, but she still couldn't see Zhang Xueliang's last face, in 1990, this infatuated woman passed away, and before she died, she specially confessed that all her inheritance was left to Zhang Xueliang.

And when Zhang Xueliang regained his freedom and went to settle in the United States, all he saw was Yu Fengzhi's cold tombstone, standing in the cemetery, Zhang Xueliang's eyes were full of guilt, but what could he make up for? Relying on his father and wife, Zhang Xueliang has a large amount of money in his hands, which is enough to support him to live a luxurious life. However, for Zhang Xueliang, the golden period of his life has passed, and as a general, the most "famous" record in his life is the loss of the three eastern provinces, which cannot but be said to be a tragedy.

Yu Fengzhi left his estate to Zhang Xueliang, why did Zhang Xueliang donate his estate to the United States before he died?

A few years later, at the end of his life, Zhang Xueliang decided to make arrangements for his inheritance, and surprisingly, he did not leave it to future generations. In Zhang Xueliang's view, his most important inheritance is not the money in his bank account, but the cultural relics he brought from China, including several large boxes of books that have become unique books, photos, documents, antique calligraphy and paintings kept during the period of the three eastern provinces, etc., all of which are priceless.


At the beginning, Zhang Xueliang and Miss Zhao Si discussed that these things were brought out from the Northeast and should be entrusted to the Northeast, and the two also thought about contacting the Northeast Museum. But then Zhang Xueliang thought about it, and felt that this matter was difficult, after all, he had not been back to the Northeast for many years, and he didn't know what China was like now.

Yu Fengzhi left his estate to Zhang Xueliang, why did Zhang Xueliang donate his estate to the United States before he died?

So Zhang Xueliang retreated to the next best thing, found Columbia University, and donated his legacy, hoping that Columbia University could properly keep these cultural relics. The reason why he chose Columbia University is because Zhang Xueliang is close friends with Columbia University professor and Chinese-American scholar Tang Degang, and Tang Degang is also responsible for helping Zhang Xueliang write his memoirs.

In fact, Zhang Xueliang could have left this inheritance to his children, and if he had so many precious historical materials in his hands, it would be very helpful for the children in the future. But Zhang Xueliang thinks more complicated than others, there are a large number of unknown secret materials and letters in this inheritance, and many words involve very important history, if it is made public, it will cause an uproar.

Yu Fengzhi left his estate to Zhang Xueliang, why did Zhang Xueliang donate his estate to the United States before he died?

After decades of ups and downs, Zhang Xueliang has a deep feeling for the chaos, he would rather destroy these things than let his descendants get involved in these complicated things again, so Zhang Xueliang's descendants have never known what is in the information left by Zhang Xueliang.

Arranging the inheritance was the last major event Zhang Xueliang did in his life, and soon after he did this, he passed away, and his descendants also went to live in different places. Many people will feel in a trance when they see the year of Zhang Xueliang's death, because in people's memory, he is the history of the last century.

Yu Fengzhi left his estate to Zhang Xueliang, why did Zhang Xueliang donate his estate to the United States before he died?

That doesn't seem right. The history of the "young marshal" ended in 1936, although his life was very long, but in the long life, he never made any splashes in the long river of history, for a historical figure, this is a cruel ending.

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