
"Shuangbi" is a deafening voice, echoing in the Tang Dynasty poetry, and it has been endless for thousands of years

author:Ohno Boundless Platform


"Shuangbi" is a deafening voice, echoing in the Tang Dynasty poetry, and it has been endless for thousands of years
"Shuangbi" is a deafening voice, echoing in the Tang Dynasty poetry, and it has been endless for thousands of years

Li Bai: Shaking hands with the king, what honor and disgrace are there for the rest?

Text/Hao Jiaxian/Internet

These days, Li Bai, who lives in Jinling, is in a rather uncalm mood.

Bad news kept coming from afar: unjust and false cases one after another, the loyal and innocent were framed one after another, the smoke of the Battle of Shibao was not dissipated, and the corpses and bones under Shibao City were like mountains and rivers of blood......

In the winter of this year, a rare heavy snowfall fell in the Jinling area, the snow closed the door, and there was no one on the street, so they hid at home, drank a little wine, and passed the boredom, which became the choice of some literati and scholars.

"Shuangbi" is a deafening voice, echoing in the Tang Dynasty poetry, and it has been endless for thousands of years

A poet named Wang Twelve, on a moonlit night after the snow, sat alone and drank stuffy wine, remembered his friend Li Bai, so he wrote a poem "Drinking Alone on a Cold Night", gave it to Li Bai to share, and asked Li Bai to give him back.

Li Bai's sorrow was touched, poetry was stimulated, and he wrote "Answering the King Twelve Cold Nights Alone".

"Shuangbi" is a deafening voice, echoing in the Tang Dynasty poetry, and it has been endless for thousands of years

After a heavy snowfall, the land of Wuzhong is white, as if thousands of miles of floating clouds have swept away the green mountains and green waters, a round of solitary moon sprinkled cold brilliance on the world in the night sky, and the uneven Big Dipper and the bright and dazzling Chang Gung Star are also coldly hanging in the sky.

On a moonlit night when the frost is sprinkled on the ground, you drink alone, while writing poems of nostalgia for your friends, and you are as excited as a prince; It was already late at night, and the well railings in the yard were covered with ice.

Li Bai knows Wang Twelve very well, he is worried that his friends will use wine to kill their sorrows, and he will not be able to vent: life is only a hundred years in the world, and time is very short, how can he always live in depression! Let's pour out the sorrow in my heart happily!

Li Bai took this opportunity to express his anger and complain.

King Twelve, you can't learn a set of cockfighting, wait for the emperor to have fun, and then soar to prosper; You can't learn from that Longyou martial artist Ge Shuhan to lead the troops to wash the stone castle in blood, and change to a purple-robed hero.

What's the use of you just sitting under the cold window and reciting poetry? A thousand words are not worth a glass of water! No matter how well you write, who appreciates it? The east wind shoots the horse's ear, plays the seven strings to the cow, and pays for it.

The majestic "Kaiyuan Dynasty" has been shadowed in the Tianbao years.

Shibao is in Qinghai, a small city at the junction of China and Tibet, and was occupied by Tibet in the first year of Kaiyuan. At that time, Wang Zhonghe, the leading outstanding general, was brave and loyal, wise and brave, he advocated the importance of maintaining peace and security, and opposed the abuse of force, and Tang Xuanzong sent him to lead a large army to capture the stone fort.

Wang Zhongsi believed that Shibao, a small city with only 300 defenders, "did not benefit the country, and could not and did not harm the country", and the imperial court should not mobilize the army and make a big move for this projectile land. Moreover, its territory is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is bound to sacrifice the lives of thousands of soldiers and consume a large amount of people's fat and ointment. He was outspoken and insisted on waiting for the opportunity. Xuanzong didn't listen to it at all, thinking that Wang Zhongsi was "obstructing military achievements".

In June of the eighth year of Tianbao, Xuanzong resent Anxi Jiedu to make Ge Shuhan lead an army of 60,000 troops to Qinghai. The result was not as expected by Wang Zhonghe: the stone fort was captured, and 60,000 soldiers were killed and wounded.

"Shuangbi" is a deafening voice, echoing in the Tang Dynasty poetry, and it has been endless for thousands of years

Li Linfu sent people to frame Wang Zhonghei in a timely manner and conspired to support the crown prince as emperor. Xuanzong imprisoned Wang Zhonghei and almost sentenced him to death, and later demoted Hanyang Taishou, and soon he died of grief.

On the corpses and bones of a generation of loyal ministers and good generals, a large number of innocent people, and in the blood and tears of tens of thousands of soldiers and countless orphans and widows, Li Linfu and others presented Tang Xuanzong with the honorific title of "Kaiyuan Heaven and Earth Great Treasure Shengwen Shenwu Emperor".

Tang Xuanzong, who was sitting on the "powder keg", accepted it with a smile.

Li Bai thought of himself from this.

At that time, he was full of enthusiasm to assist the Ming Lord to help the common people and An Sheji, and entered Chang'an twice, but the result was that he failed again and again, making him disgraced and bruised. Since Tianbao went to the dynasty for three years, Li Bai's heart has been full of the pain of disillusionment, the sadness of having no way to serve the country, and the resentment of Tang Xuanzong and Li Linfu and others.

The dead fish eyes actually pretended to be Mingyue, and they also came to laugh at me! Maxima is trapped in the circle and does not gallop, but the broken donkey neighs proudly in the spring breeze; Vulgar tunes such as "Fold Yang" and "Huang Hua" are popular everywhere, and no one appreciates the earth-shattering movements. Who in Pakistan can sing "Yang Chun" and "White Snow"? Chu has always regarded Puyu as a stone.

