
The man was hurrying on a rainy night, and saw a girl in rags, who knew that the girl pulled him and said: Go quickly and don't look back

author:Entertainment analysis
The man was hurrying on a rainy night, and saw a girl in rags, who knew that the girl pulled him and said: Go quickly and don't look back


Text: Entertainment Analysis

Editor: Entertainment Analysis

This article is a short story and the content is purely fictional

Please watch rationally and do not sit in the opposite seat


As the saying goes, "Do good deeds and accumulate virtue, and good deeds will be rewarded". Kind people can always get the favor of God and reap unexpected surprises on the road of life.

Zhang Tao never expected that an ordinary act of kindness would make him reap a happy marriage.

"Zhang Tao, if you're okay now, go to the town and buy me a few small benches and come back." His father's words made Zhang Tao reluctantly go out.

Missing the last train, Zhang Tao had to walk home. As the night wore on, he quickened his pace.

In order to avoid walking, he chose to take a shortcut and pass through the cornfields on the east side of the village.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound in the cornfield, and Zhang Tao stopped vigilantly.

"Who?!" He shouted.

A ragged girl rushed out of the cornfield, startling Zhang Tao. By the light of the moon, he could see clearly the wound on the girl's leg, bloody and shocking.

"Let's go! Don't look back! The girl pulled Zhang Tao and ran, "I finally got rid of that vicious dog ......"

It turned out that the girl's name was Wang Sisi, and she was attacked by vicious dogs when she was about to go home after working in the field.

If she hadn't been clever, she would have bitten off a piece of flesh on her calf.

Zhang Tao didn't say a word, picked up a thick branch on the side of the road, handed it to Wang Sisi as a crutch, and supported her on the other side, and walked to the clinic in the village.

The night breeze was cold, and Wang Sisi's footsteps became heavier and heavier. Zhang Tao was anxious, for fear that she would not be able to hold on.

Suddenly, there was a dog barking in front of him, and Zhang Tao's heart was in his throat......

Zhang Tao supported Wang Sisi and struggled forward in the night. They cautiously walked through the cornfields, fearing another attack by vicious dogs.

Wang Sisi's steps became heavier and heavier, and the pain made her face pale.

"Hold on, we'll be at the clinic right away." Zhang Tao comforted, but his heart was also full of worry.

Along the way, Wang Sisi intermittently recounted her encounter. It turned out that her family was poor, her parents were frail and sick, and her livelihood was supported by her alone.

Today, she worked in the fields until dark, wanting to go home early to take care of her parents, but unfortunately encountered vicious dogs.

The man was hurrying on a rainy night, and saw a girl in rags, who knew that the girl pulled him and said: Go quickly and don't look back

Wang Sisi's voice choked and said, "Thank you, Zhang Tao, thank you for saving me......"

Zhang Tao listened to her story, and a sense of pity rose in his heart. He understands the taste of poverty and the difficulty of life.

At this moment, he was even more determined to help Wang Sisi.

Finally, they arrived at the clinic. Zhang Tao called a doctor to help Wang Sisi treat his wounds. Seeing her pale face gradually regain a trace of blood, Zhang Tao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your wound needs to rest for a few days, and don't do strenuous activity during this time." The doctor advised.

Wang Sisi listened, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes. She struggled to get up, "However, there are still elderly people in my family to take care of......"

"Don't worry, I'll help you." Zhang Tao blurted out, and felt his cheeks hot before he finished speaking.

Wang Sisi glanced at him gratefully, his eyes full of tears. She knew that it was Zhang Tao's kindness that gave her strength at this difficult time.

Zhang Tao helped Wang Sisi out of the clinic, and the two walked side by side in the moonlight.

They talked about life and shared each other's stories. Although they have known each other for a short time, they feel an inexplicable closeness.

At this moment, a terrible dog barking was suddenly heard in the distance, breaking the quiet night. Wang Sisi's body tensed instantly, and his face turned pale again.

