
Love that depends on each other in the wind and rain

author:Mr. Wang's remarks

In this world, the perfect life may only exist in fairy tales. In reality, we are all experiencing our own ups and downs. However, it is these storms that make our lives thicker and our love more tenacious and beautiful. Even if life is not perfect, we still have to rely on each other in the bumps of the world, so that everything in life is rooted in life, and we firmly believe that all experiences are worth it and all efforts are meaningful. If you keep it, you will get something.

Love that depends on each other in the wind and rain

It was an ordinary autumn day, and I met her in the library on the college campus. Sunlight shines through the large windows between the bookshelves, and dust dances in the light like fragments of time. She stood in the literature area, holding a copy of "Gone with the Wind" in her hand, her eyes were focused and her expression was serene. Even in such a noisy world, her presence seems to bring a touch of tranquility. I mustered up the courage to walk over and asked softly, "Hello, can you recommend a book?" ”

She looked up at me, smiled and said, "Of course, what type of books do you like?" ”

At that moment, I knew that my heart had been captured by her. We talked for a long time, about books, about dreams, about life. It was the first time we had a real exchange, but it made us feel so close to each other. After that day, we began to meet frequently, as if fate had arranged it.

Over time, our relationship gradually warmed up. We would go to the library for self-study and discuss our views and insights together. She likes literature, and I prefer philosophy. She said that literature made her see the beauty and cruelty of life, while I think philosophy makes people think about the meaning of life. In this way, we are constantly colliding and blending in each other's worlds.

One day, we were walking by the small lake on campus, and the afterglow of the setting sun was shining on the lake, shining with a little golden light. She suddenly stopped and said to me, "You know, I'm actually scared of the future, I'm afraid that I won't be able to achieve my dreams. ”

I looked at her, and a sense of protection welled up in my heart. I took her hand and said firmly, "No matter what the future holds, I will be by your side and face all the difficulties and challenges together." ”

Her eyes glistened with tears as she held my hand tightly. At that moment, our hearts were tightly connected.

Life isn't always sunny. After graduation, we all faced our own challenges. She chose to stay in the city to continue her studies, while I went to work in another city. Long-distance relationships are full of trials from the start, but we both firmly believe that as long as we love each other, distance is not a hindrance.

Communication and telephone calls became our only link of contact. Every time I hear her voice, I can feel her warmth and strength. She shares her learning progress on the phone, and I tell her interesting stories and challenges at work. Although we are not with each other, our hearts are never separated.

However, the storms of life always come unexpectedly. At one point, she told me on the phone that her research was at a bottleneck and stressful. I listened to her voice, and my heart was distressed, but I couldn't comfort her side. During that time, we all felt powerless and frustrated like never before.

Love that depends on each other in the wind and rain

Despite this, we never gave up on each other. In order to give her more support and encouragement, I started to visit her every weekend on short vacations. Every time we meet, we confide in each other and share each other's joys and sorrows. She gradually regained her confidence with my comfort, and I found strength in her smile.

Once, in her lab, I saw her busy late into the night for an experiment, her eyes bloodshot. I walked over and hugged her gently: "Don't try too hard, take care of yourself." ”

She leaned on my shoulder and sighed softly, "Sometimes I feel like I can't hold on. ”

I stroked her hair and said gently, "Don't give up, no matter how difficult it is, we'll go on together." ”

Our love has become more and more tenacious in the wind and rain. Every time we face difficulties and challenges, it is a test of our feelings, and we have proved each other's determination and trust with our actions.

Eventually, her research made a breakthrough, and I was recognized and promoted in my work. Life seems to be starting to move in the direction we want. We decided to end our long-distance relationship, move to the same city, and start a new life together.

On that day, we looked out into the distance from the balcony of our new home, and our hearts were full of longing and anticipation for the future. She snuggled into my arms and whispered, "Thank you for always being with me." ”

I lowered my head and kissed her forehead, and responded with a smile: "It was you who made me understand what true love is." Relying on each other in the wind and rain, we will cherish each other more. ”

Our love has gradually grown up in the ups and downs of life. We have learned to support each other in times of adversity and to share in joy. Every experience is a tempering of our feelings; Every effort is a foreshadowing for the future.

Love that depends on each other in the wind and rain

Now, we have entered the palace of marriage and started a new life. Life is still not perfect, but we have long learned how to stay together in the weather. Every day, we manage this relationship with our hearts and water each other's hearts with love.

We believe that there will still be ups and downs on the road ahead, but as long as we are closely interdependent, all difficulties will become nutrients for our growth. Our love is embodied in every detail of life, and it is more determined in every wind and rain.

We know that if we keep it, we will gain something. As long as we stick to this love, no matter what the future holds, we will go on together. Because, we believe that all experiences are worth it and all efforts are meaningful.

This is our love story, a story of clinging to each other in the storm. May all love find its own warmth and tenacity in the wind and rain of life.
