
Common display commands used on Huawei devices, you must know to locate device faults!


Hello, this is the Network Technology Alliance Station, and I'm Ruigo.

As the world's leading provider of communications equipment, Huawei's products are widely used in various network environments, such as enterprises and carriers. To facilitate the management and maintenance of these devices, Huawei provides a variety of display commands to view the status information of hardware components, interfaces, and software. This status information is important for troubleshooting and equipment optimization. This topic describes the display commands commonly used by Huawei devices in detail, helping you understand and effectively use these commands for device management and troubleshooting.

Common display commands used on Huawei devices, you must know to locate device faults!

Basic Information command

1. display diagnostic-information

The display diagnostic-information command collects diagnostic information about the device and generates a report containing comprehensive information such as the current status, logs, and alarms of the device, facilitating comprehensive system diagnosis. This command is typically used when a technical support person needs to perform remote troubleshooting.

<Huawei> display diagnostic-information
========================       2023-01-01 12:00:00
## System info ##
System Name: Huawei
Uptime: 30 days, 4 hours, 12 minutes
Memory Usage: 45%
CPU Usage: 15%
## Interface info ##
GigabitEthernet0/0/1: up
GigabitEthernet0/0/2: down
## Log info ##
Jan 01 12:00:00: Log message 1
Jan 01 12:01:00: Log message 2

The display diagnostic-information command outputs a large amount of information, including basic system information, interface status, logs, and alarms. Here's a breakdown of the information in each section:

  • System info: includes the system name, running time, memory usage, and CPU usage. With this information, administrators can understand the overall operating status of the device.
  • Interface info: lists the status of all interfaces of the device, including the interface name, running status (up/down), and protocol status. This section of information can help you identify interface failures and network connectivity issues.
  • Log info: records the log information during the operation of the device, including system events and alarms. Administrators can track system events and failures through log messages.

2. display device

The display device command is used to view the hardware information of the device, including the device model, serial number, and hardware version. This information is critical in device management and maintenance.

<Huawei> display device
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Device Name: Quidway S5700-28C-EI-24S
Device Serial Number: 210231A0ABB0F5000031
Device Uptime: 30 days, 4 hours, 12 minutes
Hardware Version: VER.A
BootROM Version: 320

The hardware information output by the display device command mainly includes:

  • Device Name:设备名称,例如Quidway S5700-28C-EI-24S。
  • Device Serial Number:设备序列号,用于唯一标识设备。
  • Device Uptime: The device uptime, which indicates how long the device has been running since it was last booted.
  • Hardware Version: indicates the hardware version of the device.
  • BootROM Version: The boot ROM version number, which indicates the ROM version used when the device boots up.

This information helps administrators quickly understand the basic hardware information of the device, which is convenient for device management and maintenance.

3. display interface

The display interface command is used to view the status of a device interface, including the running status, protocol status, and error statistics of the interface.

<Huawei> display interface
GigabitEthernet0/0/1 current state: UP
Line protocol current state: UP
Description: Link to core switch
Last 300 seconds input rate: 1000000 bits/sec, 125 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate: 2000000 bits/sec, 250 packets/sec
Input: 50000000 packets, 4000000000 bytes
Output: 100000000 packets, 8000000000 bytes

The information output by the display interface command includes the following aspects:

  • Interface state:接口的当前状态(UP/DOWN),表明接口是否正常运行。
  • Line protocol state:链路协议的当前状态(UP/DOWN),表示链路协议是否正常。
  • Description: A description of the interface, which identifies the purpose of the interface.
  • Input/Output rate:最近300秒内接口的输入/输出速率,以比特/秒和包/秒为单位。
  • Input/Output packets/bytes:接口自启动以来接收到/发送出的包和字节数量。

You can run this command to monitor the running status of interfaces in real time and detect and handle interface faults in a timely manner.

4. display version

The display version command is used to view the software version of a device, including the system version, BootROM version, and patch version. This information is important in device upgrades and troubleshooting.

<Huawei> display version
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 5.170 (S5700 V200R010C00SPC500)
Copyright (C) 2011-2023 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Quidway S5700-28C-EI-24S
BootROM: 320

The version information output by the display version command includes:

  • System Version:系统软件版本,例如VRP (R) software, Version 5.170 (S5700 V200R010C00SPC500)。
  • BootROM Version:启动ROM版本,例如BootROM: 320。

This command allows the administrator to determine which version of the software the device is running, which is convenient for version management and upgrades.

Patch Information command

5. display patch-information

The display patch-information command is used to view information about device patches, including the version and status of patches.

<Huawei> display patch-information
Patch Package Version : V200R010SPH001
Patch Package Description : Security update
Patch Package Status : Active
Installed Time : 2023-01-01 12:00:00

display patch-information命令输出的补丁信息包括:

  • Patch Package Version:补丁包版本,例如V200R010SPH001。
  • Patch Package Description:补丁包描述信息,例如Security update。
  • Patch Package Status:补丁包状态,例如Active。
  • Installed Time: the time when the patch package was installed, for example, 2023-01-01 12:00:00.

With this command, administrators can learn about the patches installed on the device to ensure the security and stable operation of the device.

E-Label Information command

6. display elabel

The display elabel command is used to view the electronic label information of the device. The e-label contains details such as the serial number of the device, the date of manufacture, and more.

<Huawei> display elabel
Device Name: Quidway S5700-28C-EI-24S
Electronic Label:
  Serial Number: 210231A0ABB0F5000031
  Manufacturing Date: 2023-01-01
  Vendor Name: Huawei

The electronic label information output by the display elabel command includes:

  • Device Name:设备名称,例如Quidway S5700-28C-EI-24S。
  • Serial Number:设备序列号,例如210231A0ABB0F5000031。
  • Manufacturing Date:制造日期,例如2023-01-01。
  • Vendor Name:供应商名称,例如Huawei。

This command helps the administrator to obtain detailed manufacturing information of the equipment, which is helpful for asset management and maintenance.

