
Documentary: The life of a female factory director of a large state-owned enterprise makes people sigh!

author:Retired veteran cadres 67

Text/Wen Yin

Li Yaru is the most proud child of the seven sisters.

Her parents often praised her in front of relatives and neighbors, saying: "These seven children in our family are Aru's brains, and they are the first in the class when they return to the exam." He has won the first prize in several essay competitions held in the county. In the future, we will count on her. ”

Documentary: The life of a female factory director of a large state-owned enterprise makes people sigh!

Indeed, Li Yaru has completely inherited the advantages of her parents. Not only inherited the smart and wise mind of his father, who was an accountant, and his academic performance was always outstanding, but he also looked like his mother, who was white, dignified and handsome.

At school, she was liked by teachers and envied by her classmates.

In the end, Li Yaru was admitted to Dongbei University of Finance and Economics with excellent results. Became the only college student in the village for many years.

At that time, the village chief secretary led people to beat gongs and drums to send good news to her family. Her parents were so happy!

After graduating from university, Li Yaru was assigned to a large state-owned enterprise in Shenyang.

Because of her hard work and outstanding performance, she was promoted to the position of the head of the unit a few years later.

She is resolute and bold. There is definitely the courage of women who do not let the eyebrows go. He is a well-known figure from far and near.

She has a chauffeur to pick her up when she travels, and she goes to major units to make reports and give speeches. She has her presence and footprints in the large-scale meetings of many units.

Her husband, Yu Zhihui, is the Commissioner of Inland Revenue.

Yu Zhihui is not only known to be elegant, with outstanding temperament, but also talented. He is proficient in calligraphy, painting, piano, musical instruments, and is fluent in English and Russian.

The two are truly a match made in heaven.

After marriage, they gave birth to a son and a daughter. This perfect family of four is truly enviable!

If life goes on like this, Li Yaru's life can really be described as unique and perfect without regrets.

But when she was forty-six years old, fate smashed a cruel hammer down on her......

Yu Zhihui suffered from esophageal cancer, which was at an advanced stage when it was detected. He died after only four and a half months in the hospital's intensive care unit.

Li Yaru clearly remembers that she really couldn't believe the fact that her husband was terminally ill. She consulted the attending doctor repeatedly to confirm that her husband's life was running out, and her blood seemed to have been drained, her limbs were limpable, her body was weak, her ears were ringing and dizzy, and she could barely support it......

As if she had lost her soul, she swam helplessly on the circular sidewalk outside the hospital for countless laps, uncontrollable tears gushing like a flood that burst the embankment......

She asked the sky, why was he so cruel to her? ?

My 15-year-old son, who is in junior high school, and my 17-year-old daughter, who is in high school, need their father's love! But in the future, she was the only one to shelter them from the wind and rain. Although she is a strong woman in people's minds, she is a woman after all, how much she hopes for her husband's company and dependence!!

After all, Li Yaru is a leading figure in the workplace, she gritted her teeth and forced herself to face reality.

Li Yaru bought the best Chaoyang cemetery for her husband in a large cemetery, and handled the funeral very ceremoniously.

She adjusted herself as quickly as she could, and began to devote herself to work and family life again.

For the learning of the two children, she tutors, supervises, and inspects, and does not relax for a moment.

Her hard work was not in vain, and both children were admitted to key colleges and universities with excellent results.

After graduating, her daughter worked in a large company of a central enterprise and was later promoted to a supervisor. And formed a family with colleagues in the unit.

After graduating, his son worked in a bank and was later promoted to president.

Having fulfilled her responsibilities for her children, she began to think about the rest of her life.

When Li Yaru was 53 years old, she was introduced to Wu Qiguang, a director who was five years older than her.

Wu Qiguang is tall and burly, good-looking, erudite and talented.

A year ago, my wife and child died of uremia. All three children are married.

After a period of getting to know each other, the two decided to get married.

On the day they received their marriage certificates, Li Yaru and Wu Qiguang invited their five children and all their family members to a joyful dinner at a five-star luxury hotel.

Documentary: The life of a female factory director of a large state-owned enterprise makes people sigh!

During this period, Wu Qiguang's children, daughters-in-law, aunts and grandchildren called Li Yaru mother, grandmother, and grandmother respectively.

Li Yaru gave each of her two daughters and daughter-in-law a pure gold necklace on the spot, a pure gold ring for each of her son and two aunts, and a big red envelope for each of her grandchildren.

Li Yaru's children, aunts, daughters-in-law and grandsons call Wu Qiguang their father and grandfather. Wu Qiguang also gave everyone a big red envelope.

Since then, the halfway couple has happily started a new second half of their lives.

The two spent their honeymoon on a long trip.

They traveled around Belgium, France, England, Italy...... He has traveled to places of interest in almost every European country, leaving behind countless precious photographs that record happy moments.

Li Yaru, who has always lived an upper-class life and likes fashion, has a wall of cabinets filled with high-end clothes in her luxurious villa. There were hundreds of skirts, countless silk scarves, and shoes filled six shelves. Bags of different styles and colors take up the entire wall.