Zhang Tao clenched her hand, "Don't be afraid, I'm ......"

The barking of the dog was getting closer and closer, and Zhang Tao's heart rose to his throat. He knew that the vicious dog was nearby, and danger was looming.

He must find a way to protect Wang Sisi and not let her be hurt again......

As the barking of the dog got closer and closer, Zhang Tao and Wang Sisi's hearts both rose to their throats.

They quickened their pace and tried to shake off the threat behind them, but Wang's injuries limited her speed.

Suddenly, a vicious dog sprang out of the bushes by the side of the road and pounced on them.

Zhang Tao stood in front of Wang Sisi, raised the branch in his hand, and confronted the vicious dog.

"You go!" He shouted, his voice trembling with fear.

Wang Sisi couldn't leave Zhang Tao to escape alone. She trembled and picked up the stone from the ground and threw it at the vicious dog with all her might, trying to distract it.

At the last moment, a dark shadow suddenly rushed out and kicked away the vicious dog.

It was a middle-aged man with athletic skills, and he waved the wooden stick in his hand and beat the vicious dog to a wail.

"Dad!" Wang Sisi shouted in surprise, tears instantly bursting out of his eyes.

It turned out that Wang Sisi's father had been concerned about his daughter's safety at home.

The man was hurrying on a rainy night, and saw a girl in rags, who knew that the girl pulled him and said: Go quickly and don't look back

He heard the barking of a dog and realized that his daughter might be in danger, so he rushed out of the house to look for him, despite his old age.

With the help of his father, the vicious dog finally escaped with his tail between his legs. Zhang Tao fell to the ground like a loss of strength, and his whole body was trembling.

At this time, Wang Sisi found out that Zhang Tao's arm was bitten, Wang Sisi hurriedly squatted down and wiped the wound for him with his sleeve, and tears fell on his wound, bringing bursts of stinging pain.

"I'm sorry, it's all because I ......," Wang Sisi choked up.

Zhang Tao shook his head and smiled weakly, "Don't cry, I'm fine?" Just go get a rabies shot tomorrow......"

Wang Sisi's father looked at the young man in front of him who was covered in scars but still smiling, and a wave of admiration surged in his heart. He stepped forward and solemnly patted Zhang Tao on the shoulder.

"Child, thank you for saving my daughter. You're a good guy and we owe you a great ......."

Zhang Tao waved his hand again and again, "Uncle, don't say that. That's what I'm supposed to do......"

At this moment, Wang Sisi suddenly hugged Zhang Tao and couldn't cry. Her tears wet Zhang Tao's clothes, but Zhang Tao felt a warm current surging all over his body.

In this time of crisis, it is love and courage that triumph over fear. Although Zhang Tao and Wang Sisi were injured, their hearts were closer than ever.

This night is destined to become an unforgettable memory for their lives......

Zhang Tao's wound gradually healed under the careful care of Wang Sisi's father. And his relationship with Wang Sisi also quietly grew during this time.

Every day, Wang Sisi would come to Zhang Tao's house to change the medicine and cook for him.

She took care of Zhang Tao's daily life carefully, expressing her gratitude in her own way. And Zhang Tao also felt an unprecedented warmth in Wang Sisi's care.

"Sisi, how are your injuries?" Zhang Tao asked with concern, his eyes falling on Wang Sisi's lap.

Wang Sisi looked down at his wound, and a smile appeared on his face, "It's much better, it's all thanks to you......"

When Zhang Tao heard this, his heart warmed. He realized that his feelings for Wang Sisi were not just simple sympathy and pity, but a deeper emotion.

Just when Zhang Tao was about to confess his heart to Wang Sisi, an unexpected news broke the peaceful life.

"Sisi, I'm going to work in the city." Zhang Tao lowered his head, not daring to look at Wang Sisi's eyes.

The man was hurrying on a rainy night, and saw a girl in rags, who knew that the girl pulled him and said: Go quickly and don't look back

Wang Sisi was stunned, and a sour feeling appeared in his heart, "Why?" Is it because of me? Am I causing you trouble......"

