
South Korean watermelon is 100 yuan a pound, Chinese watermelon is a pound and 2 cents, can it be exported to South Korea to make money?

author:Science early flights

The moon in a foreign country is not necessarily rounder, but a watermelon in a foreign country must be more expensive, such as in South Korea.

It is no exaggeration to say that those who can afford to eat watermelons in South Korea have to be rich and big, compared to Koreans who eat melons in small patches, there are more watermelons in the mainland to feed pigs. If you take advantage of the price difference and production to export watermelons to Japan and South Korea, wouldn't it be a big profit?

South Korean watermelon is 100 yuan a pound, Chinese watermelon is a pound and 2 cents, can it be exported to South Korea to make money?

Born as a melon, how big can the difference be between China, Japan and South Korea?

Recently, the world has ushered in a "summer crisis", and the temperature in many places has repeatedly broken the extreme, giving people a baptism of heat waves. In this season, when even breathing is so hot that you panic, if you can eat cold and sweet watermelon, the feeling of comfort is really hard to change. However, eating watermelon in Japan and South Korea is indeed a "hard to change" thing. Why is that?

South Korean watermelon is 100 yuan a pound, Chinese watermelon is a pound and 2 cents, can it be exported to South Korea to make money?

It turned out that the fruits of Japan and South Korea were expensive, and watermelons were even more expensive. Some people will ask, how expensive can Korean watermelons be? It is understood that a small watermelon in South Korea can be sold for a price of 100 yuan a catty, and if it is a watermelon with good quality, high quality and good variety, it can be sold at a more expensive price. This is bitter for Koreans, and they can only "look at melons and sigh" in the hot weather.

South Korean watermelon is 100 yuan a pound, Chinese watermelon is a pound and 2 cents, can it be exported to South Korea to make money?

At the same time, Japan's situation is not much better, and Japan, which has a narrow land and a large number of people and a small plain area, has long ago "bitter fruits". In Japan, watermelon is a particularly valuable gift, and even if it is given to VIPs, it will not lose the grade at all. In the sweltering summer, it is difficult for Japanese people to take watermelons to relieve the heat and feast on them, and it is rare for Japanese people to buy a few large watermelons in the supermarket and take them home to freeze.

Most of the watermelons sold in Japanese supermarkets are sliced, and even watermelon rinds can be sold. Due to the high price and lack of resources of watermelon, the Japanese have a very "solemn" attitude towards eating watermelon, and after taking out a small slice from the refrigerator and eating it, the remaining small piece of watermelon must also be sealed with plastic wrap and then put back in the refrigerator to keep it fresh for the next taste.

South Korean watermelon is 100 yuan a pound, Chinese watermelon is a pound and 2 cents, can it be exported to South Korea to make money?

Compared with the cramped situation of watermelons in Japan and South Korea, the mainland can be described as a well-deserved "watermelon power". Every summer, the watermelons in the mainland will "rise up", appearing in major supermarkets, street stalls, all kinds of beverage shops, and even the refrigerators of Chinese people are stuffed with a full of summer fruits, and the huge and round watermelons are even more dominant.

On the mainland, "watermelon freedom" is not an empty slogan, but a real scene. Comparatively speaking, the price of watermelons in the mainland is affordable and close to the people, and some varieties of watermelons are sold at a unit price of two cents and a catty.

South Korean watermelon is 100 yuan a pound, Chinese watermelon is a pound and 2 cents, can it be exported to South Korea to make money?

What made the Japanese and Korean people even more defense-breaking was that the watermelons they couldn't ask for were actually fed to pigs on the mainland. When the Korean people saw a herd of pigs happily munching on mountains of watermelons, their envy reached the extreme. Maybe even the watermelon itself will be confused, born as a melon, how can the difference between different countries be so big.

South Korean watermelon is 100 yuan a pound, Chinese watermelon is a pound and 2 cents, can it be exported to South Korea to make money?

Watermelons on the mainland are so cheap, wouldn't it be profitable to export watermelons to Japan and South Korea?

According to relevant data, the wholesale price of watermelon this year is generally lower than in previous years. Taking an agricultural product circulation center in Chaoyang District of the capital as an example, in terms of fruit wholesale prices, the price of seeded sweet king watermelon is 0.6 yuan per catty, and the price of seedless sweet king watermelon is 1 yuan per catty. The news of the overall price reduction of watermelons rushed to the hot search public opinion field, and the price of watermelons in some areas directly dropped to a few cents a catty, which caused consumers to rush to buy a large number of them.

