
In 1976, I got on the retired bus and received a huge amount of money because of a word from my instructor

author:Retired veteran cadres 67

Text/Cui Guiqi

Disclaimer: This article is the original debut, unauthorized and any form of plagiarism will be held accountable!

On August 21, 1975, I was admitted to the Wuhan Air Force Hospital due to illness, and after nearly half a year of meticulous treatment, the primary pulmonary syndrome I suffered from was basically cured.

In mid-February 1976, I learned that the company's annual veterans' retirement work was about to begin, and I had served for five years at this time. After my repeated explanations and persuasions, the attending doctor reluctantly agreed to my discharge from the hospital and return to the team.

The second day after returning to the company, just in time for the demobilization of veterans began. In the past two days, the company commander has been very busy, not only to talk to the retired veterans one by one, but also to do a good job of calming the emotional fluctuations of the retired veterans.

In 1976, I got on the retired bus and received a huge amount of money because of a word from my instructor

In order to avoid the suspicion that my ideological level is not high, I did not rush to submit an application for retirement to the company commander. Because I knew in my heart: "Good food is not afraid of being late," and with the beautiful business card of my discharge certificate, the company commander would take the initiative to come to the door a few hours later.

After dinner, company commander Yang Zihua invited me out for a walk, and I understood the meaning of the walk very well. This casual walk and heart-to-heart conversation between the two of us made me truly understand the true meaning of "blessings and misfortunes are relied on, and misfortunes and blessings are lurking".

Later, I was soft-spoken, but I had a lot of good things, all thanks to my own ability and meeting a good company commander who was honest and selfless, which became a lingering warm memory in my life.

This is the first time in the more than two years since I was transferred to the Nanwangshan Radar Company that I have had a heart-to-heart conversation with the company commander.

The two sides talked openly, not only narrowing the distance between hearts, but also feeling that they knew each other too late, and finally the company commander asked me with a sincere face: "If you still have any requests, just say, within the scope of my ability, I will definitely help you solve it."

This is exactly what I have been waiting for for a long time and wanting him to promise me. On the grounds that two years ago I was a target for the development of new party members in the company and that I had participated in many training courses for party activists, I expressed my long-cherished wish that I had held back in my heart for many days: "Before I retired from the army, I asked to join the party. ”

After an urgent study and decision by the company's branch team, three days later, I went through all the necessary procedures before joining the party, and finally became a full-fledged party member as I wished.

On February 23rd, after breakfast, a group of 8 of us boarded the truck where the regiment headquarters picked up retired veterans. Suddenly, instructor Cao Shengqi ran out of the corridor of the company's duty room and shouted: "Stop, stop quickly." ”

After the car stopped, he said loudly: "After consulting the relevant departments of the Youth League Headquarters, Comrade Cui Guiqi will temporarily stay in the team for a month, and then retire and return to his hometown after re-examination to confirm his condition and there is no abnormality." ”

This sudden incident was far beyond my expectations, and it was also a rare and first incident in the company and even the whole regiment.

In the army, people with special circumstances like me, as long as the service period is up, they will be allowed to retire that year. Besides, I've already got on the slow-moving bus, which is equivalent to getting rid of a hot potato. Let me stay in the team to review and confirm, instructor, aren't you looking for trouble to provoke fire?

If you stay, you will be safe. The instructor told me to take care of your illness, I read your medical records and discharge certificate, and the conclusion was that you are basically cured, not that you have been cured.

Since your family has handed you over to the army, I will be responsible for your health, and it will not be too late to leave after a month of observation and re-examination to confirm that you are fine. His elder brotherly words moved and remembered him for the rest of my life. His kind-hearted character has benefited me a lot from inheriting and carrying forward his life dreams in the process of fulfilling my life dreams.

Now that I have joined the party, I have become more energetic, and I must seize the limited time I have spent in the team, and in addition to being on duty in combat service, I will also pass on the radar control skills I have accumulated over the years to the new soldiers. My attitude of actively working selflessly has aroused criticism from some people: "Does this kid want to stay in the company and not leave?" This time, the instructor will be unlucky if he touches the sticky doll......"

In 1976, I got on the retired bus and received a huge amount of money because of a word from my instructor

I angrily found the instructor and said, "Instructor, I'll pack up my things immediately, and tomorrow we will go to the regiment headquarters to go through the retirement procedures, and I will go back to my hometown the day after tomorrow." After learning what happened, he smiled and comforted me and said: "When you hear the cries of the birds, you won't plant crops, everything is up to me, work with peace of mind for another ten days, and then I will take you to the Air Force Hospital for a re-examination and then leave."

On the morning of March 16, 1976, the instructor took me to the Wuhan Air Force Hospital for a follow-up, and the results were the same as when I was discharged. The doctor told me to go back and continue to take medication for more than a year to consolidate the treatment. The tense hearts of the two of us finally fell to the ground like a hanging stone.

In the afternoon, the two of us rushed to the regiment headquarters to go through my retirement procedures, and the instructor told me that he wanted to apply for a one-time subsidy for the injury and illness of retired soldiers, with an amount of 30-50 yuan, and it should be recorded and stored in my file according to the regulations. I said, "I won't ask for a file if I do it, and this little money will affect my job search if it goes to the local government." The instructor thought for a moment and said, "I'll do my best." ”

We agreed: I will go to the regimental health team to prescribe medicine first, and I will see you at the door of the health team later. After a long time, the instructor came in a hurry, sweating profusely. He said to me happily: "All the formalities have been completed, and the calculation of the demobilization allowance is as follows: a total of 100 yuan for the allowance for five months, and a sickness allowance: according to your special situation, I have applied for the highest treatment of 100 yuan in the whole regiment, and it is not stored in the file."

In order to dispel my doubts, he deliberately took out all the information in the file bag and showed me the title. Then he said: "You wait for me for a while, I'll go to the confidential unit to get your file bag, seal it and stamp it with the official seal, and everything will be fine." ”

100 yuan was a "huge amount of money" for me at that time.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the instructor accompanied me to visit the Wuchang shopping mall, and I spent 25 yuan to buy a Yangtze River brand five-silicon tube radio. At 6 o'clock, as a token of gratitude, I invited the instructor to Wuchang Hotel for dinner. A bottle of Xifeng wine, a pack of Chinese cigarettes (0.72 yuan), 4 dishes and 1 soup, a total of 14 yuan. The two chatted happily while eating. In the end, the instructor drank a little too much, and it was almost 10 o'clock when he returned to the company.

The next day, Secretary Jiang Ankang bought me a train ticket for the next day for the return trip, and I packed my luggage early and prepared to go home.

After lunch on March 18, 1976, Guo Zhenying, the leader of the cooking squad, set off for Wuchang Railway Station with my backpack on his bicycle.

I looked back at the familiar barracks and the radar antennas standing on the top of the mountain, as well as at the comrades-in-arms who got along day and night, and my heart suddenly filled with sadness. After the instructor and I took a bus to Wuchang Railway Station to meet Guo Zhenying, the instructor put me on the train at two o'clock, and the car started, and he reluctantly left!

In 1976, I got on the retired bus and received a huge amount of money because of a word from my instructor

Goodbye comrades-in-arms, goodbye Wuhan, goodbye hot dry noodles and swimming smoke!