
Many people don't know that it's not the soup that's really nutritious, it's the meat in the soup

author:Neighborhoods to healthy communities

If [drinking hot water is good for the body] is engraved in the DNA of Chinese, then [drinking soup is nutritious] is equivalent to being engraved in the bones of Chinese.

Many people don't know that it's not the soup that's really nutritious, it's the meat in the soup

Many areas in the mainland have the habit of drinking soup, such as Laohuo Liang soup in Guangdong, Hu spicy soup in Henan, mutton soup in Luoyang, Huainan beef soup in Anhui, and crockpot soup in Jiangxi......

It is believed that the nutritional value of soup is higher than that of eating meat, and through long-term stewing, the nutrients of the ingredients are all in the soup.

However, is drinking soup really nutritious? Let's uncover the true face of the soup and see if it is really as magical as the saying goes~

Many people don't know that it's not the soup that's really nutritious, it's the meat in the soup

A pot of soup usually contains these things: solid ingredients such as vegetables and meat, water, fat, salt, MSG and other seasonings.

When the ingredients and water are boiled at high temperatures, the ingredients will become more and more soft under the water, and in this process, the protein in the meat will release amino acids, making the soup delicious, and at the same time, fats, sugars, water-soluble vitamins, nucleotides and other substances will also "excitedly" leave the ingredients and jump into the soup water to enjoy the high temperature spa.

Thanks to them, the originally ordinary pot of soup has become fragrant and attractive, and you can fresh off your eyebrows in one bite~

Many people don't know that it's not the soup that's really nutritious, it's the meat in the soup

However, good taste does not mean high nutritional value, the secret of good soup lies in fat and a variety of flavor substances, their nutritional value is limited. Moreover, not all nutrients are soluble in water –

Water-soluble nutrients include water-soluble amino acids, potassium, sodium, and other substances, which are present in soups and can be absorbed by the body. However, most of the nutrients in the ingredients that cannot be dissolved in water, such as protein, calcium, iron, zinc, etc., do not deal with soup and water, and only stay in meat and vegetables.

For example, people have always thought that bone broth can replenish calcium, and the longer it is stewed and the whiter the soup, the better the calcium supplementation effect. In fact, the calcium in the bones will not melt into the soup, and drinking bone broth can only replenish fat and purines, and drinking such a large amount of soup for a long time is easy to increase the risk of gout, obesity and high blood pressure.

Many people don't know that it's not the soup that's really nutritious, it's the meat in the soup

That is to say, the nutrition of drinking soup is not as high as everyone thinks, or even negligible, if you drink soup often, it is easy to gain weight, after all, there is a lot of meat fat floating in the soup, especially old hen soup, pork rib soup and other broths.

However, the habit of drinking soup is difficult to change, is there any way to make us drink soup healthily?

Many people don't know that it's not the soup that's really nutritious, it's the meat in the soup

First of all, pay attention to these 4 points:

(1) Eat meat while drinking soup, so that you can get more nutrients;

(2) The soup does not need to be boiled for too long, otherwise the purine content will increase, and the probability of gout will also increase;

(3) Let the hot soup cool to 40 °C before drinking, it is too hot and easy to damage our oral mucosa and esophageal mucosa.

(4) Soup is healthier with less oil and less salt.

Secondly, patients with high blood sugar, high blood pressure, gout, and cholecystitis are best not to drink soup, and even if they want to drink, they must drink light, less oil and salt, sugar-free vegetable soup or egg drop soup, which is healthy and not easy to gain weight~

(Part of the picture comes from the Internet)

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