
Age of Discovery 4HD - How to earn the first pot of gold in the game?

author:Stand-alone game small shrimp

Age of Discovery 4HD - How to earn the first pot of gold in the game?

Author: Stand-alone game Little Shrimp

Age of Discovery 4 is the fourth installment of the Age of Exploration series. In the game, there are a total of seven protagonists with different experiences and stories. Players choose different protagonists to play and feel the different lives of the protagonists of the game.

Age of Discovery 4HD - How to earn the first pot of gold in the game?
Age of Discovery 4HD - How to earn the first pot of gold in the game?

In the game "Age of Exploration 4", players start with a weak force, how to earn the first pot of gold to make a fortune? Different protagonists have different methods, and the following shrimp will introduce to you how to earn the first pot of gold in "Age of Exploration 4".

Age of Discovery 4HD - How to earn the first pot of gold in the game?

1. Trade in special products. In the game, each port has three or four special products, and the increase of special products depends on the addition of business investment and special treasures. Buying the specialties in the port and then selling them in another port to earn the difference is the most basic money-making operation for Age of Exploration 4 players. When buying and selling special products, the cabin appoints a maximum accountant, so that each purchase and sale will automatically bargain. At the same time, fill each ship of the fleet with 5 cargo warehouses.

When trading special products, it is also necessary to pay attention to investing in the port and increasing the share of the port, so that every time the goods are bought and sold, there will be more goods to trade. Only when there are more goods, can you earn more profits.

2. Popular products. When you arrive at the port, if you see the xx product selling well in the square, if there is a product nearby, quickly buy the product and sell it in the port. In this way, the goods sold are often about double the normal price, and sometimes, the exchange will give you a small share of the city.

Age of Discovery 4HD - How to earn the first pot of gold in the game?

Of course, players can also make their own popular items in this port, and the detailed method can be found in the article related to shrimp.

3. The trade association will do the task. In the big port, the guild publishes a lot of tasks, some of which are still very well paid. If the player is lucky enough to farm these tasks, be sure to take them in time and earn the first pot of gold.

Age of Discovery 4HD - How to earn the first pot of gold in the game?

However, these tasks are not so easy to do, and many of them are transoceanic trade, which requires preparation.

Age of Discovery 4HD - How to earn the first pot of gold in the game?

4. Become a pirate and rob small chambers of commerce. In the game, after the player wins the naval battle, if the player defeats the enemy in melee combat or heads-up, he will loot a lot of gold coins by the way. These coins correlate with the wealth of the enemy's chamber of commerce, of course, at the beginning of the game, it is best to raid some of the weaker chambers, such as Shupaia in the North Sea and Siruwela in Africa.

Age of Discovery 4HD - How to earn the first pot of gold in the game?

If the strength is not enough, try not to provoke the powerful chamber of commerce. Of course, if you have to rob, you can put your teammate with the highest swordsmanship in the sailor's room, equip him with the best weapons and armor, and then use the S/L method to loot the enemy's fleet closely. Try to trigger a melee challenge to defeat the enemy every time you fight.

In Age of Discovery 2, players can loot ships at the beginning of the game, and then capture a large number of ships and sell them for a large amount of gold, but in Age of Exploration 4, only Shirafur and Saeki can loot and capture enemy ships.

5. Become an adventurer and explore the treasures of the sea. Once the player has established a good relationship with the bar girl (and gives her a favorite gift), then he can find out the news and coordinates of the many treasures in the sea from her. Grab a boat-ready for adventure, fill it with supplies, and explore the treasure hunt. When these treasures are discovered, they can not only increase their power in the local sea, but they can also be equipped, sold, or rented to earn a certain amount of gold.

Age of Discovery 4HD - How to earn the first pot of gold in the game?

6. In the remake of "Age of Exploration 4", when the player is trading, if the task of the golden route is triggered, after going to the guild to report, the guild will give the player a certain amount of gold coins as a reward every month, which lasts for nearly a year, which can be said to be an extra wealth for players at the beginning of the game.

Age of Discovery 4HD - How to earn the first pot of gold in the game?

7. Set up a local fleet, and then appoint a local fleet to a certain sea area, if the player has a relatively high share of this sea area, the local fleet will provide a lot of profits every month.

8. Some special protagonists will have the game's "Fortune Package". For example, if the player chooses Woodin as the protagonist, he can go to the Indian Ocean and play a game against the fat man, and he can directly take all the fat man's wealth for himself.

9. If the player feels that making money at the beginning of the game is boring and cookie-cutter, he can use the modifier to change the number of gold coins to 99.99 million, and go directly to London at the beginning of the game to mention five top battleships, and the world is free to roam from then on.

Time is like an arrow, "Age of Exploration 4" has been released for more than 20 years in a blink of an eye, every time you play this game, you will vaguely see the days of fighting with friends in Internet cafes 20 years ago, the excitement of going to sea for the first time, and the joy of defeating opponents in the first naval battle, which is vivid in retrospect. For us veteran players, "Age of Exploration 4" is not only a sailing game, but also the youth of many of us who are born in the 70s and 80s.

Age of Discovery 4HD - How to earn the first pot of gold in the game?

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Time flies, we are no longer young, but the pace of pursuing our dreams has never stopped. Looking back, I suddenly realized that the happiness that had passed away was our original dream and pursuit.

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