Zhang Tao hurriedly shook his head, "No, it's not because of you, I have to go out and make money......"

It turned out that Zhang Tao's father had a serious illness and needed a large amount of medical expenses.

As the pillar of the family, Zhang Tao decided to go to the city to work to earn money for his father's medical treatment.

When Wang Sisi heard this, his eyes instantly turned red. She understands Zhang Tao's difficulty, and she also feels sorry for the burden on his shoulders.

"I'll wait for you to come back......" Wang Sisi said softly, his eyes full of reluctance.

Zhang Tao looked at her deeply and nodded solemnly, "When I come back, I have something to say to you......"

Wang Sisi's heart skipped a beat, and her cheeks flushed. She seemed to understand what Zhang Tao meant, but she was not sure.

On the day of parting, Wang Sisi sent Zhang Tao to the entrance of the village. She held Zhang Tao's hand tightly, as if she wanted to keep him.

"Take care of yourself, I'll be back as soon as possible." Zhang Tao said softly, gently stroking Wang Sisi's hair.

Wang Sisi held back tears and tried to squeeze out a smile, "I'll wait for you......"

Seeing Zhang Tao's back gradually disappear, Wang Sisi's heart was full of uneasiness. She didn't know what kind of future awaited them.

Fate seems to be testing the feelings of this young couple. Zhang Tao worked hard in the city, while Wang Sisi was concerned in the village. The two hearts, although separated by a distance, have never been separated......

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Tao has been working hard in the city for three years. In the past three years, he has worked the construction site every day, exchanging sweat for a meager income.

Although life is hard, as long as he thinks of his father, who is seriously ill at home, and Wang Sisi, who is waiting for him in the village, Zhang Tao will be full of strength again.

Finally, Zhang Tao saved enough money for his father's surgery. He set out on his way home in high spirits, his heart full of hope for the future.

He imagined his father's smile after recovery, and imagined the scene of reunion with Wang Sisi, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously rose.

When he returned to the village, he was greeted with bad news.

"Sisi her...... Married......" The mother had red eyes, and her tone was full of helplessness and distress.

The man was hurrying on a rainy night, and saw a girl in rags, who knew that the girl pulled him and said: Go quickly and don't look back

Zhang Tao instantly felt that the world was spinning, and a huge grief hit him, almost crushing him. He couldn't believe that the girl he had been dreaming of for a long time was married to someone else.

It turned out that in the three years since Zhang Tao left, Wang Sisi's parents have been worried about her marriage.

There is a young man named Li Qiang in the village, who has a solid family background and fell in love with Wang Sisi at first sight. Under Li Qiang's hard pursuit and the persuasion of his parents, Wang Sisi finally agreed to the marriage.

Zhang Tao found Wang Sisi and asked her why she broke her promise. Wang Sisi shed tears and told the secret that had been hidden for many years.

"I've been waiting for you for three years, but you haven't heard from you. I thought...... You forgot me, you forgot your promises......"

It turned out that Zhang Tao had never written a letter to his family in the three years he had been in the city. He was afraid that his words were too simple and not worthy of Wang Sisi.

He decided that when he had enough savings, he would come back in style to marry his sweetheart. But I never thought that this wait would be three years.

"How could I have forgotten you? I think about you every day, and I'm working hard for our future......" Zhang Tao said sadly, tears blurring his eyes.

Wang Sisi couldn't cry, "I really thought you forgot me...... I can't wait any longer, my parents are old, I can't let them worry about it......"

The two were relatively silent, tears intertwined. It turned out that it was the pressure of misunderstanding and reality that blocked their love.

Zhang Tao left gloomily, his heart like a knife. He finally understood that loving someone requires not only hard work, but also courage and wisdom.

If he had plucked up the courage to write a letter to Wang Sisi, if he had been able to handle the relationship between feelings and reality more intelligently, maybe the outcome would have been different.

