
Her daughter has always complained that her mother-in-law is not good, and after she went to take care of her for a while, she instantly sympathized with her mother-in-law

author:Entertainment analysis
Her daughter has always complained that her mother-in-law is not good, and after she went to take care of her for a while, she instantly sympathized with her mother-in-law


Text: Entertainment Analysis

Editor: Entertainment Analysis

This article is a short story and the content is purely fictional

Please watch rationally and do not sit in the opposite seat


"The daughter who marries out, the water that spills out." This is an old saying that Lin Shuhua often hears.

Since her daughter Deng Jiayu got married, Lin Shuhua felt that her daughter seemed to be getting farther and farther away from her.

"Mom, let me tell you, my mother-in-law is picking on me again." On the other end of the phone, Deng Jiayu complained.

Lin Shuhua sighed, this is not the first time she has heard her daughter complain about her mother-in-law.

Deng Jiayu, 28, is a sales manager for a foreign company.

She has an independent personality and trendy thoughts, while her mother-in-law Yang Cuilan is a traditional housewife, and the two are very different in living habits and concepts, and contradictions are inevitable.

Lin Shuhua knew in her heart that the root cause of the problem between her daughter and her mother-in-law was a lack of communication and understanding.

She decided to live with her daughter for a period of time in person, observe the situation well, and resolve the conflict between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

"Jiayu, Mom will go to your house for a few days next week, cook a few specialty dishes for your mother-in-law, and ease your relationship." Lin Shuhua said on the phone.

"Mom, your mother-in-law will definitely show you a look when you come, I think it's better to forget it." Deng Jiayu was a little reluctant.

"Mom is from here and knows how to deal with these things. Besides, your mother-in-law is also my in-laws, we are a family, how can there be a reason for overnight feuds. Lin Shuhua said earnestly.

Deng Jiayu was silent for a moment, and finally agreed to her mother's proposal. On the weekend, Lin Shuhua came to her daughter's house as scheduled.

The moment she pushed the door open, she saw her mother-in-law Yang Cuilan busy in the kitchen, while her daughter Deng Jiayu was sitting on the sofa playing with her mobile phone.

Lin Shuhua's heart "chuckled", and she realized that the problems in this family were probably more complicated than she imagined.

It seems that it is not an easy thing to resolve the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. But for the happiness of her daughter and the harmony of this family, Lin Shuhua decided to give it a try......

After Lin Shuhua moved into her daughter's house, she soon found that the lifestyles of her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were very different.

Yang Cuilan is used to getting up early to prepare breakfast for the family, while Deng Jiayu likes to sleep lazily and often misses the opportunity to have breakfast with her mother-in-law.

"Jiayu, why did you go to work without breakfast?" Lin Shuhua asked distressedly.

"Mom, I don't want to eat my mother-in-law's cooking, the taste is too light and not to my liking." Deng Jiayu complained.

Lin Shuhua tried to cook some of her daughter's favorite dishes, trying to make her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law reach a consensus on diet.

When she told Yang Cuilan her idea, she was opposed by her mother-in-law.

Her daughter has always complained that her mother-in-law is not good, and after she went to take care of her for a while, she instantly sympathized with her mother-in-law

"Shuhua, I know you mean well, but Jiayu said that now is the time to lose weight, so it's better to eat light." Yang Cuilan said.

Lin Shuhua is in a dilemma, she understands her mother-in-law's concern for her daughter-in-law's health, but she also does not want to see her daughter alienate her mother-in-law because of this.

She began to think repeatedly about how to resolve the conflict between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Lin Shuhua inadvertently bumped into Yang Cuilan secretly wiping her tears in the room.

She walked up to her mother-in-law gently and asked with concern, "Mother-in-law, what's wrong with you?" What's on your mind? ”

Yang Cuilan was a little hesitant at first, but under Lin Shuhua's repeated questioning, she finally said what she thought in her heart: "Shuhua, I know that many of my practices can't keep up with the times, and I can understand that Jiayu doesn't like me." ”

"But I'm really for her good, I don't want her to follow in my footsteps and have such a hard time......"

Lin Shuhua suddenly realized that under her mother-in-law's seemingly tough appearance, there was a soft heart.

