
Yuexing Pharmaceutical's green and low-carbon development integrates into the national "3060 dual carbon goal"

author:Beautiful new Taizhou
Yuexing Pharmaceutical's green and low-carbon development integrates into the national "3060 dual carbon goal"

A few days ago, with the acceptance and grid-connected power generation of the rooftop distributed photovoltaic project installed by Jiangsu Yuexing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. by Xinghua Power Supply Bureau, it marked the successful completion of the first phase of Yuexing Pharmaceutical photovoltaic project. The completion of the project has good economic, environmental and social benefits, and improves the brand image and social responsibility of the enterprise.

Photovoltaic installation diagram of the production workshop

Yuexing Pharmaceutical's green and low-carbon development integrates into the national "3060 dual carbon goal"
Yuexing Pharmaceutical's green and low-carbon development integrates into the national "3060 dual carbon goal"

Solar photovoltaic power generation is a clean, renewable energy, green energy. The project can convert light energy into electrical energy, with a total installed capacity of 790KWp, and adopts the operation mode of "self-generation and self-consumption, surplus electricity on the grid" of electric energy. It is calculated that the daily power generation can reach more than 4,000 degrees when the sunlight is good, the annual average daily power generation is about 2,400 degrees, and the average annual power generation is about 850,000 degrees, which can save about 850,000 yuan per kilowatt-hour of electricity according to the cost of 1 yuan per kilowatt-hour. It is equivalent to saving about 340 tons of standard coal every year, and can reduce the emission of a variety of harmful gases caused by coal burning every year, including about 26 tons of sulfur oxides, about 13 tons of nitrogen oxides, about 231 tons of soot, and about 847 tons of carbon dioxide, which is equivalent to planting 471 trees every year. On the day of project acceptance, the Municipal Power Supply Bureau affirmed the first phase of our photovoltaic project, "the project application materials are complete, the safety measures in the installation process are well controlled, and the overall project installation is reasonable and compliant," said the person in charge of the acceptance of the marketing department of the Power Supply Bureau.

The completion of the first phase of Yuexing Pharmaceutical's photovoltaic project and the smooth power generation can effectively reduce energy consumption and help enterprises reduce costs. At the same time, it is also a practical measure for Yuexing Pharmaceutical to deeply practice the development of "green environmental protection, low-carbon and energy-saving", actively respond to the long-term plan of the "3060 dual carbon goal" of major national strategic decisions, and promote the green and low-carbon transformation of energy.

Source丨Dai Nan release

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