
The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row

author:The History of Mu Yu
The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row
The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row

In ancient China, there has always been such a group of people, who live in various famous mountains and rivers, friends with plants and trees, and accompany mountains and rivers, these people are called hermits.

Zhongnan Mountain, located in Shaanxi, has always had the name of "the world cultivates, and Zhongnan is the crown", attracting many hermits to come here.

The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row

This hermit mentality has been influential even in modern times, prompting many people to come to Jungnan Mountain.

Wang Zhixia is a hermit who came to Zhongnan Mountain to practice.

The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row

He has lived in seclusion for 40 years

Every morning, before dawn, Wang Zhixia would get out of bed on time, even though there was no electricity or a clock in the hut where she lived.

After getting up, Wang Zhixia will walk out of her thatched hut after a simple breakfast, ready to move her body.

The thatched hut where she lives was built by herself, and the cover was very simple, and even the windows were papier-mâché, but Wang Zhixia was happy and wrote a couplet at the door: "Xiao Wutai is not a Taitai Liantai, and Zhongnan Mountain is a famous mountain outside the mountain."

The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row

After finishing her body, Wang Zhixia returned to her thatched hut and started today's morning class.

Time passed slowly in the sound of Wang Zhixia's chanting, and before she knew it, it was noon.

After a short break for lunch, Wang Zhixia returned to her futon and continued to chant and meditate, which she said was practicing.

The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row

In the afternoon, there are occasional tourists who come to Zhongnan Mountain passing by here, and Wang Zhixia has set up a few stools at her door for tourists to rest.

Whenever tourists come here, Wang Zhixia always goes out to pour some water for tourists, which she says is also a kind of kindness.

Many tourists will be curious about Wang Zhixia after drinking water, and sometimes they will take out their cameras to take two photos of Wang Zhixia.

The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row

And these photos have become the only modern items in Wang Zhixia's home, and she hangs them on her own wall, using her own red rope.

The temple where she meditated was also built by Wang Zhixia herself, although the temple is small, but it has a resounding name, called the "Three Temples".

Because there is no electric light at home, Wang Zhixia eats dinner very early, and after a simple dinner, Wang Zhixia will pick up the scriptures again.

The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row

Under the light of the candlelight, Wang Zhixia looked intently at the scriptures in her hand, and recited words in her mouth.

Every few days, Wang Zhixia will go out of the house, go out to pick up some firewood, and in winter, she will pick up a lot of firewood and store it for heating.

This is Wang Zhixia's day on Zhongnan Mountain, despite this, Wang Zhixia still lived on the mountain for more than 40 years, and in these 40 years, Wang Zhixia spent the rest of her time in the study of Buddhism in addition to some necessary work for life.

The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row

But unlike other believers, Wang Zhixia does not believe that the Buddha is a god who responds to requests, let alone that the Buddha is an omnipotent savior.

In Wang Zhixia's view, the Buddha is more like a forerunner full of wisdom and perfection of virtue, and the process of cultivation is a process of enlightenment and purification.

The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row

Although Wang Zhixia often ridicules herself as a crazy old woman, the words "Amitabha" never leave her mouth.

And when it comes to the first time she became attached to the Buddha, she has to start from when she was a child.

The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row

1. Information source: China News Network

Affinity with the Buddha

According to the description in those novels, Wang Zhixia was born with a relationship with the Buddha.

She was born in an ordinary family in Shaanxi in 1932, and when she first walked into the temple at the age of 7, she was surprisingly quiet that day, when she was very lively.

Watching the green smoke rise in the temple and listening to the sound of chanting in her ears, the young Wang Zhixia felt the charm of Buddhism for the first time.

The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row

From this day on, Wang Zhixia likes to run to the vicinity of the temple when she has nothing to do, and she will feel very relieved when she listens to the sound of chanting from the temple.

After she learned to read, she often went to the temple to read the monks' scriptures, and would read them quietly when no one was around, but at that time she didn't understand the meaning of these scriptures, she only knew that she liked to read them.