Device Status Information command

7. display health

The display health command is used to view the health status of the device, including the CPU and memory usage.

<Huawei> display health
CPU Usage: 15%
Memory Usage: 45%
Temperature: Normal
Power Supply: Normal

The device health status information provided by the display health command includes:

  • CPU Usage: indicates the CPU usage, for example, 15%, indicating the current CPU load.
  • Memory Usage: indicates the memory usage, for example, 45%, which indicates the current memory load.
  • Temperature: indicates that the device temperature is within the normal range.
  • Power Supply: The power supply status, for example, Normal, indicates that the device is working properly.

With this command, administrators can learn about the health status of the device in real time and identify potential problems such as excessive CPU usage or memory usage, as well as abnormal device temperature and power status.

Configure information commands

8. display current-configuration

The display current-configuration command is used to view the current configuration of the device. This command outputs all the current configuration information of the device, which is convenient for the administrator to check and adjust the configuration.

<Huawei> display current-configuration
sysname Huawei
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
 description Link to core switch
 ip address

display current-configuration命令输出的配置信息包括:

  • System Name:设备系统名称,例如sysname Huawei。
  • Interface Configuration:接口配置,例如GigabitEthernet0/0/1的描述信息和IP地址配置。
  • Other configuration items: Contains all the current configuration items of the device to help the administrator understand the current running configuration of the device.

This command helps administrators view and verify the current configuration of the device, ensure the accuracy and consistency of the configuration, and facilitate configuration adjustment and troubleshooting.

9. display saved-configuration

display saved-configuration命令用于查看设备保存的配置。 与display current-configuration不同,该命令输出设备上次保存的配置状态。

<Huawei> display saved-configuration
sysname Huawei
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
 description Link to core switch
 ip address

display saved-configuration命令输出的保存配置信息包括:

  • System Name:设备系统名称,例如sysname Huawei。
  • Interface Configuration:接口配置,例如GigabitEthernet0/0/1的描述信息和IP地址配置。
  • Other configuration items: Contains all configuration items saved last time on the device to help the administrator understand the last saved configuration on the device.

By comparing the current configuration with the saved configuration, administrators can discover unsaved configuration changes, ensure the correctness of configuration changes, and avoid potential problems caused by configuration inconsistencies.

Time Info command

10. display clock

The display clock command is used to view the current time of the device. Time information plays an important role in logging, troubleshooting, and so on.

<Huawei> display clock
2023-01-01 12:00:00 UTC+08:00

The time information output by the display clock command includes:

  • Current Time:设备当前时间,例如2023-01-01 12:00:00 UTC+08:00。

With this command, the administrator can confirm that the device time is accurate and, if necessary, perform time calibration. Accurate time settings are essential for logging and event tracking for effective troubleshooting and problem resolution.

Log and Alarm Information commands

11. display logbuffer

The display logbuffer command is used to view the log buffer information of the device. Logs record various events that occur during the operation of the device, which is helpful for troubleshooting and analysis.

<Huawei> display logbuffer
Jan 01 12:00:00: Log message 1
Jan 01 12:01:00: Log message 2

display logbuffer命令输出的日志信息包括:

  • Timestamp: The timestamp of the log, for example, Jan 01 12:00:00.
  • Log Message:日志消息内容,例如Log message 1。

By viewing logs, administrators can understand the events and anomalies during the operation of the device and take targeted actions. Log information records detailed events during device operation to help administrators track down the root cause of problems.

12. display trapbuffer

The display trapbuffer command is used to view the alarm buffer information of the device. The alarm information records the abnormal and error events that occur during the operation of the device to help the administrator deal with the problem in a timely manner.

<Huawei> display trapbuffer
Jan 01 12:00:00: Trap message 1
Jan 01 12:01:00: Trap message 2

Display Trapbuffer命令输出的告警信息包括:

  • Timestamp: the timestamp of the alarm record, for example, Jan 01 12:00:00.
  • Trap Message:告警消息内容,例如Trap message 1。

By viewing alarm information, administrators can detect and handle abnormal conditions in the operation of the device in a timely manner to ensure the stable operation of the device. Alarm information provides information about problems and errors that occur during device operation, helping administrators quickly respond and deal with them.

Resource Usage commands

13. display memory-usage

The display memory-usage command is used to view the memory usage of the device, including the total amount of memory, used memory, and idle memory.

<Huawei> display memory-usage
Total Memory: 1024 MB
Used Memory: 512 MB
Free Memory: 512 MB
Memory Usage: 50%

The memory usage information output by the display memory-usage command includes:

  • Total Memory:内存总量,例如1024 MB。
  • Used Memory:已使用的内存量,例如512 MB。
  • Free Memory:空闲内存量,例如512 MB。
  • Memory Usage:内存使用率,例如50%。

Through this command, the administrator can understand the memory usage of the device, find and deal with the problem of insufficient memory in time, and ensure the normal operation of the device.

14. display cpu-usage

The display cpu-usage command is used to view the CPU usage of the device, including the usage of each CPU core.

<Huawei> display cpu-usage
CPU Usage: 15%
CPU Core 1 Usage: 10%
CPU Core 2 Usage: 20%

The CPU usage information output by the display cpu-usage command includes:

  • Total CPU Usage:总的CPU使用率,例如15%。
  • CPU Core Usage:各个CPU核心的使用率,例如CPU Core 1 Usage: 10%,CPU Core 2 Usage: 20%。

With this command, administrators can learn about the CPU usage of the device, find and deal with CPU overload in a timely manner, and ensure stable device performance.

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