South Korean watermelon is 100 yuan a pound, Chinese watermelon is a pound and 2 cents, can it be exported to South Korea to make money?

The sudden overall price reduction of watermelon prices has directly triggered a wholesaler from Xinyang, Henan Province, to sigh, even seedless unicorn melons can not escape the law of price reduction, and even the retail price of many watermelons this year cannot catch up with last year's wholesale price.

This market situation has made watermelon a summer fruit that can be seen everywhere, and even poultry and livestock can meet the "watermelon freedom". In contrast, watermelons in Japan and South Korea are in dire straits, and the "watermelon disaster" has become a haze that has been shrouded in the hearts of Japanese and South Korean people. Someone had an idea and proposed to make use of the advantages of price difference and output to export the mainland's watermelons to the Japanese and South Korean markets.

South Korean watermelon is 100 yuan a pound, Chinese watermelon is a pound and 2 cents, can it be exported to South Korea to make money?

It is a fact that the yield of watermelons in the mainland is high and the price is low, and there are few watermelons in Japan and South Korea, and the prices are high, and the people of Japan and South Korea have been "bitter watermelons for a long time", and in terms of output and price, we occupy a stable advantage.

So at a glance, if you export mainland watermelons to Japan and South Korea, wouldn't it make a lot of money? It's a beautiful idea, but the reality is that there are so many problems to face. The high price of watermelons in Japan and South Korea is only a superficial phenomenon, which is caused by market factors such as high demand and low supply behind it, as well as the constraints of local planting conditions in Japan and South Korea.

South Korean watermelon is 100 yuan a pound, Chinese watermelon is a pound and 2 cents, can it be exported to South Korea to make money?

If the mainland wants to smoothly export watermelons to the Japanese and South Korean markets, tariff issues, trade barriers, Japan and South Korea's local protection policies for their own fruit products, and Japanese and South Korean fruit listing standards and other barriers also need to be solved one by one. It is worth mentioning that after these hurdles are passed one by one, the advantage of low price and high yield of China's local watermelons is estimated to have been cut off.

South Korean watermelon is 100 yuan a pound, Chinese watermelon is a pound and 2 cents, can it be exported to South Korea to make money?

What are the practical problems that China's watermelon exports to Japan and South Korea will face?

Not to mention the trade between the two countries, even the trade between the two provinces and the two cities needs to overcome many difficulties. There are many cultural differences between countries, assuming that mainland watermelons really want to enter the Japanese and South Korean markets, they must first do international market research to understand international competitors, as well as the consumer preferences of Japanese and Korean people, and the demand of Japanese and Korean watermelon markets. In this way, the risk of export can be reduced.

South Korean watermelon is 100 yuan a pound, Chinese watermelon is a pound and 2 cents, can it be exported to South Korea to make money?

If you don't conduct a thorough market research to understand the pros and cons of exporting watermelons to the Japanese and Korean consumer markets, you will most likely face the risk of returns, loss risks, or oversupply. Although the cost of growing watermelons on the mainland is low and the yield is high, the high tariffs of Japan and South Korea are an obstacle that is difficult to ignore.

It is reported that South Korea's tariffs can reach the highest level of 45%, high tariffs coupled with high transportation costs, labor costs, packaging costs and other expenditures, the advantage of low-priced watermelons is gone, is not accepted by the Japanese and South Korean people, watermelon trade exports can be guaranteed is still an unknown problem.

South Korean watermelon is 100 yuan a pound, Chinese watermelon is a pound and 2 cents, can it be exported to South Korea to make money?

In addition, what many observers ignore is the potential for ultra-strict quarantine standards in the Japanese and South Korean markets. Japanese and South Korean consumers pursue high-quality, high-value watermelons, and accordingly, the quarantine standards cannot be low, especially for foreign imported products, Japan and South Korea may be more nitpicky. If you blindly import a large number of watermelons to the Japanese and South Korean consumer markets, without considering the actual situation, it may lead to returns, losses, and affect the reputation of watermelons in the mainland.

South Korean watermelon is 100 yuan a pound, Chinese watermelon is a pound and 2 cents, can it be exported to South Korea to make money?

Seeing this, I can't help but secretly rejoice, it turns out that it is such a happy thing to be able to hold a whole watermelon and eat it in a big gulp! What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to leave a message for interaction.

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