
His wife was not at home, and his sister-in-law brought her best friend to the house, and when his wife came back, she scolded him and her sister-in-law angrily

author:Entertainment analysis
His wife was not at home, and his sister-in-law brought her best friend to the house, and when his wife came back, she scolded him and her sister-in-law angrily


Text: Entertainment Analysis

Editor: Entertainment Analysis

This article is a short story and the content is purely fictional

Please watch rationally and do not sit in the opposite seat


"Everything is prosperous at home, and everything is at home if it is not at peace." This old adage, while it may sound cliché, is often confirmed in real life.

For Shen Jiajun and Zhang Ying, a young couple, they have been married for three years, and although they have no children, their lives can be regarded as harmonious and happy.

In this peaceful life, the arrival of an uninvited guest is like a pebble thrown into the calm lake, causing a circle of ripples.

"Brother-in-law, my girlfriend and I want to come to your house for a few days, is it okay?" On the other end of the phone, it was Shen Jiajun's sister-in-law Zhang Ting.

Shen Jiajun was a little surprised, but he still readily agreed: "Of course you can, when will you come?" Your sister and I will prepare in advance. ”

"Great, we'll be there tomorrow!" Zhang Ting said excitedly.

Zhang Ting and her best friend arrived as promised.

Shen Jiajun and Zhang Ying warmly entertained them, but when Zhang Ying saw that Zhang Ting's best friend had brought a man, her face instantly sank.

"Zhang Ting, what's going on? Why didn't you tell us there were others coming? Zhang Ying asked with some displeasure.

Zhang Ting was a little embarrassed, and said hesitantly: "Sister, this is my best friend's boyfriend, and the two of them want to play together for a few days." I thought it was too expensive to stay in a hotel, so I ......"

Zhang Ying took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the anger in her heart, and said to Zhang Ting: "You take them to the guest room first, I have something to say to your brother-in-law." ”

Zhang Ting glanced at her sister's face and knew that something was wrong, so she hurriedly took her best friend and her boyfriend to the guest room.

Shen Jiajun, on the other hand, was at a loss, not knowing what he had done wrong.

Zhang Ying closed the door, turned to look at Shen Jiajun, and said with anger in her eyes, "How can you agree to let them live so easily?" This is our home, not a guest house! ”

Shen Jiajun was a little at a loss and defended: "But, that's your sister, it's not a big deal for them to stay for a few days, right?" ”

"Besides, the guest room at home is usually not occupied, isn't it just right?"

"Exactly? Do you think it's just right for a strange man to move in? Zhang Ying was so angry that her voice was trembling, "Why are you so unprincipled and so family-minded?" ”

His wife was not at home, and his sister-in-law brought her best friend to the house, and when his wife came back, she scolded him and her sister-in-law angrily

Shen Jiajun was stung by Zhang Ying's words, and he was also a little angry: "Isn't this for your sister's sake?" ”

"Besides, that man is your sister's best friend's boyfriend, and he's not a bad person, do you have such a big reaction?"

"My big reaction? I'm defending our home, our lives! The more Zhang Ying spoke, the more excited she became.

"You're good, as long as a relative speaks, you promise, have you ever thought about my feelings? Have you ever respected me? ”

Shen Jiajun was choked by Zhang Ying's words, he knew that his wife had always paid attention to family privacy and didn't like outsiders to disturb him, but he also felt that his wife's reaction this time was a little too aggressive.

"Alright, you don't have to say it." Zhang Ying took a deep breath and seemed to have made up her mind.

"I'll go and tell Zhang Ting to let her best friend and boyfriend leave, and even Zhang Ting won't be able to use it in the future."

After speaking, Zhang Ying was about to open the door, but Shen Jiajun hurriedly stopped her: "Don't be like this, Zhang Ying, they finally came here, let them stay for a few days." ”

"How many days? Are you sure it's really just a few days? Zhang Ying sneered, "I see, they don't want to leave when they come, Zhang Ting's boundless temperament, I don't know yet?" ”

Shen Jiajun sighed helplessly: "Then what do you want?" Just kick people out? How ugly that is. ”

"Ugly?" Zhang Ying's anger came up again, "What they did wasn't ugly?" A girl's house, taking her boyfriend to someone else's sister's house to eat and drink, what is this like? ”

"Is our house a hotel? They come when they want and go when they want? ”

Shen Jiajun was dumbfounded by Zhang Ying's series of questions. He knew that what his wife said was reasonable, but he didn't want to break his sister-in-law's heart.

He hesitated, but still spoke: "Otherwise, I'll go and tell Zhang Ting to let her best friend and boyfriend live in other places, and she and her best friend live in our house, it's all right?" ”

Zhang Ying glanced at him coldly and did not speak. Shen Jiajun knew that this matter might not be solved so simply.

He sighed inwardly, feeling that a great storm was coming.

Zhang Ying angrily walked out of the room and went straight to the guest room.