She held Yang Cuilan's hand and said with relief: "Mother-in-law, I understand your feelings. But now that society has changed, we need to learn to express our love in new ways. ”

Yang Cuilan nodded, and seemed to understand what Lin Shuhua meant. But then she sighed again:

"However, I don't know how to maintain my relationship with Jiayu."

Lin Shuhua fell into deep thought. The contradiction between the daughter and the mother-in-law cannot be resolved overnight.

She realized that she would probably have to put more effort into getting the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law back together.

Just when Lin Shuhua was at a loss, Deng Jiayu's birthday was approaching.

Lin Shuhua had an idea, and she decided to use this opportunity to create an opportunity for her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to communicate.

But to make this plan a reality, she needs an important helper......

Lin Shuhua found her daughter Deng Jiayu and made a suggestion to her:

"Jiayu, your birthday is coming, why don't we hold a birthday banquet and let your mother-in-law participate in your birthday party, so you can take this opportunity to communicate well?"

Her daughter has always complained that her mother-in-law is not good, and after she went to take care of her for a while, she instantly sympathized with her mother-in-law

Deng Jiayu frowned, obviously not very interested in this proposal: "Mom, you know my relationship with my mother-in-law, I don't want to disguise myself on my birthday and force a smile." ”

Lin Shuhua sighed, she understood her daughter's feelings, but she didn't want to see the relationship between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law continue to deteriorate.

She patiently persuaded: "Jiayu, I know that you and your mother-in-law have conflicts, but you are a family after all. Isn't it okay to give each other a chance and communicate well? ”

Deng Jiayu was silent for a moment, and finally reluctantly agreed to her mother's suggestion.

Lin Shuhua breathed a sigh of relief, she decided to cook herself and prepare a sumptuous birthday banquet for her daughter.

Just the day before the birthday party, Yang Cuilan suddenly fell ill with a high fever that did not go away, and she looked very serious.

Deng Jiayu was originally a little dissatisfied with her mother-in-law's participation in the birthday party, and at this time she broke out: "Mom, look at it, my mother-in-law even has to mix up my birthday, I'm really fed up!" ”

Lin Shuhua said to her daughter a little angrily: "Deng Jiayu, don't say that, your mother-in-law is sick, we should take care of her." ”

But Deng Jiayu was obviously furious, she said coldly: "I don't want to go, you can go if you like." After speaking, she slammed the door and left, leaving Lin Shuhua alone in a daze.

Lin Shuhua thought of the misunderstanding and estrangement between Deng Jiayu and her mother-in-law. She decided that she must let her daughter understand how good her mother-in-law was to her.

But how do you speak? Deng Jiayu has always been a stubborn child, will she accept it?

Lin Shuhua fell into deep thought. She knows that she has an important mission to rebuild a bridge of love and understanding for this family.

Lin Shuhua came to Yang Cuilan's room to see her, and Yang Cuilan told Lin Shuhua that she used to have a daughter, and when she was 3 years old, she ran out to play and never came back.

She has always treated Deng Jiayu as her own daughter in her heart, but Deng Jiayu doesn't understand her heart.

Lin Shuhua was shocked when she heard this, she stretched out her hand to hold her mother's hand and comforted her.

At this moment, Deng Jiayu appeared at the door, and she saw her mother and mother-in-law shaking hands, with a surprised expression on her face. Lin Shuhua knew that it was time......

Deng Jiayu walked out of the room, her eyes wandering between her mother and mother-in-law, her face full of doubts and incomprehension.

Lin Shuhua took a deep breath: "Deng Jiayu, come, sit next to my mother." Lin Shuhua patted the chair next to her and motioned for her daughter to sit down. Deng Jiayu hesitated, but still did so.

Her daughter has always complained that her mother-in-law is not good, and after she went to take care of her for a while, she instantly sympathized with her mother-in-law

"Mom, you and your mother-in-law...... What's going on? Deng Jiayu asked cautiously, with a hint of apprehension in his tone.

Lin Shuhua held her daughter's hand and said softly: "Jiayu, my mother has something to tell you. ”

"Your mother-in-law is really good to you, she used to have a daughter, but she was lost when she was 3 years old, and she was very sad."

"She treats you like her own daughter completely."

"She wants you to be happy, so she will do her best to meet your requests, but no matter what she does, you will always be dissatisfied."

