
The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

author:Guan Wen Shi said
The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources and are repeated at the end of this article

"Food, clothing, housing and transportation" ranks last in the four categories, but this does not mean that everyone's demand for shoes is relatively low, after all, you can not bring other things when you go out, and you must have a pair of shoes on your feet.

Therefore, under different dressing styles, the footwear we wear is also very different.

Coupled with factors such as age, shoes for the elderly, children's shoes, shoes for young women and urban beauties, etc., the shoes market is becoming more and more abundant.

The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

But everyone also knows that in today's market, the emergence of various "poisonous clothes" and "poisonous products" makes the public become a little cautious when buying, lest they buy poisonous products.

So today, I will introduce to you which are poisonous shoes, and what are their harm to the human body?

First of all, it must be the shoes for the elderly that everyone pays the most attention to, and we all know that many shoes such as Foot Strength are specially prepared for the elderly, and the advertisements are also overwhelming.

The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

For the elderly, factors such as the aging of the body and legs make them more demanding of shoes, which need to be comfortable to wear, and more need to make them walk more steadily.

So when marketing senior shoes, their main selling point is comfort, non-slip, etc., but is it really as they say?

We all know that the anti-slip is because of the special material, or the texture of the sole to increase the friction, but the object must be reversed, if the friction is too large, then the strength of the elderly is not so great, and it is not convenient to lift the foot when the large friction will make the elderly trip, aggravating the risk of falling.

The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

Therefore, when children choose shoes for the elderly, they must carefully understand them, so as not to have certain safety hazards in shoes

In particular, some tourist shoes are also the main consumer group for the elderly, but not all casual shoes are suitable for the elderly, everyone still has to keep their eyes open to buy.

Another relatively large group is children, that is, "toxic children's shoes".

The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

In 19 years, the Shanghai Quality Supervision Bureau conducted a random inspection of a large shoe factory, but the results showed that out of 24 batches, 9 batches were unqualified.

In particular, the content of phthalates has reached nearly half, which is nearly 500 times higher than the national standard.

In 22 years, a shoe factory was also tested in a CCTV column.

The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

It was found that nearly 1/4 of the shoes contained phthalates in the content of phthalates also exceeded the standard, not only this chemical, but also the lead in it was more than 30 times higher than the national standard.

If you don't know about this situation, the consequences can be huge.

Studies have shown that every 10 micrograms of lead in the blood will reduce the IQ of the child by about 5%, so the shoes with excessive lead content will affect the child's IQ.

The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

The most commonly mentioned phthalates are mainly used to soften shoes and make them elastic.

However, according to national standards, the content of this substance shall not exceed 0.1% when it is applied.

It acts similarly to estrogen affecting a child's endocrine system, in short, it may cause precocious puberty.

The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

It can not only enter the human body through skin contact, but also through the respiratory tract or even the digestive tract to affect everyone, and in serious cases, it can even affect the development of children's kidneys, or poisoning, brain numbness, etc., resulting in life-threatening conditions.

So in such a situation, how to choose children's shoes?

For children, everyone's preference must be softer shoes for children to wear comfortably.

The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

However, as with shoes for the elderly, things must be reversed, and shoes that are too comfortable will lead to a lack of support for the feet.

This will affect the development of foot bones, and it is likely that the child will become flat feet and O-shaped legs, etc., and harder ones will lead to excessive pressure on the soles of the feet.

There is also the children's preference for shoes that will shine, the principle of this kind of shoes is generally to jump vigorously on the ground to make the light on, but this will also have an impact on the bones of the feet.

The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

Then there is the huge female consumer group, and the first shoes that come to everyone's mind must be high heels.

Although not all women wear shoes every day, it is an essential item for some specific important occasions.

The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

Maybe the merchants have grasped this point, so in the production of high heels, they do not control the materials much, but put a lot of effort into the appearance of the shoes.

In some investigation reports, a large number of harmful substances have been found in high heels.

Because the stress point of the heel becomes forward, the hook is also very important.

The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

If there is a problem, there is a high chance that there will be a problem such as a broken foot, which can lead to bone cracks, etc., and not only the body will be damaged. If it is a very important occasion, your face will definitely be affected.

There is also a shoe that we can often see in the summer, these years, about the hole shoes on the elevator stuck in, the news everyone must have heard a little.