Li Yaru's clothes are never the same from head to toe every day, and her elegant dress is like a high-class lady. She and Wu Qiguang are like young couples who go in and out all day long, walking arm in arm. I'm as happy as a flower.

On holidays, they will have dinner with their children and families in luxury hotels, and they get along very well with each other.

Time flies, twelve years pass in a flash.

When Li Yaru was 65 years old, Wu Qiguang, who had entered the prime of his life, suffered from cerebral thrombosis.

Documentary: The life of a female factory director of a large state-owned enterprise makes people sigh!

In the first few months, Li Yaru brought him water and medicine...... I took care of it quite carefully.

Later, Wu Qiguang's condition became more and more serious. His mouth is crooked to one side, his eyes are slanted, his speech is incoherent, and he needs help to walk. He often sneezes when he eats, and the food in his mouth squirts all over the table. Once, I actually pulled into my pants.

Li Yaru was furious and slapped him with a bow left and right, and shouted hysterically: "You die!" "

Wu Qiguang had tears in his eyes, looked at Li Yaru with pitiful begging eyes, and his lips were speechless.

Li Yaru called Wu Qiguang's three children and said to them: "Your father's situation can't leave people for a minute. I'm also my age and I'm not in good health, so I have to hire a housekeeper. And your dad and I can't make ends meet at all. So the cost of hiring someone will be split equally between the three of you and my two children. ”

After a brief silence, the three agreed.

However, Wu Qiguang's three sons and daughters all knew in their hearts that their father and Li Yaru were both retired at the department level. Each of them has a pension of eight or nine thousand yuan. Hospitalization is almost full reimbursement again. Usually, everyone comes and goes, and I always buy things for them. How can we make ends meet financially? It's just that we sisters want to pay for it.

But they are only talking indignantly behind their backs.

Since hiring a housekeeper, Li Yaru has left almost everything in the house to the nanny.

She still has the charm to spend an hour or two every day dressing up, spraying high-end perfume, and walking out of the house. Before going out, I asked the nanny to take care of my wife.

That day, because he was going to take Wu Qiguang to the hospital for examination, his eldest daughter Wu Xiaomin came. I don't know what she muttered, Li Yaru immediately said with a cold face: "Are you impatient this time?" I've had to face him all the time! "

When he went out, Wu Xiaomin slammed the door with a bang.

Li Yaru trembled with anger and asked her, "What door did you slam on?"

The eldest daughter also said angrily: "It wasn't a fall, it was blown by the wind."

"Is the wind blowing so much?" Li Yaru asked in an aggressive tone.

Wu Xiaomin lowered his eyelids and said nothing.

But Li Yaru was worried about this matter in her heart.

She first called Wu Xiaomin's husband, who was the factory director, and told her again. Then he told Wu Qiguang's second daughter Wu Xiaoli and several other relatives of the Wu family separately.

But she didn't tell her own children.

Because she knew that if she told her children, the conflict would escalate. They will definitely wrestle with Wu Xiaomin. The two sides can't get along with each other. And now that Wu Qiguang is still alive, the superficial relationship must still be maintained.

For the paralyzed remarried wife, she completely ignored him and didn't take him to heart at all.

Two years later, Wu Qigang died.

After the funeral, his three children and relatives almost cut off contact with her.

Li Yaru now takes care of her skin every day without distractions and eats according to a healthy diet. I went to the university for the elderly to learn flower arrangement, piano playing, ballroom dancing......

He was almost 80 years old, but he looked like he was in his early sixties.

His sons and daughters all lived an aristocratic life in the upper class.

My daughter lives in a 500-square-meter duplex building in a high-end community. Pampered, fine clothes and food. The only regret is infertility. Although I have been going to major hospitals for diagnosis and treatment for many years, looking for good remedies from the people, I am 46 years old and still have no signs of pregnancy. Her husband, who wanted to have children, divorced her.

When his son got married, Li Yaru bought him a 200-square-meter commercial house in the center of the city. Later, they purchased the current 600-square-meter villa. The smart and clever little grandson is already in elementary school.

One day, when Li Yaru was walking the bend, the wind suddenly rose. Passing by the door of his son's house, he saw that his window was not closed, so he walked in. Seeing that the quilt on the bed in the bedroom was messy and the living room was not tidy, he carefully cleaned it up in an orderly manner.

That night, she received a call from her daughter-in-law, who was a dance teacher, who rarely called.

The daughter-in-law asked in a cold tone, "Mom, did you come to our house today?"

She hesitated a little inexplicably and said, "Ahh

"Who told you to touch my stuff?" The daughter-in-law questioned her unceremoniously.

This female factory director, who once responded to all calls in the workplace, looked like she was poor at the moment, and she didn't know what to say......

Li Yaru was disheartened, and she never visited her son's door again.

She often said to herself sadly and helplessly: "A parent's home is always a child's home!" But the children's home is never the parents' home. ”

Documentary: The life of a female factory director of a large state-owned enterprise makes people sigh!

Now 79 years old, her only job is to do everything she can to make herself happy every day......

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