In the days that followed, Zhang Tao took care of his father while reflecting on his own mistakes. He understands what a fatal mistake he has made in love.

He regretted not giving Wang Sisi a sense of security, regretting his cowardice and evasion.

Gradually, Zhang Tao learned to let go and learn to bless. He really hopes that Wang Sisi can be happy, even if that person is not himself.

He understands that true love is to want the other person to be happy, not to possess it.

This unforgettable love gave Zhang Tao a valuable insight into life, he understood the true meaning of love, and understood the value of honesty and courage.

He believes that as long as he continues to be a kind and upright person, one day, he will reap his own happiness.

Zhang Tao's story touched many people. Everyone sighed for what happened to him, and was also moved by his growth and understanding.

People began to talk about when this kind young man would find his own happiness......

The man was hurrying on a rainy night, and saw a girl in rags, who knew that the girl pulled him and said: Go quickly and don't look back

Zhang Tao's story touched everyone in the village, and everyone was talking about when this kind and upright young man would be able to reap his own happiness.

Fate seems to have heard the voices of the people. A year later, an unexpected person appeared in Zhang Tao's life.

Her name is Li Mei and she is a new nurse in the village. Li Mei is gentle and kind, and takes care of every patient.

When she heard Zhang Tao's story, her heart was full of admiration and emotion.

Gradually, Li Mei found that she had a special affection for Zhang Tao. She admired Zhang Tao's kindness and strength, and was moved by his life experience.

And Zhang Tao, under Li Mei's care and encouragement, rekindled his enthusiasm for life.

Two people who are equally kind and full of love come together in this way. They support each other and face the joys and pains of life together.

Zhang Tao's father smiled with relief when he saw his son smile again.

He knew that his son had finally come out of the haze of the past and found his own happiness.

A year later, Zhang Tao and Li Mei's wedding was held as scheduled. The whole village came to congratulate the couple and send them their most sincere wishes.

Standing at the wedding scene, Zhang Tao was full of emotion. He remembered his past and Wang Sisi.

Although that relationship ended in tragedy, it taught Zhang Tao to love and cherish.

"The past has become the wind, and we can't blow away our love...... Zhang Tao clenched Li Mei's hand, his eyes were full of firmness and tenderness.

He understands that true love does not happen overnight. It takes time to settle down, and it needs to be tolerant and understanding of each other.

It is the companionship of two souls, and it is the companionship of the two souls.

The story of Zhang Tao and Li Mei has given many people inspiration and insight. People understand that although love is not easy, as long as you have hope and courage, you will eventually find your own happiness.

In every person's life, there will be difficulties and setbacks.

But as Zhang Tao showed, as long as we have good intentions and adhere to the right values, we will definitely be able to get through the difficulties and reap happiness and joy.

Zhang Tao's experience tells us that love requires courage and wisdom, tolerance and understanding.

True love is not about possession and control, but about supporting each other and growing together.

Only by learning to give and cherish can we have mature and lasting love.

It was Zhang Tao's kindness and integrity that touched everyone around him, and finally moved the heavens, allowing him to reap a happy marriage.

In this world, kindness is always the most precious quality. It allows us to not lose hope in the face of adversity and not give up in the face of difficulties.

As long as we insist on being a kind person, life will surely reward us in the best way.

Let us take Zhang Tao as an example, light up our lives with kindness and integrity, and create miracles with love and courage.

I believe that as long as we have hope and move forward firmly, we will be able to reap our own happiness and joy.

This is Zhang Tao's story, a story of love, kindness and hope.

May it bring inspiration and insight to everyone, let us use positive energy to illuminate life and create a better future.

This work is a short story, and the plot is purely fictional, and if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life, the plot of the article is accidental and one-sided, just to increase readability, without the purpose of attracting people's attention, can not be generalized, can not rise to reality, the ultimate purpose is to make readers understand, to achieve the purpose of advocating positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.
