
No matter what brand of mobile phone you buy, these 3 configurations must be focused on!

author:Every word is you

Many people use mobile phones for hours, so what experiences will affect the mood in the process of using them? There are 3 key factors in summary, the first is that the flow is not smooth when used, if there is often a jam, it will indeed seriously affect the mood, and the second is that the battery life should be durable enough, usually playing with the mobile phone will always forget to charge, the power may not last long and may run out of power all of a sudden, and finally the screen display, clarity is only the foundation, eye protection should pay more attention, the eyes will be very sore after looking at the screen for a long time, and the mobile phone with strong eye protection will not be fatigued.

No matter what brand of mobile phone you buy, these 3 configurations must be focused on!

So when we buy a mobile phone, no matter which brand of mobile phone, we must give priority to the above 3 configurations, which are performance configuration, battery life configuration and screen configuration, as long as these configurations are met, at least there will not be too many troubles in daily use, and then I will briefly introduce to you how to choose these configurations, friends who are interested or need to change their mobile phones in the near future can learn about it.

No matter what brand of mobile phone you buy, these 3 configurations must be focused on!

First, the performance configuration is strong enough to meet the high fluency level

Determine the fluency of the performance configuration, mainly the processor and the system, in which the system optimization is good, the fluency difference is not particularly large, and the processor can be focused on, the stronger the processor, the stronger the computing power, can handle more complex tasks, and there is no pressure to open multiple applications.

No matter what brand of mobile phone you buy, these 3 configurations must be focused on!

At present, the main processors with strong performance are Dimensity 9300, Snapdragon 8Gen 3, Apple A17 pro, Kirin 9010, Kirin 9000s, Snapdragon 8Gen 2, Snapdragon 8s Gen 3, Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3, Dimensity 8300, etc., these are worthy of priority, but the price is different, the cheaper ones are Snapdragon 8Gen 2, Snapdragon 8s Gen 3, Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3, Dimensity 8300, more than 2,000 or more than 1,000 can be bought, You can choose according to your budget.

No matter what brand of mobile phone you buy, these 3 configurations must be focused on!

Second: the battery life configuration is powerful enough, and there is no need to charge frequently

The configuration that affects the battery life experience, mainly the battery capacity, the battery capacity is large enough to have sufficient battery life, when buying a mobile phone, you should give priority to see whether the battery capacity is large, this year each family has a large improvement in the battery, and there are a lot of mobile phones with 6000mAh batteries, so when looking at the mobile phone, you should look at these mobile phones with large batteries.

No matter what brand of mobile phone you buy, these 3 configurations must be focused on!

It is best not to see the battery with a capacity of less than 5000mAh, many mobile phones have 5500mAh or higher, the battery life is much stronger, of course, it depends on the actual battery life experience, some mobile phone processors have lower power consumption, stronger battery management technology, and the battery life will be a little stronger, but there are more than 5500mAh, basically you will not worry about the power problem, you don't need to charge frequently, as long as the charging power reaches the standard, there is more than 80w, and it is enough to be fully charged in forty minutes.

No matter what brand of mobile phone you buy, these 3 configurations must be focused on!

Third: the screen quality is high, and the clarity and eye protection are guaranteed

Look at the screen quality of a mobile phone,It is recommended to give priority to clarity and eye protection,That is, resolution and dimming ability,These two parameters reach a high level,The viewing experience will not be bad,Many mobile phones have1.5K or more resolution,The picture clarity is very guaranteed,Only 1080pYou should consider carefully,If it is still lower than1080pThen don't choose,The clarity is really not enough。

No matter what brand of mobile phone you buy, these 3 configurations must be focused on!

Look at the dimming level of eye protection, there are high-frequency PWM dimming, DC-like dimming, the strobe phenomenon will not be so obvious, it can effectively prevent flicker, enhance eye protection, some mobile phones PWM dimming up to 3840Hz, stronger eye protection, plus hardware low blue light, soft light adjustment and other strategies, eye protection will be better.

No matter what brand of mobile phone you buy, these 3 configurations must be focused on!

Final summary

No matter what brand of mobile phone you buy, you must give priority to performance configuration, battery life configuration and screen quality, after these configurations are satisfied, smooth use, battery life and clear eye protection screen, there is basically no big trouble to use, you can understand in advance before buying a mobile phone, now some more than 1,000 or more than 2,000 mobile phones, can fully meet these requirements, do not need to be too expensive and have a good experience, if the budget is sufficient, there are more different experiences when buying high-end machines, If you like to take pictures, you can take a look at the camera on the basis of these configurations.

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