
Boeing: I'm going to publish the truth, U.S. government: No! You can't!

author:Tender little leeks

Boeing: I'm going to publish the truth, U.S. government: No! You can't!

Boeing: I'm going to publish the truth, U.S. government: No! You can't!

The U.S. Transportation Safety Board said it would sanction Boeing for violating relevant regulations by disclosing information about the Boeing 737 MAX investigation to the public.

Boeing: I'm going to publish the truth, U.S. government: No! You can't!

The United States sanctions itself, what kind of operation is this? Is the United States going to stab itself in the thigh? In fact, I think this matter can be understood in this way, Boeing knew that there was a problem with its plane and released the truth to the public, but the US government did not want them to disclose the truth. Then since your Boeing is disobedient, the U.S. government will sanction your Boeing.

Boeing: I'm going to publish the truth, U.S. government: No! You can't!

Why didn't the U.S. government let Boeing reveal the truth? That's because Boeing is the last face and sign of American manufacturing. If Boeing falls, so does American manufacturing.

Boeing: I'm going to publish the truth, U.S. government: No! You can't!

But I'm sure that this so-called sanction is insignificant. Because Boeing is not so much a company as it is a money-laundering machine for American bigwigs. When those bigwigs in the United States were in office, they frantically helped Boeing win various orders, and after leaving office, they went to work at Boeing to get a high salary.

Boeing: I'm going to publish the truth, U.S. government: No! You can't!

It's just that no matter how much the U.S. government tries to cover up Boeing's problems, it won't help, and safety in the civil aviation field is the sky, but Boeing has already pierced the sky. It is a matter of time before Boeing aircraft is eliminated from the market, and Boeing is the booster for our C919 to enter the international market!

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