The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row

In the growth stage, Wang Zhixia was no different from others except for believing in Buddhism, until she got married and started a family, Wang Zhixia also had her own children.

During this period, Wang Zhixia's understanding of Buddha also deepened day by day, until 1979, Wang Zhixia made the most difficult decision in her life, she wanted to escape into the empty door.

The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row

After Wang Zhixia finished talking to her husband, she unexpectedly got her husband's opposition, and after talking to her son, her son also strongly objected.

However, Wang Zhixia still left home with great courage and took refuge in the ancestral Xiangji Temple of the "Pure Land Sect", one of the "Eight Sects of Buddhism".

As her green silk slowly landed, Wang Zhixia felt that the troubles of the world were gradually leaving her, and she gave herself the name "Wang Charity".

The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row

She didn't give up her secular family name, because she felt that even if she converted to Buddhism, she couldn't change the fact that her parents brought her into the world.

As for the word charity, this is Wang Zhixia's deepest understanding of the Buddha, that is, with a charitable heart.

Although she has her own Dharma name, Wang Zhixia still insists on telling others her real name, and will only say her Dharma name when she meets Buddhist believers.

The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row

After staying in Xiangji Temple for a few years, Wang Zhixia left Xiangji Temple because of disagreements.

After leaving Xiangji Temple, Wang Zhixia's first thought was that she might as well find a deep mountain and old forest to escape from the world and practice.

After careful selection, Wang Zhixia came to Zhongnan Mountain and came to this hermit holy land.

The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row

When it comes to Zhongnan Mountain, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is "Taoist Famous Mountain", "The First Blessed Land in the World" and so on, few people know that Zhongnan Mountain is also a Buddhist holy place.

After coming to Zhongnan Mountain, Wang Zhixia first built a small temple by herself, which is what she called the "Three Holy Temples".

As a hermit holy place, there are naturally many hermits like Wang Zhixia who come here, but these people are different from Wang Zhixia.

The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row

Other people came to Zhongnan Mountain either because they were misanthropic or to escape the world, but Wang Zhixia came here for the word "practice".

After building the "Three Holy Temple", Wang Zhixia officially began the process of her own cultivation, except for sleeping and eating, she spent almost the rest of her time on the futon.

When she was 83 years old, she meditated for 108 days in a row because of her addiction to spiritual practice, but strangely, there was not the slightest problem with her body.

The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row

After that, every time Wang Zhixia talked about it with others, she would show a proud expression on her face, which was not because she was proud of meditating for 108 days.

Instead, I am proud that I have been immersed in the world of spiritual practice for such a long time, and I am still at the age of 83.

The strange thing is that she is not as quiet as other hermits, on the contrary, Wang Zhixia can even be described as lively on weekdays.

The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row

Although lively, when meditating, Wang Zhixia can be motionless, and for her, the combination of movement and stillness is also a kind of practice.

To sit down is to listen to the Buddha's teachings, and to stand up is to practice physically.

And this huge Zhongnan Mountain is the holy place of Wang Zhixia herself's cultivation.

The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row

2. Information source: China Jiangsu Net


Everyone has their own fate and circumstances, Wang Zhixia saw her own way of cultivation, so she chose to come to Zhongnan Mountain, and since then the green lantern ancient Buddha has been accompanied.

Her life may seem monotonous to us, just like she doesn't understand that the world is chasing fame and fortune, and digging out hollow calculations for a little petty profit.

The first female hermit of Zhongnan Mountain, 43 years old abandoned her husband and children and escaped into the empty door, 83 years old can meditate for 108 days in a row

Ordinary people pursue physical enjoyment, while Wang Zhixia pursues peace of mind, these two pursuits can't say who is high and who is low, just need to be happy.

After all, "Zi Fei Fish, the joy of Anzhi Fish?" ”

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1. China News Network: "83-year-old lady has been practicing in seclusion in Zhongnanshan for 36 years, calling herself a "crazy old lady"

2. China Jiangsu Net: "Record: 108 Days of Continuous Meditation in a Thatched Hut"