His wife was not at home, and his sister-in-law brought her best friend to the house, and when his wife came back, she scolded him and her sister-in-law angrily

Shen Jiajun hurriedly followed behind her, trying to persuade her to calm down, but Zhang Ying seemed to have made up her mind to settle the matter.

"Zhang Ting, you come out for me!" Zhang Ying knocked on the door of the guest room, her voice full of anger.

Zhang Ting opened the door with a panicked expression: "Sister, what's wrong?" What's wrong? ”

"What else could happen? You bring people to my house, what do you think can happen? Zhang Ying stepped into the room and pointed to Zhang Ting's best friend and her boyfriend who were sitting on the bed, "The two of them, let me out now!" ”

"Sister, what do you mean by that?" Zhang Ting was a little overwhelmed, "They are my friends, what's wrong with coming to my sister's house for a few days?" ”

"What's wrong? What's wrong with me, you ask? Zhang Ying trembled with anger, "Do you know that this is my home and your brother-in-law's home, not a place where you can bring whoever you want!" ”

Zhang Ting's best friend and boyfriend were so frightened by Zhang Ying's anger that they didn't dare to speak, and they lowered their heads and didn't know what to do.

"Zhang Ying, don't do this." Shen Jiajun finally spoke.

"Shut up!" Zhang Ying turned to Shen Jiajun and yelled, "This is all caused by you, and you still want to help them talk?" ”

Shen Jiajun was stunned by Zhang Ying's yelling, he didn't know what to say, Zhang Ting was also frightened when she saw her sister making such a big fire, and hurriedly stepped forward to apologize:

"Sister, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I shouldn't have brought my friends without consulting you. Don't be angry, I'll let them go now. ”

Zhang Ying sneered, "Zhang Ting, I'll sue you, if you do this for me in the future, you won't have to use it!" ”

"Sister, what are you doing here?" Zhang Ting was anxious, "I'm your own sister, how can you treat me like this?" ”

"My sister? Can you do whatever you want with your sister? Zhang Ying was so angry that tears came out.

"I'm your sister, this is my home, I don't have a problem with you bringing your friend here, what does your friend look like when she brings her boyfriend over? Is our home a hotel? Have you considered my feelings? Have you ever respected me? ”

Zhang Ting was speechless by Zhang Ying's words, and tears flowed down. She knew she had done something wrong, but she didn't expect her sister to be so angry.

Zhang Ting and her friends walked away, leaving only Zhang Ying and Shen Jiajun in the guest room.

Shen Jiajun walked over distressedly, wanting to comfort her, but was pushed away by her.

"It's all you, it's all because of you!" Zhang Ying choked up and said, "If you hadn't agreed to them casually, would things have turned out like this?" ”

His wife was not at home, and his sister-in-law brought her best friend to the house, and when his wife came back, she scolded him and her sister-in-law angrily

Shen Jiajun was speechless, he knew that he had indeed done something wrong, but he didn't expect things to come to this point.

He looked at his wife's sad appearance, and his heart was also uncomfortable for a while.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong." Shen Jiajun sincerely apologized, "I will never do this again in the future, don't be angry, okay?" ”

Zhang Ying didn't speak, just silently wept. Shen Jiajun knew that his wife's knot could not be untied in a while.

He sighed and silently walked out of the room.

The day after the incident, Zhang Ying was home alone, still in a bad mood.

She looked at the empty guest room, remembering yesterday's quarrel, and her heart was full of resentment and grievances.

Just then, the doorbell rang suddenly. Zhang Ying was a little surprised, thinking that Shen Jiajun was back, but when she opened the door, she saw that it was Zhang Ting.

"Sister, can I come in?" Zhang Ting stood at the door, with an apologetic and uneasy expression on her face.

Zhang Ying hesitated, but still turned sideways to let her in.

Zhang Ting walked into the living room, took a deep breath, and mustered up the courage to speak: "Sister, I'm here to apologize to you." ”

Zhang Ying looked at her coldly and did not speak.

"When I went back yesterday, I thought about it and felt that I had done something wrong." Zhang Ting lowered her head, her voice full of guilt.

"I shouldn't have brought my friends in without consulting you, and I shouldn't have let them stay here. I'm too headstrong to take your feelings into account at all. ”

Zhang Ying's expression loosened slightly, but she still didn't speak.

"Sister, you're right to be angry. This is your home and I should respect your opinion. ”

Zhang Ting raised her head, her eyes full of sincere apologies, "I will never be like this again in the future, can you forgive me?" ”

Zhang Ying looked at her sister's sincere appearance, and the anger in her heart gradually subsided. She knew that although Zhang Ting was willful, she didn't mean to hurt her.