A trace of surprise flashed in Deng Jiayu's eyes, and he suddenly felt very sad in his heart, it turned out that he had been making trouble unreasonably for so long and misunderstood his mother-in-law's kindness.

Deng Jiayu held Yang Cuilan's hand with tears in her eyes and said, "Mom, I'm sorry, I don't know...... It used to be that I was not good, that I was too selfish, and I only cared about my own comfort......"

Yang Cuilan patted Deng Jiayu on the shoulder and said, "Child, Mom has never blamed you, and Mom will try her best to integrate into the circle of your young people in the future and make progress together!" ”

Deng Jiayu hugged Yang Cuilan and said, "Okay, let's make progress together!" ”

Yang Cuilan smiled, with relief, relief, and hope for the future in her smile.

She knew that her long-cherished wish had finally come true. This home has finally regained love and warmth.

Lin Shuhua looked at this scene, and her heart was also extremely emotional. She thought of herself, of her daughter, of this home.

She understands that the contradictions and difficulties in life are never the essence of the problem. The real problem lies in how we face it and how we resolve it with love.

Outside the window, sunlight quietly pours into the ward. In front of this loving family, all problems seem to become insignificant.

Lin Shuhua knows that as long as there is love, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome. She believes that this home will get better and better......

Since then, Deng Jiayu and Yang Cuilan have enjoyed themselves as a family, and there are no longer the contradictions and estrangements of the past.

Lin Shuhua looked at her daughter's family, her heart was full of relief, she knew that this family had finally found the long-lost warmth and happiness.

Deng Jiayu and Lin Shuhua talked about the experience. Deng Jiayu said with emotion:

"Mom, I finally understand now that the love between family members sometimes doesn't need too many words, you just need to feel it with your heart."

"I used to be too self-willed and self-conscious, and I couldn't appreciate how deep my mother-in-law's love for me was."

Lin Shuhua smiled and nodded: "Silly boy, mom understands you." In the process of growing up, everyone will have their own confusion and confusion. ”

"But as long as we learn to understand with love and communicate with our hearts, there is no contradiction that cannot be resolved."

Her daughter has always complained that her mother-in-law is not good, and after she went to take care of her for a while, she instantly sympathized with her mother-in-law

Deng Jiayu held her mother's hand, her eyes were full of gratitude: "Mom, thank you." If it weren't for your efforts at the time, I would never have understood this. ”

"You have not only taught me how to love, but you have taught me how to understand and tolerate."

Lin Shuhua smiled, she knew that her daughter had finally really grown up. She is no longer the willful, self-contained child, but a mature woman who knows love and responsibility.

Since then, Deng Jiayu and Yang Cuilan have no misunderstandings and estrangements.

The relationship between their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has become more and more intimate, they often go shopping together, chat, and share each other's lives, and the smiles on Yang Cuilan's face are also increasing.

Lin Shuhua looked at all this, and she was extremely relieved, she knew that her years of hard work had finally not been in vain.

This home has finally regained its happiness and joy.

The years are quiet, and time passes. Under the nourishment of love, this home is becoming better every day......

This story tells us a simple but profound truth: love is the medicine that resolves all contradictions.

In life, we often encounter all kinds of problems and difficulties, especially in family relationships, where conflicts and estrangements always seem inevitable.

But as long as we have a loving heart and learn to understand, tolerate, and communicate, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

Everyone longs to be loved and understood, and when we treat the people around us with love, and feel their needs and pain points, contradictions and estrangements with our hearts, we will slowly dissolve.

Love has taught us to be tolerant, to respect, to empathize.

It makes us understand that the true meaning of life is not to strive for perfection, but to learn to appreciate each other's differences and accept each other's shortcomings.

Together, let's light up every corner of our lives with love. Let love become the driving force for us to move forward, and let love become our magic weapon to resolve contradictions.

I believe that as long as we have a heart of love, life will become better and the world will become warmer.

Let love be the most beautiful footnote in our lives, and let love illuminate our way forward. Let's work together to create miracles with love and light up a happy tomorrow with love!

This work is a short story, and the plot is purely fictional, and if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life, the plot of the article is accidental and one-sided, just to increase readability, without the purpose of attracting people's attention, can not be generalized, can not rise to reality, the ultimate purpose is to make readers understand, to achieve the purpose of advocating positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.
