
She went out with a man in the middle of the night, and after being bumped into by her mother-in-law, her mother-in-law supported them instead of being annoyed

author:Entertainment analysis
She went out with a man in the middle of the night, and after being bumped into by her mother-in-law, her mother-in-law supported them instead of being annoyed


Text: Entertainment Analysis

Editor: Entertainment Analysis

This article is a short story and the content is purely fictional

Please watch rationally and do not sit in the opposite seat


"It's the dead of night, and the lights are dim." This sentence is used to describe Wang Linlin's recent life.

Since her husband went on a business trip, she always quietly left home in the middle of the night and didn't come back until the second half of the night, all of which was seen by her mother-in-law Liu Shufen.

Liu Shufen is a traditional woman, she always believes that her daughter-in-law should put the family first, although Wang Linlin is usually obedient to her, this abnormal behavior still makes her suspicious.

One night, Liu Shufen heard the sound of the door opening again. She tiptoed to the window, and through the gap in the curtain, she saw Wang Linlin talking to a man outside the door.

The man looked to be no more than thirty years old, tall in stature, but his demeanor was somewhat cramped.

Liu Shufen's heart sank suddenly. "This shameless woman actually hooked up outside while my son was not at home!"

She thought angrily, but out of a shred of sanity, she didn't rush out and question on the spot, but decided to observe for a while.

In the next few days, Liu Shufen's eyes were always glued to Wang Linlin.

And Wang Linlin also seemed to notice the strangeness of her mother-in-law, and she began to become more cautious, but the mysterious midnight "date" never stopped.

The doubts in Liu Shufen's heart are getting heavier and heavier, and she knows that a storm is coming. And all of this stems from Wang Linlin's unknown secret.

What is this secret? How will it impact the family? The mystery may lie behind the curtain of the next midnight.

As time passed, Liu Shufen's suspicion of Wang Linlin grew. She began to mention the mysterious man in front of Wang Linlin, intentionally or unintentionally, trying to find clues from Wang Linlin's reaction.

But Wang Linlin always cleverly avoided the topic, leaving one mystery after another.

Ms. Liu's uneasiness gradually turned into anger. "My son is so good to her, she is so shameless!" She secretly swore in her heart that she must reveal this secret and give herself an explanation.

Finally, on a dark and windy night, Liu Shufen made up her mind to find out.

She pretended to fall asleep and waited patiently for midnight to come, and sure enough, at that time, Wang Linlin quietly left the house again.

Liu Shufen quickly got up and tiptoed behind Wang Linlin. Her heart was pounding, and she didn't know what kind of truth awaited her.

Wang Linlin and the man met on a remote street corner, and Liu Shufen hid in the shadows, holding her breath, trying to hear their conversation clearly.

But their voices were so soft that they could only catch sporadic phrases.

She went out with a man in the middle of the night, and after being bumped into by her mother-in-law, her mother-in-law supported them instead of being annoyed

Liu Shufen's mind flashed countless terrifying conjectures. She felt a wave of vertigo and almost unsteady on her feet. But she knew it was too late to back down.

At this moment, Wang Linlin and the man suddenly turned around and walked in the direction where Liu Shufen was hiding.

Liu Shufen panicked and accidentally kicked an empty can. The sound of "jingling" is particularly harsh in the silence of the night.

Wang Linlin and the man were startled, they stopped and looked around vigilantly.

Liu Shufen knew that she had nowhere to run. She took a deep breath and stepped out of the shadows, facing her daughter-in-law and the mysterious man.

"What are you doing here?" Liu Shufen's voice was trembling, but her eyes were extremely determined.

Facing her mother-in-law's questioning, Wang Linlin and the man looked at each other, and they didn't know how to respond for a while.

There was a tension and embarrassment in the air, as if it were about to erupt.

"Mom, I ......" Wang Linlin tried to explain, but the words came to her lips and swallowed back. She lowered her head, her eyes mixed with guilt and helplessness.

"You don't have to say it." Liu Shufen interrupted her coldly, "I really didn't expect you to do such a thing. How do you have a face for my son? ”

Seeing this, the man hurriedly stepped forward, wanting to ease the situation. "Auntie, you misunderstood, we ......"

"Shut up!" Liu Shufen shouted sharply, then pointed at Wang Linlin and scolded: "My son is so good to you, you actually fool around outside while he is not at home!" Do you two still want to be shameless? ”

"Mom! Not what you think! Wang Linlin was anxious, she raised her head, and her eyes were already red. We just ......"

But Liu Shufen didn't want to listen anymore, she turned around and was about to leave, her heart full of disappointment and anger.