Although it looks very fashionable and beautiful, and it is relatively comfortable to wear, it is deeply liked by the public, but this does not mean that the shoes are necessarily safe, non-toxic and harmless.

The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

Most of the shoes are made of recycled plastic or rubber, and the color of the shoes may also be due to the fact that the merchants have added a lot of pigments and additives.

And because it's a hot summer, people don't wear socks at all, and even if they do, they are very light and breathable.

As a result, the human body's footsteps are in direct contact with many things, so these toxic levels will enter the human body and threaten the health of the public.

The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

Anyone who has walked through the hole in the shoes knows that the space for the foot to move in is very large, and the sole is also very soft, which will lead to a greater probability of sprain.

And if you are a person who is prone to sweating feet, then in the package of cave shoes, it is likely to cause sweat accumulation, this environment is a paradise for bacteria, and in the long run, there may be some foot diseases or athlete's foot.

The other is the well-known shoes with a sense of stepping on the shoe, which is a bit similar to the shoes with holes, but they are not the same in terms of appearance, and most of the shoes with a feeling of stepping on are not fully wrapped.

The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

This is popular among the younger demographic, but the health risks of such shoes are revealed in some columns.

Because they are more comfortable in their design, they do not take into account the support of rebound, resulting in more physical strength for the public to walk while wearing.

This can lead to not only flat feet, but also increases the risk of broken feet, which in the long run can lead to biomechanical abnormalities such as foot pronation and ankle valgus, which can affect our body shape.

The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

The low-cost recycled plastic material used in this kind of-like shoes is very cheap after all, this material will cause poor breathability, and the foot will be exposed to it for a long time, which will create a hot and humid environment, and may also increase the growth of bacteria.

The other is snow boots, which are popular with the public in winter.

This kind of shoes has enough fluff inside, and it is higher than ordinary shoes, which can better protect the temperature of the ankle.

The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

Therefore, it has become the choice of many people in winter, but this kind of shoes seems to be very warm, and it is likely to cause damage to the ankle.

Because we all know that the inside of this kind of shoe is very narrow, in order to achieve the purpose of warmth, but this will lead to squeezing the toes, and because the sole is too thick, the material is too hard, resulting in the sole is very flat and has no support.

In the long run, the center of the foot will definitely change, and another similar one is the boots that women often wear, because this kind of shoes are very fashionable.

The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

Therefore, many women will choose when matching skirts or pants, but some inferior boots are not careful in the choice of materials, which will lead to the lack of breathability of the shoes made.

Such a hot and humid environment is also a favorite place for bacteria and fungi, which is likely to cause foot infections.

Having said all this, everyone must have a certain understanding of these shoes, so how to avoid choosing toxic shoes?

The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

First of all, the most important point is definitely the material of the shoes, generally the best choice is cotton, linen, leather, etc., the shoes made of this material are not harmful to the human body, and the air permeability is good, and will not create a good living conditions for bacteria and fungi.

If you encounter a strong chemical smell in that kind of shoe, it is likely to be a poisonous shoe.

In the choice of shoes, the more important thing is comfort, to conform to our human body mechanics and ergonomics, it is more important to support and protect our feet, so as to reduce the safety of our joints and feet when exercising or walking.

The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

If you feel crowded when you wear shoes, then these shoes must not be suitable for you.

The most important thing is that the shoes need to be cleaned frequently, after all, they are in a closed environment when they are worn, and bacteria may breed, so it is necessary to develop the habit of brushing the shoes, and put them in a ventilated storage to dry instead of waiting for them to dry on their own.

The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

Although it is not that the big brand will not be adulterated, but the big brand shoes are at least guaranteed in terms of after-sales, and you must not buy some shoes that do not have a manufacturer or an irregular brand

Wearing a pair of comfortable shoes can make everyone have no problems in walking, and only then can there be a good guarantee for physical health.

Reference Sources:

Yishui release - May 6, 2024 Another batch of "poisonous children's shoes" has been exposed! Hurting the liver and kidneys, causing cancer, wrestling, broken feet, and flat feet are all here, and some of them at home are thrown away quickly

Released by Longnan Tangchang - April 29, 2024 If you have elderly and children at home, don't wear these shoes anymore! Carcinogens exceed the standard by 302 times, wear one more day, one more risk

The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free
The common "poisonous shoes" may cause disease and cancer! Reminder: 5 kinds of shoes, don't give them for free

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