
Is the disappearance of wrinkles a reverse growth? Beware, it's the body that's on the alert

author:Skin Channel for the Medical Community

*For medical professionals only

The absence of wrinkles on the face is a sign of youthfulness and is the pursuit of many people, but the absence of wrinkles on the face is not a good thing? Really? What's going on? The Department of Dermatology of Zhongshan Hospital will take you to find out today!

Identify the QR code below, 19:00-20:10 today

As we age, dynamic or static skin lines, commonly known as "wrinkles", are one of the signs of skin aging. But normal skin will have natural fine lines, everyone has it, even newborn babies will have it, which is a sign of healthy skin.

These are normal skin lines! Close-up, don't be anxious about "wrinkles"!

Is the disappearance of wrinkles a reverse growth? Beware, it's the body that's on the alert

Dermatologists warn that if your face is suddenly smooth and tight, and you can't see any skin lines, you have to worry!

This is not normal "skin lines disappear"! Probably the "mask face" of systemic scleroderma!

Is the disappearance of wrinkles a reverse growth? Beware, it's the body that's on the alert

If you look in the mirror and notice that the tip of your nose suddenly becomes smaller, your lips become thinner, your nasolabial folds suddenly become lighter, and you have radioactive wrinkles around your mouth, you have to worry even more! It could really be "systemic scleroderma"!

Not having "wrinkles" is really not a good thing! What is "systemic scleroderma"?

"Systemic scleroderma" is an autoimmune disease that affects the whole body, and if it is not treated in time, the mortality rate is very high, and it can be said that it is on par with the scary-sounding "lupus erythematosus"! Today, with the rapid development of medical standards, the ten-year survival rate of systemic scleroderma reported in foreign literature is only 75%!

If you find that there is no healthy "skin lines", you must be worried! Go to a regular hospital as soon as possible for early detection and early treatment!

In addition to not having healthy "skin lines", these symptoms must also be worried!

1. The hands/feet are white and purple after being exposed to the cold (this is the most important);

2. The skin is thickened and hardened, and it is a little difficult to pinch (this is also very important);

3. The complexion and neck skin are black, and there are white spots in the middle;

4. Sudden increase in caries, shortening of tongue-tie, and limited mouth opening;

5. There are depressions in the fingertips, rough nail skin around the nails, bleeding spots around the nails, and thinner fingertips of the hands (feet);

6. Walking briskly and panting, always refluxing acid water.

Although systemic scleroderma is as terrible as "lupus erythematosus", early detection and early systematic treatment can still control the disease!

The Department of Dermatology of Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University has been committed to the clinical diagnosis and treatment of systemic scleroderma and science popularization for many years, so that systemic scleroderma can be detected and diagnosed early, and the ten-year survival rate of systemic scleroderma has increased to 91.4% based on early diagnosis and early characteristic integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment programs!

World Scleroderma Day June 29

The Department of Dermatology of Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University held a special online science popularization activity from 19:00 to 20:10 on June 29, hoping that through this science popularization activity, more scleroderma patients can be detected early and receive timely diagnosis and treatment! Let more people pay attention to the rare group of "systemic scleroderma", and help and care for patients and families!

Editor in charge: Liu Sisi

*The Medical Profession strives to be professional and reliable in its published content, but does not make any commitment to the accuracy of the content; The parties involved are invited to separately check when adopting or using this as a basis for decision-making.

Is the disappearance of wrinkles a reverse growth? Beware, it's the body that's on the alert