The gold is scattered but no soulmate is made, and the white-haired reader is still looked down upon. We have not met for a long time, and we are often to blame for every word and smile. Endless rumors came at me, like pesky flies chirping and buzzing around me. Zeng Shen was a murderer, but Sanjin's slander scared his mother out of the wall.

Wang Twelve, I don't care about personal honor and disgrace when I make these complaints, but they are already outside my body. Confucius is a saint, and he has no ambition for the rest of his life! He was sad about the phoenix and the unicorn respectively, because he had no way out, and because his life was not timely.

Confucius is still like this, let alone me Li Bai! Some people persuaded me and Li Linfu and others to be perfunctory, and there might be some way. What is Li Linfu! Like Dong Long, chickens and dogs are not as good! Even if I were destitute to death, I would never bow down to them.

At this time, Tang Xuanzong had completely lost the vigor of the year, worked hard, and his heart of arrogance and lasciviousness was increasing until it expanded. Prime Minister Li Linfu, eunuch Gao Lishi, internal relative Yang Guozhong and others colluded with each other, aided and abused the enemy, and acted as a prestige. The Tang Dynasty has been caught in the wind and rain.

The more Li Bai thought about it, the more angry he became, disappointed, resentful, and even contemptuous, gradually escalating.

I'm a person who can't sneak around all my life, so I can't get along with the powerful, and I don't like the emperor, so the people who introduced me have worked in vain. Since the ideals of Ji Cangsheng and An Sheji cannot be realized, why should I use a long sword to hold my chin and stand on the jade steps to serve the emperor?

I envy Yan Ziling, a hermit in the Han Dynasty, who bowed his hands to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and still went to be his common people. What is the value of Feihuang Tengda? What is so sad about being poor? If you want me to work with Li Linfu and the same group, I am ashamed!

Wang Twelve, don't you see Li Beihai, how admirable his heroic style is, but where has he gone? Don't you see Pei Shangshu, it's a pity that his three-foot grave is covered with artemisia grass and thorns!

Lamentable! Alas! One by one, the pillars of these countries were persecuted. I had the idea of being born when I was a teenager, and after many years, I saw these piles and piles, and I regarded high-ranking officials and Houlu as dung.

Shaanzhou assassinated Shi Weijian, who was promoted to the secretary of the Criminal Department for his meritorious service. Li Linfu and his gang were afraid that he would gain power, so they asked Xuanzong to demote him from the court on the charges of communicating with foreign officials and plotting to establish a prince; and then sent cool officials Luo Xiqiao, Ji Wen and others to torture to extract confessions, and finally put Wei Jian to death.

Li Shizhi, one of the "Eight Immortals in Wine" who had a relationship with Li Bai, was demoted from Chang'an by Zhulian, and later committed suicide; Wei Jian's subordinate Cui Guofu was degraded to Xiangyin and died in the degraded place.

Li Yong, the Taishou of Beihai, is famous all over the world for his articles and calligraphy, and dares to oppose the powerful, and is known as "the cadre is not evil". Li Bai once intervened with Li Yong in his early years, and was also treated coldly by him, and Li Bai, who was stimulated, once wrote the poem "Counterattack" in "Shang Li Yong".

Li Linfu and his gang, who were jealous of him, instigated the embezzler Liu to falsely accuse Li Yong of slandering the government and government, and asked Xuanzong to send him to prison for interrogation. It was Luo Xi who was weak and Ji Wen again, and he actually beat Li Yong, who was seventy years old, to death in the criminal court. Zichuan Taishou Pei Dunfu was imprisoned by Zhulian and tortured to death.

The successive unjust prisons and the Zhulian that were involved in all four and five made the Manchu Dynasty's civil and military affairs silent, and the state and county officials stood even more seriously, and the entire Tang Dynasty was shrouded in white terror. The news of tens of thousands of casualties in the Battle of Stone Fort shook the whole country. But everyone dared to be angry but did not dare to speak, and the depressing atmosphere was like this heavy snow in Wuzhong, covering the lonely moon of Bishan.

Li Bai's pickaxe rose to the sky at the right time, piercing the dark sky, and let out a sharp whistle, pointing directly at the faint monarch and the traitorous minister.

"Shuangbi" is a deafening voice, echoing in the Tang Dynasty poetry, and it has been endless for thousands of years

Shake the king's hand with the king's heart, what honor and disgrace are there?

He expressed his heartfelt heart to his friends: Compared with the safety of the country and the blessings and disasters of the people, what is his own honor and disgrace!

In 749 A.D., "poet immortal" Li Bai wrote "Answering the King Twelve Cold Nights Alone" in Jinling, two years later, "poet saint" Du Fu wrote "Soldier Chariot Travel" in Chang'an, the Tang Dynasty poems in the air, echoing the deafening voice of "Shuangbi", thousands of years endlessly.

"Shuangbi" is a deafening voice, echoing in the Tang Dynasty poetry, and it has been endless for thousands of years

Hao Jiaxian, born in 1962 in Miyun, Beijing, has long been committed to the creation of cultural prose. In February 2022, it was entered into Baidu Encyclopedia. The long historical essay "The Old Summer Palace" won the Excellence Award for a large-scale essay to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the death of the Old Summer Palace. He has published "I Read Mao Zedong's Poems", "The Death of the Jade Girl" and "Chinese Prose".

Edit/Piao Piao Hua Yu

"Shuangbi" is a deafening voice, echoing in the Tang Dynasty poetry, and it has been endless for thousands of years
"Shuangbi" is a deafening voice, echoing in the Tang Dynasty poetry, and it has been endless for thousands of years