Thinking of this, her tone softened: "It's good that you know that you were wrong now." If there is anything in the future, you must discuss it with me first, and don't make your own decisions, you know? ”

Zhang Ting nodded again and again: "Got it, sister." I promise that I will change it in the future. ”

Zhang Ying nodded and motioned for Zhang Ting to sit down. Zhang Ting sat down on the sofa, hesitated, and said, "Sister, in fact, I have something to tell you when I come this time." ”

"What's the matter?" Zhang Ying was a little puzzled.

His wife was not at home, and his sister-in-law brought her best friend to the house, and when his wife came back, she scolded him and her sister-in-law angrily

Zhang Ting said cautiously, "Don't be angry with your brother-in-law, I called him directly to tell him about this, he is just too good at talking and is not very good at refusing others, but in his heart, in fact, he cares about you the most." ”

Zhang Ying was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect Zhang Ting to speak for Shen Jiajun.

"After you kicked us away yesterday, my brother-in-law specially called to say that it was his fault and asked me not to take it to heart."

Zhang Ting continued: "He also said that he will pay attention in the future, and will not casually agree to other people's requests, and will definitely consider your feelings first in the future." ”

When Zhang Ying heard this, her heart warmed. She didn't expect that Shen Jiajun was still worried about this matter in a place she couldn't see.

"Sister, don't blame your brother-in-law, he really loves you, but he doesn't know how to express it." Zhang Ting said sincerely, "You have a good talk, I believe you will be able to understand each other." ”

Zhang Ying was silent for a while, nodded gently, Zhang Ting saw this, and knew that her sister's heart knot had been untied, and she was relieved.

She stood up and said to Zhang Ying, "Sister, I'll leave first, and I'll come to see you another day." ”

Zhang Ying sent Zhang Ting to the door and watched her leave. Closing the door, she leaned against it, lost in thought.

Zhang Ting's words gave her a new understanding of her husband. "Perhaps, we all need to learn to empathize and understand each other more."

After Zhang Ting left, Zhang Ying was alone at home, constantly replaying her sister's words in her mind.

She began to reflect on whether she was also wrong in this matter, and whether she should also learn to empathize and understand her husband more.

At this moment, Shen Jiajun came back. He saw his wife sitting alone on the sofa, looking a little tired, so he walked over and asked with concern, "How do you feel after a day of rest at home today?" ”

Zhang Ying looked at her husband's sincere eyes, and the mustard in her heart gradually dissipated. She gently shook her husband's hand, and her tone softened:

"Jiajun, I'm sorry, I was too impatient, I didn't take into account your difficulties, and sometimes it's not easy to refuse in the face of requests from relatives and friends, I should understand you more."

Shen Jiajun didn't expect his wife to say this, he looked at her with emotion, and said softly: "I know that you are angry for this family and our life." ”

"You are a wonderful wife and I really appreciate everything you have done for this family."

Zhang Ying's eyes were a little moist when she heard her husband's words. She leaned on her husband's shoulder.

His wife was not at home, and his sister-in-law brought her best friend to the house, and when his wife came back, she scolded him and her sister-in-law angrily

Shen Jiajun took his wife into his arms. He knows that marriage is a matter for two people, and they need to understand each other, tolerate each other, and grow together.

That night, Shen Jiajun and Zhang Ying cooked a sumptuous dinner together for the first time in a long time.

As they ate, they chatted about what had happened in the past few days. They talked about each other's thoughts, about family and affection, about marriage and the future.

"Actually, we've been married for three years, and we've never talked about our marriage properly."

Zhang Ying sighed, "This incident has given us a good opportunity to examine our relationship and think about our future." ”

Shen Jiajun nodded, held his wife's hand and said, "Yes, we will communicate more and communicate more in the future." We need to plan our future together and work together for our family. ”

Zhang Ying smiled and nodded, her eyes full of expectations for the future. She knows that with her husband's support and understanding, she has the motivation and courage to move forward.

Zhang Ting also came to visit them from time to time, but before each visit, she would call in advance to ask Zhang Ying's opinion.

Zhang Ying can feel the changes and growth of her sister, and she is also very pleased. She knows that family members need to respect and understand each other.

The stories of Shen Jiajun and Zhang Ying inspire us to face life's challenges and learn to grow through stumbling.

It tells us that as long as we have hope and love, we will definitely be able to create a better life of our own.

Let us all be like Shen Jiajun and Zhang Ying, run our families with love and treat our relatives with our hearts.

Let's work together to create a tomorrow full of warmth and hope.

Family, marriage, and affection all require us to manage with our hearts, and we need to continue to learn and grow.

Only with hope and love can we create a good life.

Although there will inevitably be setbacks and stumbles in life, as long as we have the courage to face them and be good at learning, we will definitely be able to overcome the difficulties and reap growth and happiness.

This work is a short story, and the plot is purely fictional, and if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life, the plot of the article is accidental and one-sided, just to increase readability, without the purpose of attracting people's attention, can not be generalized, can not rise to reality, the ultimate purpose is to make readers understand, to achieve the purpose of advocating positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.