She felt that her worldview had been completely turned upside down, and that the daughter-in-law she had always thought was virtuous and kind would do such a thing.

Wang Linlin hurriedly grabbed her mother-in-law's arm. "Mom, I beg you to listen to me, things are really not what you think."

Liu Shufen broke away from her hand, her eyes were cold. "What else is there to explain? I've seen them all. You two ...... You two are really ......."

Her voice choked, tears rolling in her eyes. She took a deep breath and seemed to have made up her mind.

"Okay, I don't want to listen to your explanations, when my son comes back, I will tell him the truth."

After speaking, she left without looking back, leaving Wang Linlin and the man standing in place stunned.

She went out with a man in the middle of the night, and after being bumped into by her mother-in-law, her mother-in-law supported them instead of being annoyed

Wang Linlin's tears could no longer be controlled, she covered her face, and her shoulders trembled uncontrollably. The man said to Wang Linlin:

"Don't cry, no matter what, be sure to explain it to your mother-in-law, it's really a misunderstanding!"

Wang Linlin raised her head, and there was a hint of firmness in her eyes. "Yes, we have to explain it clearly. Whether my mother wants to hear it or not, I have to tell her the truth. ”

Early the next morning, Wang Linlin came to the door of her mother-in-law's room. She took a deep breath and knocked softly on the door.

"Mom, it's me. I know you don't want to see me, but I have something I have to say. ”

There was silence in the room, as if Liu Shufen didn't intend to respond, but Wang Linlin didn't give up, she continued:

"Mom, things are really not what you think, I and that man are not cheating."

A cold snort came from inside the door, and Liu Shufen's voice was full of distrust: "Then what are you doing sneakily outside in the middle of the night?" What other good thing could be? ”

Wang Linlin closed her eyes and seemed to be organizing the language. After a moment, she said, "Mom, we're volunteering. ”

"That man, his name is Wang Zhiqiang, he is a social worker, and we basically go to the corners of the city in the dead of night to help those homeless people."

Liu Shufen inside the door seemed to be stunned and didn't speak for a long time. Wang Linlin struck while the iron was hot and continued to explain:

"The reason why I hide it from you is because I am afraid that you will not understand, I am afraid that you will worry, I know that it is really not appropriate to go out so late, but most of those homeless people are afraid of life, and they are only willing to accept our help in the dead of night."

The door suddenly opened, and Liu Shufen stood at the door, the expression on her face had eased a lot. She looked Wang Linlin up and down, as if judging whether what she said was true.

"What you say is true?" Liu Shufen asked.

Wang Linlin nodded and took out a stack of photos from her bag.

It was taken by her and Wang Zhiqiang while helping the homeless, and in the photo, they are either handing out food and clothing, or cleaning the wounds of the homeless man.

Each photo records their moments on the streets late at night.

Liu Shufen took the photo and looked at it carefully, the doubt in her eyes gradually replaced by understanding. She raised her head and looked at Wang Linlin, and there was even a hint of apology in her eyes.

"Linlin, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you." Liu Shufen said, "I should believe you, after all, you have always been a kind child." ”

Wang Linlin's eyes turned red instantly, and she stepped forward and hugged her mother-in-law.

She went out with a man in the middle of the night, and after being bumped into by her mother-in-law, her mother-in-law supported them instead of being annoyed

"Mom, it's me who is not good, I didn't tell you in advance, I just ...... I just wanted to do what I could to help those in need. ”

Liu Shufen patted her daughter-in-law's back, and there were tears in her eyes. "It's a good thing you're doing, Mom is proud of you."

Just then, the doorbell rang suddenly. Wang Linlin and Liu Shufen glanced at each other, and they both had a guess in their hearts.

Sure enough, when they opened the door, they saw Wang Zhiqiang's familiar face.

"Auntie, I'm here to ......"

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Liu Shufen. Liu Shufen stepped forward and gave him a big hug.

"Child, Linlin has told me, thank you and Linlin for always doing such a meaningful thing."

Wang Zhiqiang was stunned for a moment, and then showed a warm smile. "Auntie, this is what we should do."

At this moment, all misunderstandings were resolved, and the hearts of the family were close again.

But the story doesn't seem to be over yet. Because Liu Shufen's eyes suddenly flashed with a hint of excitement.

"Linlin, I suddenly have an idea......"

Liu Shufen's words made Wang Linlin and Wang Zhiqiang feel a little curious. They looked into the old man's eyes and waited for her next step.

"I'm thinking, since you've been doing something so meaningful, why don't you let more people know about it?"

"We can mobilize the whole community to help the homeless. ”

"I believe that with a little bit of love, we can make this city a warmer place."

Wang Linlin and Wang Zhiqiang glanced at each other, and their eyes flashed with excitement.

They never imagined that their small act of kindness could impact an entire community.

"Mom, your idea is so good!" Wang Linlin said excitedly, "We can organize a volunteer team to help those homeless people on a regular basis." I am sure that many people will be willing to join us. ”

Wang Zhiqiang also nodded, and the smile on his face became even brighter. "Auntie, you are such a loving person. With your support, we can do better. ”

Over the next few days, Wang and Wang Zhiqiang, with the help of Liu Shufen, began to promote their volunteer activities in the community.

At first, many people were still a little skeptical about this, but when they saw the sincerity and enthusiasm of Wang Linlin and Wang Zhiqiang, they were deeply moved.

Gradually, more and more people joined the volunteer team.

Some donate food and clothing, while others are directly involved in helping the homeless. The whole community seems to be infected by this warm current of love.

She went out with a man in the middle of the night, and after being bumped into by her mother-in-law, her mother-in-law supported them instead of being annoyed

Just when this volunteer team was thriving, an unexpected news shocked everyone. It turned out that Wang Zhiqiang turned out to be a homeless man.

The news was like a bomb and caused a huge stir in the community.

Many people can't believe that Wang Zhiqiang, who has been helping others, is also a homeless person himself.

In the face of everyone's doubts and incomprehension, Wang Zhiqiang chose to face it calmly.

"Yes," he said, "I used to be a homeless man as well. However, it was Wang Linlin's kindness that changed me. She showed me that even the humblest of people have the right to love and be loved. ”

Wang Zhiqiang's words silenced everyone present. They suddenly realized that helping others is not just giving, but also a two-way communication and growth.

Wang Linlin stepped forward and shook Wang Zhiqiang's hand. There were tears in her eyes.

Liu Shufen looked at the scene in front of her, and her heart was also full of emotion. Maybe that's the meaning of life, she thought.

In the process of helping others, we are also constantly improving and improving ourselves.

This volunteer team is more than just an organization that helps the homeless.

It's more like a big family, where everyone finds their place and value.

And all of this is thanks to Wang Linlin and Wang Zhiqiang. It is they, with their kindness and courage, who have lit up the light of love for the entire community.

Just then, an unexpected person appeared. He is Wang Linlin's husband and Liu Shufen's son.

He stood in the crowd, and the expression on his face seemed to be a little dazed. But when he saw his wife and mother, a hint of relief and pride flashed in his eyes.

"I'm back." He said, "I like...... I missed a lot. ”

When Wang Linlin's husband returned home, he was shocked and moved when he saw everything in front of him.

He didn't expect that during the time he was away from home, his wife and mother would start such a caring volunteer team.

She went out with a man in the middle of the night, and after being bumped into by her mother-in-law, her mother-in-law supported them instead of being annoyed

He stepped forward and hugged Wang Linlin and Liu Shufen tightly. "I'm so proud of you."

Wang Linlin and Liu Shufen also hugged him tightly. At this moment, all misunderstandings and estrangements disappeared, and the hearts of the family were tightly connected again.

In the days that followed, Wang Linlin's husband also joined the volunteer team.

With his help, the team grew stronger and better. More and more homeless people have been helped, and more and more people have joined this big family of love.

Gradually, the influence of this team of volunteers grew. Their deeds were reported by the media and known to more people.

Many people were touched by their kindness and expressed their desire to learn from them.

Wang Linlin and Wang Zhiqiang used their love and efforts to illuminate countless dark corners.

But Wang Linlin knows that this is not the end, but a new beginning. Because love is a power that never stops.

It will continue to be passed on, influencing more people and illuminating more lives.

In this story, Wang Linlin and Wang Zhiqiang used their kindness and courage to touch the entire community and light up the hearts of countless people.

They show us that even the smallest acts of kindness can make a huge difference.

Everyone has the ability to help others and pass on the power of love.

Regardless of who we are and what we are, we can do what we can in our place.

This world needs more people like Wang Linlin and Wang Zhiqiang. With their actions, they interpret what true love and kindness are.

They make us believe that this world can be a better place if each of us gives a little love.

Let's start from now on, start from the little things around us, and warm everyone's heart with love, because love will always make miracles happen.

This work is a short story, and the plot is purely fictional, and if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life, the plot of the article is accidental and one-sided, just to increase readability, without the purpose of attracting people's attention, can not be generalized, can not rise to reality, the ultimate purpose is to make readers understand, to achieve the purpose of advocating positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.
